

Maroondah City Council.

Maroondah City Council: What your candidates said

Voters in Maroondah will choose nine people to represent them on council for the next four years. Here is what the candidates said about why they are running in the Victorian council elections and what they want to achieve.

  • Cara Waters and Rachael Dexter


Life in Ringwood East and Heathmont.

Who needs the trendy inner city? My suburb had the Hemsworths

Inseparable like two peas in a pod, my suburb and its twin are tight-knit communities where families intermingle across their Scouts and sports clubs without a second thought.

  • Kellie Floyd
Parts of Donald McLean reserve in Spotswood taped off on Wednesday after asbestos-containing material was found.

Asbestos found in mulch at Melbourne park

A council in Melbourne’s west closed a playground after a resident found pieces of asbestos-containing material in mulch, along with other industrial waste.

  • Rachael Dexter and Alex Crowe
Corey and Kelly Wilkes with their children Harvey, Kurtis, Alexie and Tilly in front of the home they bought in Keilor village.

Millionaire’s Row no more: Melbourne suburbs that fell out of million-dollar club

Dozens of neighbourhoods where the property market boomed are now within reach at a discount to their former seven-figure price tags.

  • Melissa Heagney-Bayliss
'It’s never been this bad': White foam covers part of Dandenong Creek

'It’s never been this bad': White foam covers part of Dandenong Creek

Bizarre scenes are unfolding in Melbourne's east, where white foam is flowing down a local creek. 

  • Craig Butt

Barclay's Cafe

Sneak in here for the guilty pleasure of French toast, syrup and bacon. Or, at the other extreme, ...


Sweet Chilli Thai

Order an array of openers to experience Sweet Chilli's subtle variations. There are also hearty ...

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