
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

November 22, 1963, the day president John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas.

How to write a media column (and get away with it)

Some columns are unforgettable – from the immeasurable pain of a young widow to the memory of a predawn excursion, where a father shared the wonder of wetlands.

  • John Silvester


Jackie Kennedy - inspiration for Raffles Femme Fatale cocktail. Her lipstick-smeared glass is on display at the Elephant Bar.

Jackie Kennedy would have turned 95 this week. Who was the woman behind the photos?

And what is it that draws us back, again and again, to her story?

  • Dawn Tripp
Elvis and Priscilla

Priscilla, Cleopatra and their beaus: the best real-life couples in film

We’re all voyeurs at heart, so is that why so many people are fascinated by the love lives of these historical figures?

  • Kerrie O'Brien
John F Kennedy and wife Jacqueline in 1961 … JFK was taken from us before we could fully see his vision.

I was 12 when JFK was assassinated. Here’s what I saw

Today, we need Kennedy’s noble clarion call to Americans renewed, so the country can transcend these times, the most divisive since the Civil War.

  • Bruce Wolpe
It’s been 60 years since President John F Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.

The Kennedys still personify the thrill and chill of America

Sixty years after the assassination of JFK, the Kennedys continue to embody the flip sides of American exceptionalism.

  • Nick Bryant
Caroline Kennedy

How Caroline Kennedy discovered her inner bogan in Australia

The US ambassador to Australia, a member of America’s most storied political dynasty, has embraced everything from sausages and surfing to sheep and “shitboxes”.

  • Matthew Knott and Peter Hartcher
Anna loves colour and Matteau sundresses ticks all her fashion must-haves.

An interior designer’s go-to shoe may surprise you

“I need shoes that are comfortable for work. I’ve got a huge collection – yellow, pink, red, black,” says Anna Spiro.

  • Georgie Gordon

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