
Hiring & firing

Being forced out of a job you love can be a harrowing experience, and is unfortunately common in many workplaces.

How to avoid being ‘managed out’ of your job

Being forced out of a job you love can be a harrowing experience, and is unfortunately common in many workplaces.

  • Jim Bright


Being made redundant doesn’t have to be a bad thing, especially if you know how to negotiate your way out the door.

Redundancies aren’t always bad. Here’s what to do if it happens to you

Being made redundant doesn’t have to be a bad thing, especially if you know how to negotiate your way out the door.

  • Victoria Devine
Caroline Szellemes was given just 24 hours notice before being made redundant.

‘People kept disappearing’: Should you take a redundancy?

Redundancies are on the rise post-COVID, and while it can be a refreshing change for some, it can also prove challenging.

  • Emily Chantiri
Whether you love or hate your existing role or manager, resigning from your job can feel daunting.

How to resign from your job without stepping on any toes

Whether you love or hate your existing role or manager, resigning from your job can feel daunting. Here’s how to do it right.

  • Téa Angelos
What seems to hit hardest is the blow it can land on your identity. This is because work is a major organising principle of our lives.

How to keep your identity when you lose (or leave) your job

A change of career – whether chosen or forced upon you – can be a life-changing time. But it doesn’t need to define you.

  • Lisa Leong
The dispute ensued after Mr Quigley's request for annual leave was rejected.

'Unjust and harsh': Worker unfairly sacked after insisting on annual leave

The Fair Work Commission has ruled that a Perth sales manager who became argumentative after having his request for annual leave rejected was unfairly dismissed.

  • Cara Waters
Illustration by Tanya Cooper

How phonies and self-promoters came to rule the world

Your banker, boss, Facebook friend, lover: are they for real? In a me-me, high-tech age that helps fakers to make it, masqueraders are thriving like never before.

  • Shelley Gare

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