

These monstrous beasts seem lazy and harmless, until they don’t

By Craig Platt

Imagine dragons. Not just the name of a middle-of-the-road rock band, it’s something I’ve been doing since my childhood.

In my various nature books there was one animal that stood out: the Komodo dragon – the world’s biggest lizard and the largest land-dwelling reptile.

Here be dragons. A large Komodo lying on the beach.

Here be dragons. A large Komodo lying on the beach.Credit: Craig Platt

That name, “dragon” evoked feelings of wonder, which only grew as I learnt more about these monstrous beasts – up to three metres in length, strong enough to take down a deer or water buffalo, and with a venomous bite that can incapacitate large prey (though whether they are actually venomous or not is still in dispute).

It felt like the closest thing to a dinosaur still existing (and I had plenty of dinosaur books too).

Now, decades later, I’ve come to Indonesia’s Komodo National Park to finally see these beasts for myself.

Being a national park, visiting Komodo Island is highly structured – we need to visit with a local naturalist, stick (mostly) to the path and have limited time on shore.

The island’s arid landscape.

The island’s arid landscape.Credit: iStock

We’re told there’s no guarantee that we’ll actually see the dragons and I begin to worry that, for me, this potential holiday highlight will be a bust.

However, before we’ve even set out we already spot our first dragon – it’s only small, about the size of a goanna. But the small ones tend to be fairly active and it’s striking out across a bed of dry leaves a short distance away.


It certainly doesn’t look like a dragon. In fact, it’s kind of cute. But first impressions can be misleading when it comes to this animal, as I later discover.

I’ve arrived at Komodo Island on board the Seven Seas Explorer, a luxurious Regent Seven Seas Cruises ship I boarded in Bali and I’m making my way back to Australia aboard, stopping off at Lombok and, now, Komodo on the way.

Seven Seas Explorer anchored off Komodo Island.

Seven Seas Explorer anchored off Komodo Island.Credit: Craig Platt

Stepping out onto my balcony in the morning as we approach our anchor point (we reach the island via tenders), I’m struck by the bleak, unforgiving landscape that greets me. The island features rugged, grassy hills and relatively dry vegetation. It feels a world away from the lush and tropical Bali.

The island’s reptilian inhabitants themselves were shrouded in mystery, at least in the West, until early last century, when Dutch explorers set out to find the truth behind these rumours of “dragons”. Surprisingly for the time, Dutch authorities quickly recognised their rarity and enacted laws to protect them.

We’re hoping they don’t prove too rare today as our group sets off down a marked path inland with our guide and two other park employees, both of whom carry Y-shaped staffs for fending off the dragons if necessary.

I ask one of them if he’s ever had to use it. “Every day, man,” he says. I can’t tell if he’s joking.

Young dragons look like goannas and are kind of cute.

Young dragons look like goannas and are kind of cute. Credit: Craig Platt

It’s not long before we come across two large specimens, lounging in the shade under a tree next to a small water hole. They’re waiting, we’re told, for a native deer or other animal to risk trying to get a drink.

They barely move, occasionally shifting their heads, but another young one appears behind them and sets off across our path before climbing a tree (the dragons are cannibalistic, so juveniles spend most of their time in trees, out of reach of the adults, which are too large and heavy to climb).

Some of the older members of our group struggle under the searing heat of the day, so it’s ironic when we make it back to the beach, after walking for about 90 minutes on the inland loop, to discover two large dragons resting on the shore. Other tour groups are there, surrounding the lizards and crouching behind them to get their photos taken.

A dragon relaxes on the beach surrounded by tourists.

A dragon relaxes on the beach surrounded by tourists.Credit: Craig Platt

Like the two large ones we saw inland, these two are lying, almost motionless, relaxing in the shade. Their fearsome reputation seems unfounded. Tourists are within a metre or two of them, utterly without fear.

Back on board the ship, we run into a fellow Australian passenger who we met a couple of days earlier who went ashore later than us, as part of the last group on the ship.

“Oh, so you didn’t see it?” he says. His group heard the loud noises in the bush and their guide quickly led them to find a dragon taking down a deer.

It’s such a rare sight even the guides were snapping photos, he says.

“It didn’t kill it,” he says “just pulled it down and started munching on it. It was amazing to see, but gruesome. Eventually you had to turn away.”

He shows us a video and it is indeed disturbing. These are simple reptiles, with none of the intelligence or elegance a big cat shows when it hunts (where it will try to kill its prey quickly to prevent it struggling). The Komodo dragon, by contrast, simply bites into the animal’s leg and starts eating as its victim bleats in pain.

It’s hard to believe that only an hour earlier we’d stood within striking distance of what appeared to be lazy, docile lizards. It’s an ugly reminder that these animals were named dragons for a reason.


Regent has several cruises that make stops at Komodo Island. A Bali (Benoa) to Sydney, 16-night cruise in a deluxe veranda suite is currently on sale (until February 29) at a 40 per cent discount for $12,540 per person. See

The writer travelled as a guest of Regent Seven Seas Cruises.

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