
Republic debate

When our King visits Oz, it’s the monarchy that should go ‘walkabout’

When our King visits Oz, it’s the monarchy that should go ‘walkabout’

If Australians are too preoccupied with the cost of living to care about the monarchy, perhaps King Charles could take the initiative – and self-abolish his reign over us.

  • by Malcolm Knox


First Peris, now Foster: Republic movement leaderless after exits

First Peris, now Foster: Republic movement leaderless after exits

The Australian Republic Movement has revealed co-chair Craig Foster will follow Nova Peris out the door. The pair have different views on Israel.

  • by Chip Le Grand
Nova Peris quits republican movement over Gaza split with co-chair Craig Foster

Nova Peris quits republican movement over Gaza split with co-chair Craig Foster

The Olympic champion and former Labor senator says it is untenable to continue to work with Foster after what she described as his “inaccurate and divisive” comments against Israel.

  • by Chip Le Grand
Labor ministers shed staff, shuffle the deck chairs as election looms

Labor ministers shed staff, shuffle the deck chairs as election looms

With an election due in the next 12 months, CBD has a rundown on the latest comings and goings in the ministerial wing.

  • by Kishor Napier-Raman
Albanese and Labor ministers shed staff as election draws closer

Albanese and Labor ministers shed staff as election draws closer

With an election due in the next 12 months, CBD has a rundown on the latest comings and goings in the ministerial wing.

  • by Kishor Napier-Raman
Voice lessons for republicans? Don’t give up on constitutional reform

Voice lessons for republicans? Don’t give up on constitutional reform

The cause of the Australian republic should not be abandoned because the Voice referendum failed. But there are lessons to be learnt.

  • by Malcolm Turnbull
Republic could be ‘doomed for a generation’ after Voice referendum

Republic could be ‘doomed for a generation’ after Voice referendum

Anthony Albanese had flagged the possibility of a referendum on a republic in the second term of his government should it be re-elected.

  • by Paul Sakkal
From the Archives, 1995: A historic moment, signed, sealed and delivered

From the Archives, 1995: A historic moment, signed, sealed and delivered

The public gallery in parliament rose to give the Prime Minister, Paul Keating, a standing ovation at the end of his landmark speech outlining his vision for a republic in Australia.

  • by Marion Frith
Republicans criticise own movement’s ‘madcap’ coronation stance

Republicans criticise own movement’s ‘madcap’ coronation stance

Some opponents of the monarchy say the Australian Republic Movement’s approach was overly negative and risked turning away people who would otherwise vote for a republic.

  • by Paul Sakkal
Charles’ big circus was majestic, but this king may not long reign over us

Charles’ big circus was majestic, but this king may not long reign over us

After all the Pythonesque pomp of the coronation, Charles and Camilla will wake up to the reality that they are doomed to preside over a shrinking realm.

  • by Hugh Riminton
Are we a nation of secret royalists? ‘More than you can see’. (unfortunately!)

Are we a nation of secret royalists? ‘More than you can see’. (unfortunately!)

The national convenor of Australians for Constitutional Monarchy David Flint discusses the future of the royal family in Australia – and the radical days of his youth.

  • by Peter FitzSimons

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