
Christine Nixon

Christine Nixon.

‘Doesn’t feel right’: Nixon questions ousting of police chief

Former chief commissioner Christine Nixon’s concerns follow revelations that neither the state premier nor the police minister rang Shane Patton directly to inform him that he would not be offered a new contract.

  • Chip Le Grand and Rachel Eddie


The Coalition has been leading calls for Andrew Giles to be sacked.

Four reasons why the prime minister won’t sack Andrew Giles

The Coalition has dominated the debate on the release of criminals from immigration detention, yet Anthony Albanese won’t sack his minister. To fix the politics, Labor needs to fix the policy.

  • David Crowe
Dozens of men have more than five separate domestic violence victims each.

Dozens of men have five or more domestic violence victims. We must shine a spotlight in their faces

All too often perpetrators are cast in the shadows in responses to family violence. A particular cohort of men are high-harm, high-risk, serial offenders. They must be priority targets.

  • Kate Fitz-Gibbon and Christine Nixon
Binjun Xie is escorted to a plane after being arrested.

‘Millions on planes’: Boat focus blinded Home Affairs to real abuses, says Nixon

Former top cop Christine Nixon reveals that, as rorters and criminals flooded the visa system, the authorities went missing.

  • Nick McKenzie and Michael Bachelard
Minister for Home Affairs Clare O’Neil and Minister for Immigration Andrew Giles.

Labor takes on Dutton with plan to stem false asylum seeker claims

Asylum seekers will face a stronger regime to decide their claims to stay in Australia amid concerns some migrants are working for up to 11 years while waiting for their cases to be decided.

  • David Crowe
Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil has released part of the government’s formal response to a report by former Victorian police commissioner Christine Nixon into the exploitation of the visa system.

$50 million pledged to crack down on visa fraud

The federal government will spend $50 million on tougher compliance and permanent investigation teams to stamp out criminal exploitation of migration.

  • David Crowe
Education Minister Jason Clare said the government would target “shonks” seeking to exploit international students for profit.

‘Party’s over for rorters’: Government cracks down on visa scams

Private colleges will be banned from paying commissions to education agents who poach students from rival institutions in a sweeping crackdown on visa rorting.

  • Matthew Knott
Melbourne trucking boss Troy Kellett died after falling from a stack of shipping containers in South Australia.

Albanian mafia linked to dead multimillionaire trucking boss

Troy Kellett died after falling from a stack of shipping containers at an Adelaide dock. Police are probing if he was there to help in a narcotics importation.

  • Nick McKenzie and Marta Pascual Juanola

Fake schools, fake students: Criminals make mockery of education visas

A secret review of the immigration system shows how some criminal syndicates own every step of the chain to game the education visa process and gain access to the country.

  • Nick McKenzie and Michael Bachelard
Failures in the visa and migration systems are allowing “grotesque” crimes including sex trafficking.

‘Grotesque abuses’: Secret review of migration system scathing of failures

Poor management of the nation’s already inadequate immigration and visa laws and a focus on stopping boat arrivals has allowed organised crime syndicates to flourish.

  • Nick McKenzie and Michael Bachelard

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