

This was published 9 years ago

Astro Teller, Google X and why moonshots matter

If there's a huge problem with a radical solution using breakthrough technology, Google X wants to know about it.

By Stephen Hutcheon

Back in 1985 the late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs spoke of his desire to leave a mark so profound that it would put a dent in the universe. It was a lofty ambition given it was in the days before the internet landed in our laps, on our desks and in our pockets. But that's an early example of the kind of big-picture ambition that is part of Silicon Valley's innovative culture.

Fast-forward 30 years and the bar has been raised. Not just a notch or two, but off the scale. At Google X, the research arm of internet giant Google, a dent would be tantamount to failure. To satisfy its mantra of a "10x" improvement – 10 times bigger, better, faster or more oomph – success would demand the creation of an entirely new universe. Better still, a parallel universe. Because the solutions the Google X boffins are using to build new businesses feel like they come from an alternate reality.

This is the world of "moonshots", audacious, big-picture proposals. The derring-do, cash-sucking, brain-busting ideas with humungous potential that are about as far left of left field as you can get. It's the kind of place where staff walk around in T-shirts with the slogan "Safety Third". And the man in charge of keeping this team focused on reaching for the stars is 45-year-old Dr Astro Teller.

As well as leading the Google X team, Teller is also a freakishly gifted engineer, scientist, and more. When we meet he's visiting Sydney to help launch Startup Spring, a festival which celebrates and promotes Australia's entrepreneurial culture. (Just some of the "more" includes managing a hedge fund and writing novels and screenplays. Oh, and did I mention his grandfather was Edward Teller, the so-called father of the H-bomb and the inspiration for Stanley Kubrick's mad scientist Dr Strangelove in the 1964 movie of the same name?)

Dr Astro Teller, the head of Google's research arm, Google X.

Dr Astro Teller, the head of Google's research arm, Google X. Credit: Steven Siewert

"Our mission is to make Google-scale businesses that hopefully have Google-scale positive impact on the world," he says, channelling the mothership's don't-do-evil prime directive. On a whiteboard he scrawls out a Venn diagram showing the three factors which must be satisfied before an idea even makes it to first base: huge problem, radical solution, breakthrough technology. At the intersecting point of the circles he writes an "x".

Google X was launched five years ago as a skunk works project, engineered to shield it from the demands of daily corporate life and investors more focused on short-term success. The team acts both as a clearing house for bold ideas and a Wonka-like factory for turning a few of the best into projects – the moonshots. It's also there to help Google prepare itself for the day when the rivers of gold which come from search run dry.

The best known of these is the self-driving car project which aims to make driving a hands-free, pedal-free, petrol-free experience. Other current obsessions include Project Wing, which involves building custom-made drones to deliver packages and is being tested in outback Queensland. And Project Loon (as in balloon, not loony), which uses high-altitude balloons to deliver internet access to outlying communities.

Other projects have been "graduated" out of Google X. The artificial intelligence-driven neural network project, sometimes know as Google Brain, began life as an X idea. It's now part of the larger Google infrastructure. Google Glass, that ambitious attempt to get people comfortable with the idea that it's OK to wear a computer on your face, has also been spun off for reworking after a bumpy and ultimately unsuccessful soft launch.

X marks the spot … Google X's Venn diagram.

X marks the spot … Google X's Venn diagram.

Even after they make the cut, however, the first thing the Xers do is try to snuff out an idea before more time and money is spent developing it. "We're always asking what's the next best way we can try to kill this project," Teller says. "Let's see if we can uncover the Achilles heel because if there [is one], I'd much rather know about it [now] than three years from now."

It's that "fail fast" philosophy that has become synonymous with start-up culture. The theory being you can learn as much, if not more, from failure than you can from success. It can sound like a cop-out, a dog-ate-my-homework type of excuse, but Teller begs to differ.

A prototype of a Google self-driving car, in Mountain View, California in 2014. The company is building cars without steering wheels, accelerator pedals or brake pedals.

A prototype of a Google self-driving car, in Mountain View, California in 2014. The company is building cars without steering wheels, accelerator pedals or brake pedals.

He tells a story about how he recently closed down a project because it wasn't hitting its 10x potential. But instead of casting this failure as a negative, he convened a meeting of all Google Xers where he thanked the 25 team members of the failed project and handed each one a bonus. "The bonus was a rounding error compared to having to run the project for another year," he explained. And the message was thus reinforced. Failure is an option.

Make no mistake, Google X is not a philanthropic organisation. It might aim to do things for the greater good, but it's not doing so without considering that other great start-up obsession: making money.

A balloon that is part of Google X's Project Loon program.

A balloon that is part of Google X's Project Loon program.

What's also clear is that many of Google X's current crop of projects are First World problems. They are not about solutions for feeding the hungry or housing the homeless.

"The reality is that, when you're trying to do some things very new with technology … you have to find people who are less price sensitive to pay for them," Teller says. "We absolutely are focused on food production, but having a problem we can name is not enough. We also have to have a radical solution that however much it seems like science fiction on the surface could make this problem go away."

The Makani energy kite prototype on its launch pad.

The Makani energy kite prototype on its launch pad.

Over the years Google X assessed some 50 ideas to address food production. All but two were thrown out and remain "in the hopper" to be revisited when a technological solution provides a bridge between science fiction and fact, he says.

And a perfect example of this is Makani Power, another one of the X projects. This one might even appeal to the Prime Minister, his Treasurer and Alan Jones, because it involves replacing wind turbines. The towers of wind turbines, to be exact.

As Teller explains – again with the aid of a whiteboard – the thing is, the wind gets faster and more consistent the higher up you go. But the cost of building a taller tower bumps up the cost of the energy being generated. The solution: tether the turbine (which is attached to a "kite") to a base station and have it extract more than four times as much kinetic energy as it completes loop-de-loops.

Maybe it's not a great solution for birdlife, but certainly a cheaper way of building wind turbines and generating electricity. Plus it's not so dependent on windy locations.

"We might be able to get the cost of making electricity down to the same place where coal-fired power plants have them, and that's what it would take to change the world," he says. "Because the world is not really going to adopt clean energy en masse until it's the cheapest way to produce the energy."

And when cars drive themselves, the coal mines are closed and a flotilla of balloons gives everyone universal access to the internet, what will the future of all these radical technological changes mean for our children?

With four of his own, Teller declares a self-interest in how to future-proof the next generation.

"What they need to know is not a specific skill. It's how to learn, it's how to think. There is no skill that we could teach them that I have any confidence will be relevant by the time they're professionals, except the ability to think critically and the desire to be a lifelong learner."

And does our education system teach those skills?

"Nope," he shoots back. "I'm sorry, I wish I could say something more positive."

Sounds like a job for the X team.

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