

This was published 10 years ago

FreeviewPlus - 28 days later

By Adam Turner

Up and running for a month, Freeview's cross-channel Catch Up TV service is still hit and miss depending on your television.

FreeviewPlus finally went live in September after several months of delays due to technical issues and infighting between Australia's commercial television networks. The new streaming video service is based on the Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV (HbbTV) platform – which is an international standard – but there's no guarantee that it will run smoothly on new televisions unless they sport the FreeviewPlus sticker.

The FreeviewPlus onscreen EPG looks great, but it only works on a handful of devices.

The FreeviewPlus onscreen EPG looks great, but it only works on a handful of devices.Credit: Adam Turner

In the week leading up to the launch I'd been testing FreeviewPlus on Panasonic's 2014-model 60-inch 60AS740A, which is HbbTV 1.5 compatible and was expected to be on Freeview's approved list.

Panasonic televisions were actually used as reference devices when FreeviewPlus was being developed, but in the end only a handful of Sony and LG televisions made it to the approved list. I'm told Panasonic's absence was due to the lack of a deal with Freeview over issues like PVR fast-forward speeds rather than any technical shortcoming of the television.

All that said, at launch the FreeviewPlus menus were rather sluggish on the Panasonic and the buttons occasionally unresponsive. Worse yet, Seven and Nine's catch up streams would often crash when they reached an ad break. When you combine all this with a rather thin line-up of shows, it wasn't much to get excited about even if the apps look great.

To give FreeviewPlus a fair chance I also borrowed a Bravia W700B from Sony, which is on Freeview's approved list. Over the last few weeks it has been far less temperamental than the Panasonic.

FreeviewPlus on the Sony isn't perfect and the menus can still be sluggish. Occasionally an ad doesn't play properly, or you see a glimpse of free-to-air television as it struggles to make the transition between programming and advertisements, but I haven't seen it actually crash during an ad break like the Panasonic.

Meanwhile the Panasonic seems more reliable than it was a month ago but still crashes sometimes on Seven and Nine's streaming services during the ad breaks. Behind the scenes I'm told that there are efforts to sort out the technical issues, which is good news considering that there are still probably more Panasonic HbbTV-compatible devices in Australian lounge rooms than there are Sony and LG.

Panasonic is also planning to add HbbTV to many of its Personal Video Recorders via a firmware update later this year, but they still won't get the FreeviewPlus official tick of approval simply because Freeview disapproves of their fast-forward speeds.


Industry sources tell me that FreeviewPlus' technical problems are not due to Panasonic's implementation of HbbTV 1.5. Instead the fault lies with the awkward way in which some FreeviewPlus apps switch between MPEG-DASH program streams and MP4 advertisements, a new technique which has caused plenty of headaches.

It's up to the networks to sort this out on their end, not the television makers, but the fact that Panasonic is not on the official approved list means you'll get no sympathy from Freeview if your Panasonic doesn't live up to your expectations with FreeviewPlus. As a result there's less pressure to fix the issue, even though it's giving FreeviewPlus a bad name.

These are exactly the kinds of problems that FreeviewPlus doesn't need as it struggles to be taken seriously in the growing streaming video space. The networks have all sunk good money into FreeviewPlus and it's in everyone's interest to see it working on as many devices as possible, as soon as possible.

The only group with an interest in holding FreeviewPlus back from working smoothly on all devices is Freeview, because it wants to use FreeviewPlus certification as a way to force PVR makers to bow to its demands in terms of fast-forward speeds. This approach is not helping bring viewers across to FreeviewPlus, where the ads are even harder to avoid. Instead it's driving vendors and viewers away, just like Freeview's last attempt at an EPG which sunk without a trace.

With Foxtel expanding and foreign raiders like Netflix at the gates, Australia's networks can't afford for Freeview to use their Catch Up services as a bargaining chip in a battle with PVR makers. It would be shame to see FreeviewPlus also sink without a trace – but that's exactly what will happen if FreeviewPlus can't play nicely with all HbbTV-compatible devices.

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