

This was published 6 years ago

Hands on Lenovo Star Wars: Jedi Challenges

By Adam Turner

Letting you wield a real lightsaber to duel virtual Sith Lords invading your lounge room, Lenovo's impressive augmented reality headset brings Star Wars to life.

While virtual reality headsets whisk you away to another world, augmented reality works by superimposing graphics over your view of the real world – a bit like a pilot's heads up display. AR is still an incredibly immersive experience, especially when Darth Maul is trying to slice you in half like a Christmas ham.

 Lenovo's Star Wars: Jedi Challenges uses augmented reality to bring you face to face with your foes.

Lenovo's Star Wars: Jedi Challenges uses augmented reality to bring you face to face with your foes.

Reality bites

These days Microsoft's Hololens headset is the gold standard of AR, but it will set you back a few thousand dollars. Meanwhile Lenovo's Mirage AR headset sells for a lot less because, like the Google Daydream VR headset, you need to slip in your smartphone to do all the work. One trade-off is that you need to hand over your phone so children can play.

Lenovo's Mirage AR headset, tracking orb and lightsaber.

Lenovo's Mirage AR headset, tracking orb and lightsaber.

Obviously an AR headset can't sit your phone in front on your eyes, as that would block your view of the real world. Instead you slide your smartphone horizontally into Lenovo's Mirage headset so it holds the phone above your eyes, facing downwards. The headset is compatible with a range of Apple, Samsung, Google, Motorola and LG phones with screens up to about 6 inches.

Mirrors reflect the screen onto the headset's visor, so the phone's onscreen graphics are superimposed over your view of the room. Like a VR headset, the Mirage presents a slightly different view to each eye, to help create a realistic sense of depth. Adjustable straps make it easy to get the headset to sit correctly so you're looking through the visor's sweet spot.

The audio comes from the phone's speaker or you can plug in earbuds, plus you might want to put your phone in Do Not Disturb mode as pop-up notifications spoil the magic.

The headset naturally works best in a darkened room, so the AR content is easier to see, but thankfully it's less likely to make you feel seasick than VR because your brain still has real world reference points.

Your smartphone slides in the side, just where the ventilation slits are along your temple.

Your smartphone slides in the side, just where the ventilation slits are along your temple.

Clear you mind

For now Lenovo's Mirage AR headset is only available as part of the $399 Star Wars: Jedi Challenges pack (although you'll find it on special for $299). The headset comes with a lightsaber hilt which sports a glowing blue tip, along with a glowing purple orb which sits on the floor.

A top view of the straps and padding which hold the headset in place.

A top view of the straps and padding which hold the headset in place.

The headset, lightsaber and orb are connected via Bluetooth, making the set-up a bit long and cumbersome. The upside is that the system is completely wireless and there's no need to recalibrate for the environment when you relocate, so it's easy to throw it all in your holiday travel bag or even play in the backyard after dark.

Lenovo's Jedi Challenges app for iOS or Android talks you through the set-up, but the game makes a poor first impression if the room is too bright or if you're standing too close to the orb.

The lightsaber feels great in your hands and features a soft rubber tip to avoiding damaging things.

The lightsaber feels great in your hands and features a soft rubber tip to avoiding damaging things.

For the best results you'll want draw heavy curtains or wait for sunset. Just like playing the Nintendo Wii, you'll also want an open space of a few metres so you can jump around and swing your arms without fear of damaging your friends, yourself or the furniture.

Stand at least two metres away from the orb to allow for the headset's limited field of view. Like all AR/VR headsets, you lose your peripheral vision plus you might find it hard on the eyes if you're long-sighted, although thankfully the headset leaves plenty of room for wearing glasses.

When you don the Mirage headset, the purple orb appears as a Jedi training Holocron with a virtual master – The Archivist – ready to begin your training. Similar to a PlayStation Move, cameras in the headset track the glowing lightsaber in your hand and the orb on the floor. The orb creates a fixed reference point so your virtual opponents don't lose their place as you move around the room.

Unfortunately the headset is rather heavy once you insert your phone, which can make it press uncomfortably against your cheek bones despite the padding. It's also easy to overheat on a warm day thanks to the large piece of padding which sits right across your forehead. Thankfully the immersive content is engaging enough to distract you from the hassles of the headwear.

Do or do not, there is no try

Begin your Jedi training by holding up your lightsaber and pressing a button on the hilt to fire up the blade. Through the headset you'll see the shimmering blade extend from the hilt and then stay in sync when you swing your arm, bringing a smile to the face of Padawans young and old.

Once the The Archivist teaches you the basics there are five levels to unlock, beginning with Naboo. Unfortunately the experience flounders at this point and you're left to find your own way, but it's best to head for Darth Maul first.

You start against hapless battle droids and as they advance towards you the immersive nature of the game kicks in, helping you forget about the hassles of wearing a headset.

Along with striking them down with your blade, you can deflect the droids' laser blasts back at them – if you angle your blade just right. It really adds to the game's immediacy and enhances the sense of depth, helping you feel like a real Jedi going into battle.

You work your way through more powerful droids until a boss fight with Darth Maul, before which The Archivist offers some duelling training so you know when to block and how to recognise an opportunity to strike.

Feel the Force

In the heat of battle the tracking can shift out of alignment, with the blade sticking out from the hilt on a wonky angle. Thankfully a second button on the hilt lets you quickly realign them without disrupting the gameplay, similar to the Google Daydream controller.

Unfortunately everything can become a bit of blur once your opponent gets too close, and it becomes swing and pray if you start to lose them in your peripheral vision. It's not a question of smartphone grunt, as stepping up from an old iPhone 6 to a more powerful phone like the Google Pixel 2 didn't help. If anything, the blade lagged further behind the hilt when using the Pixel 2.

It also doesn't help if you're long-sighted and need reading glasses, as your opponent may appear to be several feet away but you're actually trying to focus on an image several inches from your eyes. I struggled with eye strain, even when wearing my reading glasses, but it didn't bother my wife who wears glasses for long-distance vision or our children who have perfect eyesight.

Once you defeat Darth Maul you move on to other challenges on Naboo, including commanding troops from a bird's eye view of the battlefield and playing Holochess. You can also progress through the planets, and Lenovo is releasing new content to coincide with the arrival of The Last Jedi in the cinemas.

So what's the verdict?

Incredibly immersive and engaging, Star Wars: Jedi Challenges and Lenovo's augmented reality headset will certainly thrill would-be Jedis of all ages.

You can just stand there and limply wave the lightsaber around or you can really get into it and break a sweat. As someone who's dreamed of being a Jedi since A New Hope hit the cinemas in the 70s, I think I enjoyed the game more than my children as we took turns to play – even though they're less fussy when it comes to focus and lag.

It's a shame other people in the room can't see the player's view mirrored on the television, which would help make it more of a family activity. It's also frustrating that, like many games these days, there's no way to create multiple users so everyone can go through basic training and track their own progress without needing their own handset.

At $399 you're entitled to question the game's long-term staying power – there's clearly potential for Lenovo to release more accessories and games for the headset but nothing has been announced so you can't bank on it.

For now, if you're ready to begin your Jedi training and you're not deterred by the price tag, then Star Wars: Jedi Challenges is the Star Wars game you're looking for.

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