

Peter Johns, 86, has been a long-time contributor to The Age’s letter page.

170 letters for 170 years of The Age. You know me as ‘Peter Johns, Sorrento’

When my first letter was printed in 2006, I was surprised and felt very excited. It is still a thrill.

  • Peter Johns


The Age celebrates 170 years of journalism.

A silent friend: Why The Age has been part of these readers’ lives for decades

Over the past 170 years, we have informed you, inspired you, puzzled you and made you laugh. As The Age celebrates 170 years, readers reflect on what it means to them.

Letters to the editor

My Age letters keep getting rejected. Don’t people realise I’m Erudite of Aireys Inlet?

I’ve been studying the most successful letter writers from across Victoria and I think I’ve cracked the code. For a start, live near a large body of water.

  • Megan Stoyles
Dutton, US tactics.

For better results getting teachers, go back to the future

Letter writers have their say on the push for more teachers and the Voice referendum.

Time to move on from paternalistic old ways

Readers have their say on the Voice as the referendum date is announced


UKRAINE: On a small planet, the ripples of war fan out

As the war in Ukraine continues, condemnation of Vladimir Putin grows.


SHANE WARNE: The honour is broader than just his playing

The awarding of a state funeral for Shane Warne has provoked varying reactions with readers.


UKRAINE: West should stand up to shelling of nuclear plants

Age readers give their views on the actions of Vladimir Putin.


HERITAGE: This pub is an institution, it should be left alone

Readers give their views on the clash between heritage and development.


TEACHING LITERACY: The strengths and flaws in the value of NAPLAN

The correct way to teach children literacy draws strong reaction from readers.

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