

This was published 4 years ago

Hearthstone update like chess adding a new piece

By David Milner
Blizzard views the update as the beginning of a new era for Hearthstone.

Blizzard views the update as the beginning of a new era for Hearthstone.

Hearthstone is one of the world's biggest games. Ben Lee and Nathan Lyons-Smith, game director and production designer respectively, admit to being slightly perturbed it doesn't enjoy the same globe-conquering reputation as Fortnite or Call of Duty despite having the numbers.

In the next breath they say they're not allowed to disclose those numbers, but it's "millions of people" each and every day. Millions plural, I confirm. Given that a staggering 125 million people have played since 2014, the daily figure, it follows, sits somewhere between 2 and 125 million. At either end it’s mega business.

As a live service, Hearthstone has evolved dramatically over its six years. More than 2500 cards have been added to the pool. Mechanics have been introduced alongside new modes and progression overhauls. But all of these are minor compared to what's coming next.

On April 8, alongside a new set of cards called Ashes of Outland, Hearthstone is adding its first new player class – The Demon Hunter. And not just any Demon Hunter – World of Warcraft icon Illidan Stormrage.

To put this into perspective, it's the equivalent of chess adding a new piece – one with giant bat wings, 10,000 years of pent-up rage, and a propensity for slashing pawns and bishops into dust.

"Demon Hunter involved more people on the team than any other project because classes are such a fundamental part of the game," says Lee.

Development began in January 2019. Everyone, from artists, musicians, UI designers, and engineers all worked on it directly, and the balance of every existing class and card has been impacted.

For the developers, it’s been an immense undertaking. For players, it's a chance for the game to feel new again, to experience the wild unknowns of Hearthstone's early days once more.

The walls of Blizzard’s headquarters in California are adorned with early Hearthstone design documents.

The walls of Blizzard’s headquarters in California are adorned with early Hearthstone design documents.Credit: David Milner


The last time Hearthstone made headlines was for all the wrong reasons. In October 2019, pro player Ng Wai Chung, or "Blitzchung", expressed support for the Hong Kong pro-democracy protesters after winning a match at the Grandmasters tournament.

"Liberate Hong Kong. Revolution of our age," the Hong Kong native said during a post-match interview.

The stream was cut. Chung was banned for a year and stripped of prize money, Blizzard citing a clause forbidding competitors from actions that “bring [them] into public disrepute, offend a portion or group of the public, or otherwise damage [Blizzard’s] image”.

The backlash was swift. Blizzard was condemned for what appeared to be an anti-free speech stance and accused of kowtowing to Chinese business interests. Amid the PR crisis, Chung's ban was reduced to six months and Blizzard apologised for how it handled the affair.


When I ask Lee and Lyons-Smith how the incident impacted the development of Demon Hunter as it reached a critical stage, I get the sense they'd prefer to talk about anything else. Their reaction seems reasonable, as both the protest and the response were beyond the control of the developers, who were powerless to do anything other than watch as years of good-will evaporated.

"The decision was rushed and, honestly, wasn't great," Lee reflects. "It obviously affected the team. There was a protest at [Blizzard HQ's] orc statue. There were members of the Hearthstone team out there. We supported them. No one got in trouble for that. We believe in people's right to expression.

“We should keep the focus on the game. But Blitzchung has been super mature and great. He made a choice and he accepts the consequences.

"I hope we will see Blitzchung compete again," he adds, before confirming Blizzard’s esports team has kept in contact with Chung during his ban.

But what if, upon an eventual return, it happens again?

"That's a difficult question,” he says.

One, for now, without a clear answer it would seem.

Blizzard views the arrival of Demon Hunter as the beginning of a new era for Hearthstone – a clean slate, an entrypoint for newcomers. Whether this incident can be left in the old era remains to be seen.

Hearthstone players, current or lapsed, have good reason to be exited.

Hearthstone players, current or lapsed, have good reason to be exited.

So, how does Demon Hunter play?

"It’s in your face," says Lee. "You can draw parallels to Hunter, but it plays differently. Internally we have the concept of a 'forward motion class'. That’s Demon Hunter. They deal damage quickly.

"It has a few playstyles, but it's that aggressive thing where if your opponent gets over the hump before you, they'll probably win."

During my five hours flinging cards this proved true. It’s remarkably effective during shorter matches, utilising a constant flow of weapons and a one-mana hero ability to deal one damage (the only one-mana ability in the game) and control the board.

But against opponents drawing out proceedings it's less successful. Warriors that pile on armour and swamp with taunt minions are its Achilles heel. But it’s not entirely without options.

"One of the playstyles I like is having a weapon, because I get to use health as a resource to trade for damage," says Lyons-Smith. "With Demon Hunter, for one mana my face is always a weapon."


If you can combine this kamikaze approach with regular doses of healing, odds improve.

Demon Hunter also has an exclusive keyword – "Outcast". These keyword cards become more powerful if they're played while they're the left-most or right-most card in hand.

“Skull of Gul'dan”, for example, lets you draw three cards, but if Outcast is active those cards cost three less mana to play – potentially match-swinging in the late-game.

With Outcast, the question becomes whether to play a card while it's on the edge of your hand and more powerful even if the moment is less than ideal, or to wait for a more opportune window but risk playing it in a weakened state. Outcast muddies optimum card order. It’s a compelling hook that adds to Demon Hunter’s unique identity.

"We're really excited to see reactions because we're pretty sure no one is expecting this," says Lee.

So why is now the right time?

"Age is a big factor. Hearthstone is at a point in its life where it needs something big, new, fresh. And a new class is something powerful I don't think our playerbase is expecting."

He’s right on all points. Hearthstone players, current or lapsed, have good reason to be excited.

The author travelled to the US as a guest of Blizzard Entertainment.

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