

This was published 4 years ago

How to cope with the acqua alta in Venice: Can I still visit after the worst floods in 50 years?

By Greg Dickinson
People walk near the Rialto bridge on the occasion of a high tide.

People walk near the Rialto bridge on the occasion of a high tide.Credit: AP

Can I still visit Venice after the worst floods in 50 years?

Venice has been hit by some of the worst flooding for 50 years, inundating the vestibule of St Mark's basilica for only the fifth time in its 1200-year history.

The question is, should tourists carry on with their trip to Venice, or stay at home? Here's everything you need to know.

Tourists take pictures in a flooded St. Mark's Square.

Tourists take pictures in a flooded St. Mark's Square.Credit: AP

Can I still visit Venice?

Yes. In fact, some tourists deliberately travel to Venice during this time of the year to witness the annual high tides, or acqua alta.

However, if you are visiting this week, beware that getting around will be difficult and slow at times, and it could be dangerous. Wooden platforms are placed around the city during the acqua alta, although a pair of French tourists said they "effectively swum" after the platforms overturned.

A view of the flooded interior of St. Mark's Basilica.

A view of the flooded interior of St. Mark's Basilica.Credit: AP

Governor Luca Zaia has advised anyone in Venice to avoid overflowing areas in the city.


Can I get my money back if I cancel my holiday?

If your hotel is inundated with water and it cancels your booking, you will be eligible for a refund. If you have booked with a tour operator and your hotel cancels your stay, your trip should be protected and you will be put up in another hotel or offered a full refund.

A tourist pushes her floating luggage in a flooded St. Mark's Square.

A tourist pushes her floating luggage in a flooded St. Mark's Square.Credit: AP

If you are an independent traveller and choose to cancel your flight or accommodation, this is your decision and you will not be entitled to compensation or an insurance payout.

Will museums, shops and restaurants be open?

Some will be closed, temporarily. St Mark's Square, for example, is currently submerged and its shops and restaurants flooded.

But Venice is used to the acqua alta. It happens a couple of times a year, every year, and the Venetians are resilient people, so everywhere will be open again before long.

The Ducal Palace and the Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Venezia are still open for visitors. The latter tweeted: "We are open, and we are waiting for you despite the adverse condition".

Which parts of the city are affected?

This very helpful interactive map shows where is flooded when waters are at a certain level.

What exactly happens when the acqua alta hits?

A siren calls. Italy expert Kiki Deere explains: "The population is largely unaffected when the water reaches 1m, although it becomes an issue when it reaches over 110cm. Sirens – used during the Second World War – alert inhabitants of any dangers. An alert siren warns the inhabitants that water levels have reached 110cm, with subsequent warning tones used for every additional 10cm of expected tide level."

Where are the safest places to go during high tides?

"Locals know where to seek refuge when the water is particularly high," says Kiki Deere. "The Rialto (which comes from "Rivo Alto", that is, "high bank") and the Lido of Venice, where cars can circulate, are among the two safest points in the city."

Is booking a trip to Venice in winter a good idea?

Kiki Deere doesn't advise against it. "I have experienced acqua alta in Venice, although it was simply a question of putting on some wellies and getting on with life as normal. I wouldn't advise against going to Venice in winter. In fact, experiencing acqua alta makes for a rather unique experience. It's important to remember that yesterday's acqua alta was completely exceptional."

The Italian National Tourist Board said: "In general we do not discourage visitors to go to Venice in the winter months, sometimes the waters are very shallow and do not prevent visiting the city.

"This year the acqua alta is particularly high – a similar situation was registered in 1966. Winter in Venice can sometimes be the best season to visit, as there are less tourist and the winter weather can make it very alluring, romantic and mysterious."

What is the view from the ground?

Deirdre Kelly, an artist who has lived in Venice for 15 years, said: "It always fills me with sadness and a slight feeling of panic to see high water here in Venice. Usually, however, I am reassured by the reaction of Venetians who have an innate understanding of the special relationship that the city has with water.

"Not on this occasion. The situation is dramatic, exceptional high water combined with unprecedented high winds. The siren warning system gives some time to prepare but water level predictions are not reliable. Friends with businesses have been working all night to save what they can. Most people are confined at home. My studio is underwater and the electricity is out.

"The recurrence of exceptional high water is certainly more frequent. This week a high water is forecast nearly every day – the repeated recurrence means that places do not have a chance to dry out in between times."

What is acqua alta and why does it happen?

Acqua alta – meaning 'high water' – is the convergence of strong sirocco winds (northbound winds along the Adriatic Sea) and high tides which push water into the Venetian Lagoon, causing the partial flooding of Venice and its surrounding areas.

The phenomenon takes place between autumn and spring, most likely between October and January. It generally happens only about a handful of times a year and only lasts for a few hours, depending on the area. The extraordinary level of flooding witnessed this week is classified as exceptional, when water levels exceed 140cm.

Anne Hanley, Telegraph Travel's Venice expert, explains: "When putative visitors to Venice in high-water season – which means any time, potentially, from autumn to spring – ask for my advice they seem disappointed to learn that there's a good chance that, should acqua alta happen, it may pass them by.

"As you wander the city, you may not notice that it's a collection of islands – some higher, some lower. When tides in the lagoon rise higher than normal, a little water washes over pavements in lower parts, for an hour or so, when the tide is highest, then recedes. That's it. If you're in a gallery or having lunch, you won't even get your shoes damp."

Why doesn't Venice have a flood defence?

It has one in development. Begun in 2003, the MOSE project aims to protect the Venetian lagoon from flooding, with mobile gates raised during acqua alta. The majority of the project has been completed, although Kiki Deere says "cost overruns and delays are sure to cause even more of a scandal now that the city has experienced one of the worst floods in history".

The Telegraph, London

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