

St Columba’s Grace Costigan came first in English extension 2.

Grace topped English in the HSC. This is what she wrote

Inspired by her Blue Mountains surroundings, HSC English dux Grace Costigan submitted a short fiction. Read two short extracts here.

  • Grace Costigan


Mourners attended the funeral of Bejamin and Russell Smith on Wednesday in Springwood.

‘Everybody adored you’: Slain Blue Mountains boys farewelled together in single casket

The brothers were “beautiful little kids just becoming beautiful young men”, their father has told a funeral service two weeks after they were allegedly murdered.

  • Amber Schultz

The Royal Hotel

This pub features daily specials, a $12 lunch deal and themed food nights. The pizza menu offers ...

Good Food hatGood Food hat17/20

The Oriental Hotel

The Oriental dishes up refreshing, surprising, splendid pub food that is really the best in the ...

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The Royal Hotel

The Royal ratchets pub food up a notch - a couple of notches in fact. The menu is an eclectic mix ...

Good Food hatGood Food hat17/20

The Oriental Hotel

A few years ago this would not have been the pub of choice for a memorable meal; now it's ...

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