

This was published 8 years ago

How do you stop the household bandwidth hog from choking your broadband?

By Adam Turner

From streaming video to software updates, it's easy for one data-hungry user to bring your home to a standstill.

The National Broadband Network is slowly making its way across the country but there's still a long wait ahead for many Australians stuck on flaky fixed-line connections. For now bandwidth remains a precious commodity, especially in busy tech-savvy households.

Busy households stuck on slow broadband need to find ways to keep bandwidth hogs in check until the NBN reaches them.

Busy households stuck on slow broadband need to find ways to keep bandwidth hogs in check until the NBN reaches them.

My son started Year 7 this year, let's call him Mars – the codename we used at home when he was young and we didn't want him to know we were talking about him.

Mars needs a Windows notebook for high school, which has opened up a whole new world of gaming beyond the iPad he needed for primary school. It didn't take him long to discover Valve's Steam online game store, along with its hefty downloads and updates which can max out our crappy 4 Mbps DSL connection – bad news considering I work from home.

A late afternoon battle for bandwidth ensued, with me decreeing that work took priority over play so Mars needed clearance from me before playing online games, downloading updates or embarking on other bandwidth-intensive adventures after his homework was finished.

Likewise my family is under strict instructions not to watch Netflix while I'm recording my weekly podcast via Skype, as Netflix is designed to soak up all the bandwidth you can throw at it and Skype can be a pig at the best of times.

The situation will become worse next year when Mars' little sister Venus needs an iPad for school, but for now my family is happy to abide by these household rules until decent broadband rolls down our street. Even so, Mars rightly pointed out that some updates happen automatically – even when he's just doing his homework – so he can't guarantee that his computer will never choke our broadband connection.

If your home has turned into a bandwidth battlefield there are alternatives to constantly pulling rank. Instead you can dip into the advanced settings on your broadband modem and/or wireless router to allow some devices in your home to automatically take priority over others.

Your options will vary depending on your make and model of modem/router. Many support some form of parental controls, but these typically focus on time limits and website filtering. If the parental controls don't offer what you need, look for a setting called 'Prioritisation' or 'Quality of Service'.


My Fritz Box 7490 doesn't offer the same level of granular control as some modems but the Filters menu has a Prioritisation tab which lets me specify Real-Time, Prioritised and Background applications – with my Voice over IP service automatically set to Real-Time.

The Background list is blank by default but I can create a rule which covers a specific application or every application, then apply that rule to every device on the network or just one. Looking through the long list of devices on the home network, I selected Mars' notebook and then applied the 'Background' priority to 'All' applications.

This might sound like harsh treatment but Mars agreed that it's better than being forced to stop what he's doing when I need more bandwidth. The fact is that he's unlikely to even notice – it only kicks in if his computer isn't leaving enough bandwidth for everyone else. It doesn't cut him off completely, it just slows him down temporarily.

It's easy to test the Prioritisation settings on the throttled device. Open the Task Manager's Performance tab if it's a Windows machine or the Activity Monitor if it's a Mac and watch the networking graph jump when you download a large file from a fast server – such as a Linux distro from your ISP's file mirror.

Now grab another device on your home network which isn't deprioritised and start streaming music from the internet. The first device should instantly reduce its download speeds to compensate. Stop the music and the download speed rises again. It could take some trial and error to get things running smoothly, perhaps prioritising some devices/applications and deprioritising others.

Who fights over bandwidth in your home and how do you keep the peace?

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