

This was published 8 years ago

Key findings of Special Commission of Inquiry into the Greyhound Racing Industry


The following are edited extracts from the special commission of inquiry into greyhound racing.


Greyhound racing has been banned in NSW.

Greyhound racing has been banned in NSW.Credit: Craig Golding

The evidence before the Commission indicates that at least 50 per cent of those whelped - and perhaps up to 70 per cent or even more of them - were deliberately killed simply because they never were, or no longer were, capable of being competitive racing greyhounds.

That is to say, of the 97,783 greyhounds that were bred in NSW in the last 12 years, the evidence suggests that somewhere between 48,891 and 68,448 dogs were killed because they were considered too slow to pay their way or were unsuitable for racing.

The evidence shows that 40 per cent of those greyhounds whelped never make it to the race track. As one breeder stated, "Dogs who don't have the instinct [to chase] or the tools to be a consistent winner - well a good handler can spot it a mile away ... Most of the time I'd drown the pups." In the greyhound industry, this mass slaughter of young and older greyhounds bred for the purpose of greyhound racing, and which are subsequently destroyed either prior to being named or raced, or upon retirement from racing, is euphemistically called "wastage" or euthanasia.

After evaluating the relevant parts of this mass of material, the Commission has concluded that, unless the number of greyhounds being bred in this State is reduced by a very large number, the greyhound racing industry in NSW cannot solve its problem of the mass slaughtering of healthy greyhounds.

Live Baiting

In the course of the Inquiry, the Commission compelled 10 persons, whom it suspected of being engaged in live baiting, to give evidence in public hearings concerning the practice. Nine of the 10 admitted that they had engaged in this barbaric practice. The other person denied having engaged in the practice, but the Commission is comfortably satisfied that he had. The nine witnesses gave various descriptions of their views of the extent of live baiting in the industry. Among the descriptions were that the practice was "common practice", "rampant" and "extremely widespread". The effect of their evidence was that some of them believed up to 90 per cent of industry participants used live rabbits to train greyhounds. These views were based on gossip and talking with other trainers and participants in the industry. The Commission concluded that their evidence as to the extent of live baiting could not be regarded as a reliable indicator of the extent of live baiting.

The evidence before the Commission also suggested that the practice was effectively condoned by many industry participants who may not themselves have engaged in the practice. The Commission heard evidence that, at the Appin track during trialling sessions, an enterprising vendor sought custom from trainers attending these trials by offering live rabbits for sale. Given the persons to whom the offers were made, it is easy to draw the conclusion that the rabbits were being offered as live baits for training greyhounds and that those attending the Appin track knew it. Witnesses also gave evidence of persons who were in effect door-to-door salesman offering live rabbits for sale to trainers. Yet none of the many participants in the industry who must have been aware that live baiting was prevalent in the industry appears to have made any attempt to bring the matter to the attention of GRNSW, or NSW Police, in a formal way. This is a telling indictment of the culture of the industry.


Deception of the public concerning deaths and injuries

The Commission finds that GRNSW engaged in the conduct knowingly and with the intention of sanitising the information that became available to the public concerning injuries suffered by greyhounds. The motive for the policy was the hope that, by doing so, substantial criticism of the greyhound racing industry in NSW could be avoided. Similarly, deaths on track were not recorded in the stewards' report because, as one steward told a veterinary surgeon, it would "stir up the greenies". This conduct of GRNSW was revealed only as the result of the Commission's investigations. It may have continued to this day if the Commission had not discovered it.

Social licence

The Commission is of the view that the industry has lost the integrity-based trust of the community and other stakeholders. It could hardly be otherwise. That is because the greyhound racing industry has been exposed as an industry that:

• has implicitly condoned as well as caused, the unnecessary deaths of tens of thousands of healthy greyhounds;

• has failed to demonstrate that in the future it will be able to reduce the deaths of healthy greyhounds to levels the community could tolerate;

• has engaged in the barbaric practice of live baiting;

• has caused and will continue to cause injuries to greyhounds that range from minor to catastrophic;

• has treated greyhounds as dispensable commercial commodities; • has deceived the community concerning the extent of injuries and deaths caused during race meetings;

• has preferred the commercial interests of the industry to the animal welfare interests of greyhounds;

• has exported greyhounds to race in places such as Macau where animal welfare standards are very poor; and

• has ignored or failed to recognise that the industry has obligations to the community that go beyond its strictly legal obligations.

It would be surprising if these failings of the industry had not destroyed the community's trust in the industry. Moreover, these failings have occurred in a context where greyhounds in NSW are now primarily, almost exclusively, bred for commercial purposes - to race for prize money and to create gambling opportunities. The reality is that, for many, perhaps most, of those who participate in the industry - whether as punters, breeders, owners or trainers, greyhounds are commercial commodities, not animals to be cherished and loved.

The Commission accepts that many participants in the industry are animal lovers who care for their greyhounds. But especially for those whose interest in greyhounds is betting on their chance of winning races, the greyhound is simply a gambling instrument, no different from a card in a poker game or a handle on a poker machine.

The extent of wastage and live baiting suggests that the view of the greyhound as a commercial commodity is also widespread among breeders, owners and trainers. Greyhounds Australasia, the peak body of the industry, has said that in the industry profits have come before welfare. A Special Commission of Inquiry into the Greyhound Racing Industry in New South Wales 19 significant number of owners have exported greyhounds to jurisdictions where animal welfare standards are practically non-existent. GRNSW has conceded to the Commission that in the past its strategic planning for the industry has been weighted towards commercial considerations with animal welfare largely regarded as a hygiene factor.

The reality is that the industry has a dark side. The slaughter of many thousands of purpose-bred greyhounds long before they reach their normal life expectancy may be "just business" for many breeders, owners and trainers. But it is a cruel business.

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