

Duncan and Liz Davies with their daughters Arianne (left) and Catie.

The most popular schools for Sydney house hunters revealed

While the state government is focused on delivering more co-ed options, many of the most popular schools are single sex.

  • Christopher Harris


Bethany Catholic Primary School students Hazel Sobin, Marli Brennan and Joshua George with literacy leader Kirrily Wallace.

Catholic schools reap the benefits of ‘back to basics’ overhaul

An overhaul of how Victorian Catholic students learn reading and maths skills has been a success with many schools showing at least a 20 per cent improvement in numeracy performance.

  • Caroline Schelle
St Ives North

Revealed: The state’s top primary and high school performers in NAPLAN 2024

Public schools St Ives North and Oakhill Drive achieved similar overall score results to high-fee private girls schools Kambala and Ravenswood.

  • Lucy Carroll and Nigel Gladstone
Viewbank College principal Sharon Grimes and students are pleased with the school’s high scores in this year’s NAPLAN

Results are in: The public schools beating their private rivals

This year’s NAPLAN results highlight the ability of lesser-known state schools to compete with their better-resourced private rivals. See the list.

  • Noel Towell and Caroline Schelle
Serpell Primary School teacher Louise Nixon (centre left) and principal Wilma Culton (centre right) with students after the school’s year 3 and 5 students achieved exceptional NAPLAN results.

200 of the best: Victoria’s NAPLAN-star primary and secondary schools revealed

Principals say high expectations and a drive to succeed from their students helped make their schools among the finest in the state.

  • Bridie Smith and Caroline Schelle
Indooroopilly State Schools tudents achieved great resuts in this year’s NAPLAN tests.

The huge Brisbane state schools outperforming privileged private schools

These state schools are the biggest in Brisbane, and they also outperform some of the most privileged private schools, NAPLAN results reveal.

  • Felicity Caldwell
The latest Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study shows year 8 maths scores have not budged in almost three decades.

Australian kids falling behind our Asian neighbours in maths and science

Boys are outperforming girls across key maths and science disciplines as overall performance plateaus.

  • Alex Crowe
Use our interactive NAPLAN guide to see how your school performed this year.

Search your school’s results using our 2024 NAPLAN interactive guide

Search The Age’s interactive guide for the complete set of NAPLAN results from every Victorian school.

  • Noel Towell, Caroline Schelle and Alex Crowe
Preston High School principal Sean Butler with some of the school’s high achievers.

How the state’s top-performing schools fared in NAPLAN 2024

Senior students at Victoria’s best state schools outshone their private school peers in this year’s NAPLAN tests.

  • Noel Towell and Alex Crowe
Fairfield west

The state’s high-achieving NAPLAN schools for 2024 revealed

The national curriculum authority has identified NSW schools achieving above-average results compared with students of similar backgrounds.

  • Christopher Harris and Lucy Carroll

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