

This was published 4 years ago

Clock ticking towards rugby's doomsday

By Roy Masters

The rugby union-loving public would walk away from the professional game in Australia within three years unless a takeover of the national administration occurred, with a respected change agent installed as leader.

This was the prediction, five months ago, of a proposed "war cabinet" consisting of former Wallabies and state leaders.

Warning: Former ARU chief executive John O Neill.

Warning: Former ARU chief executive John O Neill.Credit: Andrew De La Rue

The dire warnings, expressed in emails last November, proved prophetic when the financial accounts for the year ended December 31, 2019 were not signed and audited for presentation at Rugby Australia’s AGM on March 30.

Now, with a $16 million rescue loan from World Rugby probably contingent on it seeing properly audited accounts, the code in Australia is sitting on a time bomb.

John O'Neill, who began his corporate life as a banker, served two terms as Australian rugby’s chief executive and negotiated with the Dublin headquarters of the international body multiple times, including compensation for loss of income from the 2011 World Cup. "It would be inevitable that WR, particularly as a lender, would require RA to provide up-to-date, signed and audited financials for financial year 2019, as well as forecasts for, say, at least FY 20/21 years," O'Neill said.

"That’s what lenders do. We won the 2011 battle with payment increased from $11m to $20m. However, that was only after the number crunchers at the IRB had audited our claims thoroughly."

RA has another date with financial destiny when it is required to submit audited accounts to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) by the end of this month. The alarm bells at the corporate regulator must have rung when a loss of $9.4m was reported and the annual report did not even have a qualified audit sign-off.

Just as COVID-19 gave RA the opportunity to hold its AGM by video conferencing, it could have noted the pandemic as a post-balance date event. A subsequent press release doesn’t explain why the RA board didn’t approve the financial statements, given it had time in the statutory timetable to provide them to members 21 days before the AGM.


Newly elected RA chairman Paul McLean claimed in a press conference that the business was solvent as at December 31. Yet he also stressed that the board had been comforted over a three-week period by comments from the Federal Government with regard to Safe Harbour provisions under the Corporations Act (these provide a safety net to directors not being pursued for insolvent trading arising out COVID-19’s impact on business).


McLean correctly pointed out RA has until April 30 to lodge signed and audited financial statements with ASIC but the usual process is to present them at an AGM to allow members to consider them. Given that RA had until May 31 to hold its AGM, the questions must be asked as to why it was not postponed until the accounts were audited, and, indeed, whether the elections held were valid.

Perhaps RA expected to announce Optus as their media rights partner at the AGM, thereby allowing departing chair Cameron Clyne to say "up yours" to his many critics and chief executive Raelene Castle to entrench her position. After all, media industry sources say Optus and RA were only a week away from finalising a deal when the COVID-19 crisis shut down the nation.

But the question remains, what was in the accounts which prevented them being signed?

The Israel Folau payout? It was reported the claim had triggered an insurance payment which would cover any settlement and legal costs. If the Folau case cost RA $3m, as reported, then RA was either under-insured, or the settlement and costs were higher than reported.

Israel Folau's unfair dismissal action may have contributed Rugby Australia's backlog of paperwork.

Israel Folau's unfair dismissal action may have contributed Rugby Australia's backlog of paperwork.Credit: Getty Images

The Herald understands debts have increased to $16m, which is the size of WR’s rescue package. Yet the prospect of insolvency was only one of the problems identified by a "war cabinet" determined to draft in O’Neill as executive chair last November. The war cabinet idea was based on O’Neill’s experience as chief executive of FFA, when Frank Lowy agreed to become chair on the condition he appoint his own board, CEO and have no elections for four years.

It would have been a unifying board - similar to Scott Morrison's national cabinet to fight COVID-19 - consisting of representatives from the four Australian Super Rugby franchises and the central administration. It would therefore reflect the interests of the two employers of the national team – the club and country with whom a Wallaby has separate contracts - together with former RUPA boss, Greg Harris.

However, O’Neill sensibly refused to expose himself to what would have been an embarrassing nominations process. His demands would probably have been unacceptable, and, as chairman of Star Entertainment and Queensland Airports, as well as a future role in the bid for 2032 Olympic Games, probably didn’t have time - what the war cabinet identified as the code’s biggest problem.

"Time is the only elephant in the room," one of coup leaders said in an email, while pointing out there was great accord among state bodies for reform and that the recipe for success was agreed. "Board renewal, executive change, a review of the coaching model based on the poor performance at the recent World Cup, finalising a broadcasting contract and settling the Folau case."


McLean, with three new directors, is confronted by ongoing solvency tests, arising from last year’s $9.4m loss, a pile of new bills, an anticipated $120m hit to revenue as a result of cancelled matches this season, Foxtel’s refusal to deal with RA on 2021-2025 broadcasting contract and Optus delaying negotiations until October.

The three-year timeframe the proposed war cabinet gave the professional game before fans walked away has now become a ticking financial time bomb.

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