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The best times to visit Rome

By Maria Pasquale
This article is part of Traveller’s Destination Guide to Rome.See all stories.

Rome is gorgeous enough to look good in any season, and whatever month you choose to visit this most eternal of cities, you will find a unique charm and an inexhaustible amount of things to see, do, learn and experience.

From the quiet, calm winters to the sweltering vibrant summers and everything in between, this vivacious capital has a huge selection of events, festivals, flavours and activities to suit all types of travellers.


The trick to enjoying Rome in summer is to plan well.

The trick to enjoying Rome in summer is to plan well.

Yes it’s hot, yes it’s crowded, but if you can stand the elevated temperatures, there is a lot of fun to be had in Rome during the summertime. The trick is to plan well; get up early to see the sights before the heat (and the crowds) arrive, retreat inside during the hottest part of the day for the requisite siesta, and then venture out again in the evening when the city literally spills out onto the streets. Given the number of visitors, demand is high so book tickets and tours well in advance to ensure you don’t miss out. It’s worth bearing in mind things quieten down considerably during the middle two weeks of August, when Romans flee the city for cooler climes for their annual Ferragosto holiday and many shops and restaurants close.

Don’t miss
In a bid to keep cool, many bars and clubs move outdoors for the summer and there is something on the agenda every night, with open-air cinema on the Tiber Island, live jazz or theatre in the city’s verdant parks, and international stars playing concerts at the Auditorium or the Circus Maximus. Summer is of course peak gelato season but make sure you also sample the local Roman grattachecca, a refreshing cup of shaved ice flavoured with syrup sold in kiosks around town.

Key events
The Estate Romana is Rome’s summer festival, which consists of thousands of events running throughout the city. Every evening between June and the end of August, there are outdoor restaurants, bars and market stalls set up along the banks of the Tiber. The incredible ancient Baths of Caracalla provide the backdrop for Rome’s Teatro dell’Opera summer season, with the uniquely staged productions of ballet and opera being one of the city’s most prestigious annual events. Italy’s Festa della Repubblica (Republic Day) falls on June 2 and is marked with a public holiday, parade along Via dei Fori Imperiali, and patriotic fly-over by the frecce tricolri.


Experience “golden hour” at the top of the Spanish Steps.

Experience “golden hour” at the top of the Spanish Steps.Credit: iStock

Autumn sees Rome soften after a fiery summer, and the pleasant climate makes it one of the most congenial times to visit. Try to time a trip during the ottobrata romana, the annual period in October characterised by bright sunny days with piercing cerulean skies and warm temperatures – an Indian summer before the grey cloudy days arrive. November marks the start of low season and is Rome’s wettest month, but the lack of visitors makes it a great time to escape the rain and explore the city’s indoor attractions and exhibitions.


Don’t miss
The warm tones of autumn give Rome a mellow vibe best experienced at
“golden hour”, the time just before sunset when the city emanates a unique rosy glow. For maximum effect, head up to the top of the Spanish Steps, the Pincio Terrace or the charming Giardino degli Aranci (Orange Garden) to get fabulous views as the city is gradually bathed in golden light. The mild weather is ideal for people-watching at the pavement cafes and dining al fresco, while a gentle stroll in the Borghese or Pamphilj parks allows you to really soak up Rome’s autumn colour palette.

Key events
Rome’s biggest annual arts event, the Romaeuropa Festival, runs from September through November with a rich program of events, performances and exhibitions dedicated to all artistic disciplines including visual arts, dance, theatre and music. Stars of the silver screen flock to Rome every October to walk the red carpet at the Rome Film Fest, a glitzy 10-day celebration of Italian and international cinema at the Auditorium Parco della Musica.


There’s no better time than winter to appreciate Rome’s hearty food and wine.

There’s no better time than winter to appreciate Rome’s hearty food and wine.Credit: iStock

Winter in Rome can be a little underrated but, aside from a busy spike over the holiday period, it’s a great time to take advantage of good travel deals, more availability, and the opportunity to see the world-famous monuments and museums without the high-season crowds. As the locals huddle indoors, there are fewer events about town, and yes, even Rome gets its fair share of cold, grey days, but pack well, and plan plenty of warming pit-stops in cosy cafes. With the right expectations, you’ll find it’s very easy to fall in love with Rome in her winter guise.

Don’t miss
Somehow Rome looks even more beautiful with an added layer of Christmas lights, so wait till dark to meander the cobbled backstreets and admire the magical twinkling glow. Winter is also the best time to appreciate the robust Roman food and wine with long lunches and cosy evenings in the many enoteche (wine bars). February brings carnival season, which sees kids dressing up and sprinkling the city in confetti, and bakeries filled with sweet carnival treats waiting to be devoured before the beginning of Lent.

Key events
The holiday season in Rome is sandwiched between two public holidays, beginning on December 8 with the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and ending on Epiphany (January 6) when Italian children are visited by La Befana, a witch who brings sweets to good kids and coal to the bad. At Christmas, the focus is on the Vatican, with the traditional midnight mass on Christmas Eve and the Pope’s Urbi et Orbi address on Christmas Day. The beginning of the New Year, or capodanno, is marked throughout town with concerts, parties and midnight fireworks.


The local globe artichokes hit the height of their season in April, and are a must-try.

The local globe artichokes hit the height of their season in April, and are a must-try.Credit: iStock

Rome bursts into life in the spring as the days begin to lengthen and the city begins to slowly grow busier and louder after the winter lull. March marks the transition from winter to spring; while the weather can be hit-and-miss, it is the last chance to see the city in relative tranquillity before the hordes descend and high-season kicks in. April and May are characterised by lovely sunny days and a gentle warmth perfect for outside wandering, but if you want to avoid the crazy crowds, give Easter week a miss.

Don’t miss
If you visit Rome in spring, be sure to sample the fresh produce such as broad beans, peas, strawberries and, in particular, the local globe artichokes that hit the height of their season in April and are found in abundance at every market and on every menu. May brings jasmine blossoms and almost every street in town seems to be blanketed in small white flowers, filled with the heady aroma that signals that summer is right around the corner.

Key events
Easter is a big deal, with the Pope performing the Stations of the Cross at the Colosseum on Good Friday and Easter Sunday Mass in St Peter’s Square. The birth of Rome, Natale di Roma, is marked on April 21 – the date attributed to the founding of the city by Romulus in 753 BC – with a costumed parade through the Forum and gladiator fighting at the Circus Maximus. May 1, or Labour Day, is a public holiday on which Romans traditionally have a picnic before watching a free outdoor music concert by the church of San Giovanni. International tennis players unite at the Foro Italico for the BNL tournament in mid-May, while the Pantheon is the place to be on Pentecost when thousands of rose petals are dropped through the open oculus in the ceiling to symbolise the descent of the Holy Spirit.

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