

This was published 10 years ago

Facebook cool to cold

By Katie Cincotta

Facebook has become old hat for youth, abandoned for cooler social media haunts such as Instagram, Snapchat and AskFM.

Ten years ago, Mark Zuckerberg and his geek cohorts set up an online social network that redefined the way more than 1.1 billion people connect with family and friends. However, sometimes bigger isn't better. Mainstream can mean loss of cool and loss of privacy.

Socialising is more fun in person, says former Facebook user Penelope McKelvie.

Socialising is more fun in person, says former Facebook user Penelope McKelvie.

For young people, Facebook has lost its edge. It is a victim of its own success, and the pervasive network has been flooded with olds - parents, grandparents and bosses - prying eyes pushing peeps towards more niche scenes such as Instagram, Snapchat, AskFM and WhatsApp.

Online services provider iStrategyLabs compared Facebook's growth by demographic between 2011 and 2014 and found that the number of teens (aged 13 to 17) on Facebook has declined 25.3 per cent in the past three years, while the 55-plus age group has had 80.4 per cent growth.

According to the research, three years ago 40 per cent of Facebook users were 24 or younger, but now it's 29 per cent.

''We did see a decrease in daily users, specifically among younger teens,'' admitted Facebook's chief financial officer, David Ebersman, in late 2013.

In an ongoing 15-month study of social media in eight countries, Professor Daniel Miller, of University College London, concluded that 16-to-18-year-olds regard Facebook as uncool, irrelevant, even embarrassing.

''It is not surprising that young people want something new and cool after a few years, and that is one of the main reasons they leave Facebook,'' Miller says. ''They want a place where they can communicate with each other that is not the same as the site where they interact with their parents.''


In the case of AskFM, an online tool that allows users to ask other users questions anonymously, half the network's 65 million users are under the age of 18.

Social researcher Michael McQueen says the notoriously fickle youth market is simply seeking out the next big thing, and their Facebook accounts are being left dormant on the virtual shelf. ''The rise of Snapchat, AskFM and Kik are now leaving Twitter behind too,'' he says. ''The 10-second lifespan of an image on Snapchat is attractive to a selfie-obsessed generation, which is finally getting the message about not leaving an embarrassing digital footprint.''

McQueen predicts Facebook will become irrelevant in the next five years.

Having spent the past three years tracking 500 brands and the reasons why formerly popular businesses lose relevance, he claims to have found patterns common to fallen stars such as Kodak and Blackberry, and believes Facebook may be on the same path. ''Facebook is losing sight of its core DNA,'' he says. ''From the outset, Facebook has always been about social [not commercial] networking. As sponsored posts and Facebook ads have increasingly filled users' newsfeeds in recent years, there is a growing sense of scepticism, disillusionment and downright irritation.

''This movement away from what made Facebook great is probably the strongest indication that the social network as a brand is losing its way.''

Digital strategist Fi Bendall says the act of using Facebook less or leaving it is known as ''Facebook suicide'', with millions switching off. For some, it's the emotional tirade of relationships gone sour that has turned them off the world's largest online network.

Penelope McKelvie, of Melbourne, stopped using Facebook after she split up with a boyfriend and her parents' divorce turned nasty. The 26-year-old fashion marketer hasn't used Facebook since.

So what is life like for a Generation Y without on ''Facie''? ''I don't miss Facebook,'' she says. ''I feel a lot less anxious and more relaxed. Socialising is so much more fun in person, too. I feel like there is so much to catch up on every time I see friends, now that I am not reading their every thought on Facebook.''

She admits her friends found it strange and annoying at first, having to sent her ''an old-fashioned text message'' for social events, but she doesn't miss all the whinging.

Where McKelvie is making up her social media time is on Instagram, the photo-sharing community owned by Facebook that now has 150 million users.

''I'm a huge Instagrammer,'' she says, ''much more so since quitting Facebook. I find it simple, beautiful and kinder, with nowhere near as much trolling or complaining.''

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