

This was published 3 years ago


Elite athletes have to draw the line somewhere and Osaka’s bravely drawn hers

Imagine a moment when all eyes turn to you, the world hushes in anticipation and awaits your intervention. Silence falls. The next move is yours.

Yours to be taken. Yours to be lost. Yours to be judged on. The closest most people get to such a moment is saying “I do” in a ceremony, performing in the school musical, or taking a penalty in the Div 3 grand final.

What if the professional sportsperson wins the prize but loses their mental health?

What if the professional sportsperson wins the prize but loses their mental health?Credit: Getty Images

Amplify that pressure by millions of live viewers, several big-name sponsors, and a sea of lightly informed but very judgmental keyboard warriors.

Imagine being 23, with your performances ruthlessly scrutinised by a hard-bitten press corp, then having to improvise your own answers in real time, because everyone wants to see you live, vulnerable, and “authentic”.

Imagine training obsessively for those big-match moments. What you eat, how much you eat, what you drink, when you sleep, and how you recover. Eating chicken with no skin, ever. Taking ice baths after every game. Scheduling every single day to eat right, train right, rest right, repeat.

And every time you walk out there, someone is trying to knock you off.

What kind of job demands this? Naomi Osaka’s job: professional sportsperson.

Chief executives, by comparison, have whole departments of spin doctors to draft their key messages, select the best media opps, and background brief. Even politicians who survive the NSW “bear pit” can have secret lives.

Athletes, if they make it to the top of their sport, must negotiate all this at a relatively young age, and, in Osaka’s case, as a half-Asian woman of colour who chooses to speak out about racism.


Because that’s what we pay to watch: people put in the crucible to see who melts last. (If we didn’t have sport, we’d have some weird ghoulish reality TV that … oh, never mind.)

When Osaka declined to attend a post-match press conference on mental health grounds at the French Open this week, the organisers tweeted (then deleted) pictures of other players facing the press with the words “they understood the assignment”, implying that Osaka was either naughty or dumb. They threatened her with expulsion – surely a bluff when she is a gold-star-ratings driver.

She didn’t hang around to find out, her withdrawal making even bigger news.

Billie Jean King has a saying: “Pressure is a privilege.” BJK’s way of dealing with relentless pressure was to embrace it.

Elite sport is populated by the athletes who are best able to perform under that pressure. They can dance on the edge of the abyss. But there is a point where it is beyond optimal. At least team sports give you a gang to urge you on, but tennis is a lonely game. Just serving must be like taking dozens of penalties in every match. Exhausting!


When professional sport is no longer fun, it becomes a stressful, lonely job with a relentless calendar and nowhere to hide. It’s possibly the worst work-life balance imaginable. You can’t even have a beer and a burger with your buddies on Friday night when you’re globally recognisable, on tour, and on a diet.

Its effect is not always healthy. Ask any number of ex-athletes who have felt drained and disposable, left their sporting life, grieved its loss, then discovered they barely have any “other life” to return to.

There has to be a line somewhere, and Osaka has bravely drawn it for herself. Good for her. As Barack Obama told Marcus Rashford last week, that’s “way ahead of where I was at 23”.

And while she’s out, let’s take this opportunity for a hard think about the responsibility we all bear – sports bodies, viewers, sponsors and media – for creating the sports world we really want. The purpose of sport is to thrill us in the journey, and uplift its travellers. Being handed a piece of metal at the finish line is a bitter prize if the journey has destroyed your wellbeing along the way.

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