

This was published 1 year ago

One percenters could pay off to help ease Wallaroos tension

By Michael Atkinson

Rugby is a game won and lost on the little things.

The “one percenters”, as they say.

The small acts on the field that often go unnoticed to the casual observer or the fans in the stands, but are appreciated immeasurably by teammates and coaches.

Rugby Australia needs to take a little of the same approach to respecting the women’s game.

While a social media post showing the partner of a Wallabies player enjoying flights and accommodation at the expense of RA – which was then shared by the governing body’s Instagram page before being taken down – caused a kerfuffle among female players about pay parity in this country, the truth is, immediate solutions don’t need to be complicated or expensive.

Female players in all sporting codes are fighting for better pay, better resources and better conditions, so the Wallaroos aren’t alone, and if full-time contracts were achievable overnight, you could understand them demanding the papers be drawn up.

Wallaroos’ Georgie Friedrichs on the attack for Australia against Fijiana in May, and (inset) the post at the centre of the storm.

Wallaroos’ Georgie Friedrichs on the attack for Australia against Fijiana in May, and (inset) the post at the centre of the storm.Credit: Getty

It’s a little trickier than that, but little wins can be accomplished quickly and help ease tension.

For starters, one of the players’ concerns is they feel “invisible” and it’s hard to argue when considering the lack of coverage on free media platforms, such as Instagram and Twitter.


On the day the controversial video was shared, several Wallaroos players were playing for Easts and Sydney University in the Jack Scott Cup grand final and not a single mention was made on the governing body’s official Instagram page.

It’s true the Wallabies enjoy a handsome budget.


It’s also true the men’s national team accounts for a huge portion of the game’s revenue.

But female players are just asking, and quite justifiably, “why do we keep getting told there’s no money, when you can afford to pay for things like travel and accommodation for Wallabies players’ partners?”

Some more prudent book-keeping, and telling Eddie Jones “no” every once in a blue moon, may well find funds can be saved from the Wallabies budget.

Jones has a plethora of assistant coaches and staff at his disposal, yet the Wallaroos head coach, Jay Tregonning, isn’t even a full-time employee.

He works part-time as a teacher.

Female players have acknowledged even making their coach full-time would be an acceptable start for seeing change.

Because that’s what most of the noise online over the past 24-48 hours has been about: creating change.

Many of the players were understood to be nervous about speaking out on social media, for fear of ramifications for their contracts.

This masthead understood rugby bosses were not looking at any punishment and aimed to sit down with leaders of the female playing group to hear them out.

It was believed the group had put together a list of issues and solutions to take to RA boss Phil Waugh, who was welcoming the opportunity to talk.

None of the dozens of Wallaroos players who responded at the weekend with a unified statement calling out RA’s alleged hypocrisy on the matter had ill-feeling towards the player’s partner who shared the video at the centre of the storm.

Some were even glad this had happened so it could be a catalyst for meaningful growth.

But that did not mean it was not a bitter pill for those players to swallow when they saw RA funds spent on Wallabies’ family members, or when they heard Australia A players had flown to France in business class (which is actually an entitlement under the collective bargaining agreement – any flight over eight hours must be business class).

More than 24 hours after posting their unified statement, Wallaroos players still hadn’t heard any official response from the game’s power brokers.

The small things – the one percenters – like communication and acknowledgment, can go a long way to achieving big wins.

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