

This was published 10 years ago

Robot vacuums: test drive with four on the floor

By Katie Cincotta

From a slow start, the market now offers an array of automated floor cleaners. With at least seven brands of robotic vacuums tempting consumers with the promise of hands-free housework, we decided it was time to put some of the big brands to the test.

At an average price of between $500 and $1000, it's a big outlay on new technology that's essentially replacing a manual whip-around with a $10 broom, or the traditional vacuum cleaner. Prices have been coming down quite substantially lately too. There's been an influx of cheaper robot vacuums over the past few months and the big brands are having to be more competitive. And with any new tech category, you usually see price reductions once the buzz wears off.

So, how well do they clean? Are they noisy? Can they be trusted at home alone? Our family - wife, husband, tween and two canines - put these robot vacs to the test over several weeks in our double-storey home, across floating floors, nylon carpet, tiles and rugs.

In general we found they're a novel way to keep daily dirt from piling up, but they simply can't compare with the suction power of a full vacuum, which requires you to push and pull it around the house.

The hazards of programming the 'bot to clean without supervision also need to be mentioned, as we had a glass lamp almost come crashing down when one of the vacs was trying to push through the cord. Lift up as much furniture as you can, clear underneath beds and tables, and coil up cords to avoid problems.

If you just need some help for in between tidy-ups, or have a small area to clean, the robot vacs will definitely give you more time with your feet up. Just don't expect the same level of cleaning as a manual vacuum, or your pets to be happy about the whirling 'bots disturbing their naps in the sunny spot.

1. iRobot Roomba 780

The Smashinator
It's the noisiest of the lot but it's also the fastest and most powerful cleaner among our test vacs. We dubbed it the Smashinator because it does bash around a bit, but when you see how well it's cleaning, you can forgive the less-than-graceful movements. A solid build gives you confidence it won't fall apart with every chair leg it hits, and an indicator light lets you know when the bin is full. A beef with this top-of-the-line Roomba is that it can run out of battery before making it back to the charging base, which makes for an annoying game of hide and seek when you get home. But it definitely picks up the most amount of rubbish. RRP $670


2. LG RoboKing

The French Maid
There's no arguing the metallic cherry red and square corners of the RoboKing gives off a sexy vibe. This hot 'bot also speaks to you via clear audio and has a responsive touch screen. It's quite good at navigating, probably the best of the lot at clearing obstacles, using an upper and lower camera to map both the ceiling and floor, relying on ultrasonic and infrared sensors to avoid hitting things. The RoboKing has a nifty dirt cartridge, which makes emptying quick and easy. RRP $895

3. Samsung Navibot S Corner Clean

With its swirling brush feelers feeding out the front like a giant spider, the Navibot has great coverage, reaching out to pull in dirt and fluff from the front and sides. An on-board camera maps out your floor plan to calculate the best cleaning path, which means this one rarely bumps into anything. Its low profile also makes it the one vac that can sneak under coffee tables and footstools without grinding to a halt. Occasionally it does wedge its wheel in a ducted heating vent, requiring human intervention. The Samsung picked up the least amount of dirt among our test units.
RRP $1099

4. Neato XV-21

It's supposedly the smartest robot vac on the market, with artificial intelligence to help it direct cleaning patterns, ask for help when it needs it (such as when it gets stuck) and return to base to recharge. The menu is more complicated than most to set up, but the program features are more advanced. The arch shape is great for manoeuvrability, albeit a little high for some furniture. When you see the Neato in action, using its laser scanner to try to get around obstacles, and being thorough with its cleaning pattern against corners, you can see why it's been touted as the brainiac of robotic vacuums.
RRP $799

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