

This was published 10 years ago

Pro anorexia, bulimia social media posts on the rise

By Katie Cincotta

The young girl's collarbone juts forward, her ribcage taut and exposed like the withered bones of a sunken vessel, more threatening than sensual in this body display known as the ''bikini selfie''.

Social networks have acted to try to minimise harmful behaviours by their users, but comb sites such as Instagram, Pinterest and Tumblr for hashtags such as #thinspo and #thinspiration and you'll find thousands of gaunt, underweight victims documenting their quest to achieve their version of beauty.

Fears: Dr Ben Buchanan.

Fears: Dr Ben Buchanan.

Social media, with their global proliferation and instant provision of validation in the form of a ''like'', have drawn dramatic new focus on ''skinny'', acting as an intimate tabernacle of gaudy body shots where the anorexic come to worship.

According to an Internet Trends study, the number of pro anorexia and pro bulimia - or ''pro mia'' - sites increased 470 per cent between 2006 and 2008.

Since 2008, the number of postings has continued to rise, prompting many social networks in recent months to introduce policies aimed at minimising users' self-harm. Nevertheless, the #ana hashtag on Instagram has more than 3 million posts, and #thin has more than 900,000 posts.

Thinspo posts and sites are blatant in their manifesto, with quotes such as ''Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels'', advocating starvation as a sign of willpower and success.

Jillian, a 21-year old Victorian, has battled depression since she was a teenager. She began cutting herself at age 12 as a way to control her feelings, guided by posts on social media.

''I have self-esteem and body image issues,'' she says. ''I wasn't the perfect body image and I didn't know how to deal with this. Social media sites are not monitored enough. People get positive attention by losing weight, which has a serious effect on teens and young adults. It affected me.''

Jillian has managed to break the cycle through the help of the Butterfly Foundation for Eating Disorders, and hasn't self-harmed for more than nine months. Included in her treatment are strict guidelines on her use of social media. ''I now only follow friends who continue to encourage people to look after themselves, promoting positive body image and healthy eating,'' she says.


Instagram, owned by Facebook, is concerned about the self-harm trend and is trying to enforce a zero-tolerance policy. ''Any account found encouraging or urging users to embrace anorexia, bulimia, or other eating disorders; or to cut, harm themselves, or commit suicide will result in a disabled account without warning,'' an Instagram spokesman says. ''We believe that communication regarding these behaviours in order to create awareness, come together for support and to facilitate recovery is important, but that Instagram is not the place for active promotion or glorification of self-harm.''

Instagram now has a pop-up content warning for thinspiration hashtags, and has banned the search facility for some terms, including #ana #thighgap and #thinspo.

Pinterest is also trying to discourage its users from engaging in harmful behaviours. ''We encourage our users to report any troubling content they see and we're hopeful that those who post it seek the help they need,'' says spokeswoman Heather Dickinson. ''We will remove content that is reported to us that violates this policy.''

Dr Ben Buchanan, from Victorian Counselling and Psychological Services, specialises in treating body dysmorphic disorders, in which people are fixated on their visual appearance.

He says he's seen a massive increase in clients with body-image issues obsessing on social media since 2008.

A central symptom of the disorder is ritualistic checking behaviour, with many sufferers spending hours on social media sifting through photos that only increase their fears about how they look.

''Social media turbocharges these checking and reassurance-seeking behaviours, which can include posting photos of themselves and checking how many 'likes' they receive,'' Buchanan says.

Buchanan has found that people with dysmorphia become stuck in a loop, similar to a computer crash. He found there was often a weak connection between the amygdala, the brain's emotion centre, and the orbitofrontal cortex, the rational part of the brain, which causes the person to fixate on flaws - a condition that demonstrates that ugly can be in the brain of the beholder.

To seek help for eating disorders, phone the Butterfly Foundation on 1800 334 673.

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