Senior officer known only as ‘AB’ guilty of drunken NorthConnex crash
The NSW Police inspector crashed in the motorway tunnel after consuming more than 20 drinks, then fled the scene. His name has been suppressed for 40 years.
- Perry Duffin
Opposition’s nuclear policy must be based on facts
For the good of the country and its own credibility and electability the Coalition needs to base its policy on evidence not exaggeration and misinformation.
Secret inspector pleads not guilty to ‘drunk crash’ in NorthConnex
A NSW Police inspector whose name has been suppressed by the courts for 40 years will fight charges he drunkenly crashed his car in the NorthConnex tunnel.
- Perry Duffin
Senior police deny ‘cover-up’ as inspector charged for alleged drunk crash
Police Commissioner Karen Webb was among those who rejected suggestions the officer charged with high range drink-driving was being protected.
- Tiffiny Genders and Perry Duffin
- Exclusive
- NSW Police misconduct
Senior NSW police officer allegedly crashed car drunk, but his name kept secret
The officer has been charged months after he allegedly crashed while driving drunk on NorthConnex. But the Crown Solicitor’s Office has prohibited the release of his name.
- Tiffiny Genders
Thousands stung for speeding on motorway despite consensus limit is too low
Motorists are being stung for speeding on Westconnex despite a political consensus the speed limit is too low, and pre-election commitments to lift it.
- Michael Koziol
NSW Labor gets all-clear to release secret toll contract details if it wins govt
NSW Labor leader Chris Minns believes his election promise to reveal the extent Sydney’s multibillion-dollar tolling contracts will have no major market implications.
- Lucy Cormack
WestConnex motorway tolls to spike due to surging inflation
The toll increase for Australia’s largest motorway project will hit motorists just months before the NSW election.
- Matt O'Sullivan and Tom Rabe
Traffic surges on Sydney toll roads as construction industry gets back to work
Traffic on some of Sydney’s major toll roads surged by almost 25 per cent after the NSW government first eased restrictions on the construction industry.
- Tom Rabe
- Exclusive
- Roads
Tolling giant signals appetite for reform on Sydney motorways
Motorway giant Transurban has signalled it is open to working with the NSW government to reform Sydney’s huge toll road system.
- Tom Rabe
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