

This was published 8 years ago

Is Netflix hurting Aussie broadcasters? Depends who you ask

By Adam Turner

With young viewers abandoning commercial TV in favour of internet video, can Australia's Freeview Catch Up TV services stem the flow to Netflix?

Traditional broadcast television isn't as close to death's door as some people like to imagine, but when you study the figures it's clear that young viewers are less inclined than ever to flop down on the couch and channel-flick. The free-to-air networks have embraced online video in an effort to win viewers back, but the broadcasters are fighting a tough battle against foreign raider Netflix.

Netflix is calling on broadband providers to stop choking our internet access.

Netflix is calling on broadband providers to stop choking our internet access.Credit: Netflix

Young viewers are tuning out

So who is winning the war? It depends who you ask. The amount of broadcast television we watch continues to fall, according to the Australian Multi-Screen Report. One in seven Australians now watch no commercial TV on a normal week day and that figure leaps to one in five for people under 35, according to Roy Morgan research.

"Commercial TV is now unable to reach around a fifth of all 14-34 year-olds, and the trend looks set to continue," according to the Roy Morgan report.

"In another seven years, it might well be a third. Already the very idea of 'seeing what's on TV' at a particular time is beginning to seem a little archaic next to the massive libraries of niche, personally appealing content ready – by definition – on demand."

Meanwhile streaming giant Netflix now reaches 2.7 million Australians, with subscription video customers watching 25% less commercial television than the national average.

Broadcasters fight back

Those stats paint a pretty grim picture, but the free-to-air broadcasters have their own research which argues that Netflix isn't as powerful as you might think. Seven West Media chief digital officer Clive Dickens points to Share of Eye research – commissioned by Seven, Yahoo!7, Pacific Magazines, West Australian Newspapers and Presto.


While conceding that only 61% of video time for young millennials (P14-24) is spent with linear TV, the Share of Eye research found that 78% of our online viewing is spent watching "free and advertiser-funded content". Meanwhile only 22% is spent watching paid services, although this blows out to 36% during prime time.

"Free and advertiser funded video attracts 3 times the viewing of online paid video," according to the Share of Eye report.

"Free or Ad-funded video dominates consumption in minutes of all online video with paid or transactional video achieving its greatest share after 6pm on a typical day."

It's a powerful statistic but rather murky when you consider that "free and advertiser funded video" covers everything from the Plus7 Catch Up TV service to YouTube cat videos. Meanwhile "paid services" lumps together Subscription VOD services like Netflix with Transactional VOD services like iTunes Store movie rentals and purchases.

Crunch the numbers – Catch Up versus cat videos

It's hard to compare apples with apples but if we sift through the various industry reports we can break down the Share of Eye figures to compare Australia's appetite for subscription video with our appetite for Catch Up TV. It requires a few back-of-the-envelope calculations.

The Australian Multi-Screen Report says that 13 million Australians watch some internet video each month – an average of 8 hours and 23 minutes per month. Going on Seven's Share of Eye 78/22 split, let's allocate 393 minutes of online viewing to free and advertiser-funded content, leaving 110 minutes for paid services.

How many of those 393 minutes are spent watching the Catch Up TV services from the five major broadcasters? We're not told, but the Multi-Screen Report reveals that Catch Up TV accounts for 1% of all broadcast TV viewing. So how much is that?

The Multi-Screen Report says 22.154 million Australians watch broadcast television every month, watching an average of 85 hours and 17 minutes of broadcast television on in-home TV sets (which is 99% of all broadcast TV material viewed). This indicates that 1 per cent of all broadcast TV – the amount of Catch Up TV we watch – equals around 51 minutes per month.

To be fair, the report says only 13 million Australians watch some internet video each month – which is 60% of the total number of TV watchers. These 13 million people must be watching 85 minutes of Catch Up TV per month to get a national average of 51 minutes for everyone.

So to break down Seven's Share of Eye research, on average 22% of our online viewing is spent watching paid services (110 minutes per month) but only 17% (85 minutes) is spent watching Catch Up TV services.

Netflix versus iTunes

To make things more complicated, we need to divide that 22% for paid viewing between Netflix-style SVOD and iTunes-style TVOD. Calling on more industry stats, Screen Australia figures from 2014 put local SVOD and TVOD usage neck and neck.

Considering this was before the arrival of Netflix, Presto and Stan (co-owned by Fairfax Media), it's safe to say that SVOD has experienced much stronger growth since 2014 than TVOD. Going back to Share of Eye's 22% allocated to paid video, let's give 12% to SVOD and 10 per cent to TVOD – although SVOD probably deserves more. The lion's share of that SVOD figure definitely belongs to Netflix.

How does it look?

If you trust all those industry figures then SVOD at 12% out-rates the individual Catch Up TV services, with all the Catch Up services combined accounting for 17% of our online viewing. Netflix is thumping Presto and Stan – it's fair to say we spend more time watching Netflix than we spend watching any individual Catch Up service like Seven's Plus7.

Considering SVOD's growth and Netflix's dominance, it's easy to foresee a time when Australia's Netflix viewing rivals the time spent watching all of the Freeview Catch Up services combined.

I'm happy to be corrected, but these numbers don't paint a great picture for the free-to-air broadcasters – they've had years to prepare for Netflix's arrival but their own online video services – free and paid – are struggling to compete. Every household is different, how do those figures stack up with your viewing habits?

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