

This was published 9 years ago

FreeviewPlus: a video recorder that knows when the show's running late

Australia's new generation of FreeviewPlus video recorders aim to ensure you never again miss the end of your favourite TV show.

By Adam Turner

Australia's free-to-air TV schedule has always been a rough guide at best, because the commercial networks constantly make last-minute changes. They also deliberately run shows late, hoping you'll keep watching the same channel because you've missed the beginning of shows starting on the other ones. It's a devious trick known as "bridging".

It's not uncommon for the networks to run half an hour late in prime time, especially during live broadcasts. This obviously makes it difficult to record your favourite shows. If your video recorder relies on the advertised start times, or the times listed in the on-screen Electronic Program Guide (EPG) that is embedded in the broadcast signal. It's occasionally going to cut off the end of a show and leave you in the lurch.

New generation FreeviewPlus players record actual broadcasts rather than pre-set time brackets.

New generation FreeviewPlus players record actual broadcasts rather than pre-set time brackets.

It's no fun watching your favourite murder mystery only for it to end at the last ad break so you never find out if the butler did it. Likewise no-one wants to be left shouting at the television in frustration when last night's Wimbledon final went to five sets but your recorder called it quits after four.

Some video recorders deal with this by letting you add "post-padding" to your recordings, continuing to record for a few minutes after the scheduled finish time in hope of catching the end. In return this chews through a lot more storage space, especially if your only option is to apply "global" padding to every recording even though only a handful of shows run late.

Thankfully there's a hidden feature in Australia's digital TV broadcasts which can come to your rescue. It's an extra signal known as Content Reference IDentifier (CRID) data which lets compatible video recorders know when a program is running late. The real-time CRID data ignores the published guide; it even ignores the EPG embedded in the broadcast signal. Instead, the CRID data announces what's actually screening right now, rather than what's supposed to be screening.

CRID data can save the day when you're recording a show like The Voice, which tends to run late. Your video recorder won't stop recording at the allotted finishing time, or when your post-padding runs out. It will keep recording until the CRID data says the show is actually finished. CRID data also comes to your rescue if you're trying to record something later that evening that is now running terribly late because The Voice ran over.

Think of the CRID data as a friend who lives on your couch and records all your favourite shows, watching to see what's actually on TV right now rather than blindly trusting the TV guide and the clock on the wall.

This data has been lurking in Australia's digital TV signals for several years, but only a handful of recorders have taken advantage of it. Freeview launched a CRID-compatible EPG back in 2010, but it only worked with a handful of devices. Even then they could let you down because some didn't apply any post-padding on the assumption that the CRID data is 100 per cent reliable, which it isn't.

The new FreeviewPlus EPG shows more promise. It launched 12 months ago, offering an on-screen guide for Smart TVs and set-top boxes, with the bonus of built-in access to Catch Up TV. October saw the arrival of the $369 AerialBox T2200, the first video recorder which relies on the FreeviewPlus guide to schedule recordings.

The AerialBox T2200 only lets you add 15 minutes of post-padding to recordings, which doesn't seem enough. Thankfully behind the scenes it monitors the CRID data so it keeps recording even if your show runs more than 15-minutes late. You're still at the mercy of the reliability of the CRID data – supplied by TV networks which clearly don't care about punctuality – but FreeviewPlus recorders are certainly a step in the right direction.

In return the AerialBox sacrifices a lot of advanced features compared to rivals – it doesn't offer a movie rental store, subscription services or DLNA for streaming video around your home. Thankfully, more FreeviewPlus recorders are on the horizon. If your number one priority is to catch the end of your favourite shows each week then a FreeviewPlus-powered recorder like the AerialBox T2200 might deserve pride of place in your lounge room.

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