

WAEC to investigate alleged sexist remarks and Pilbara MP buying vote counters lunch

By Hamish Hastie

The WA Electoral Commission has launched a probe into the Pilbara election count after the Liberal camp lodged complaints about sexist remarks made by commission staff and Labor MP Kevin Michel’s decision to buy counting staff lunch.

In a complaint sent to the commission by Liberal upper house MP Neil Thomson on behalf of the Liberals’ Pilbara candidate Amanda Kailis, Thomson said a Liberal scrutineer was subjected to “deprecatory remarks” made by electoral staff based on her gender after she challenged the validity of some votes.

The WAEC will investigate the complaint.

The WAEC will investigate the complaint.Credit: Andrew Meares

“Comments included, ‘we have to make the women happy’...‘better do as the women say’ and words to that effect,” the complaint said.

Separately, Thomson took issue with Michel purchasing WAEC vote counters lunch on March 11.

“The apparent provision of lunches to the Returning Officer and the other WAEC staff by Mr Kevin Michel, the Labor candidate and incumbent member for the Pilbara,” he said.

“It seems highly inappropriate that he provides this form of inducement to the returning officer and the staff at the counting centre and it should be a breach of the code of conduct.

“As you can appreciate, the provision of any gifts, favours or hospitality can be seen as an inducement for preferential treatment.”

A WAEC spokeswoman confirmed it would investigate his complaints.

In a letter sent to Thomson from WAEC deputy electoral commissioner Courtney Barron she confirmed there had been staff member changes in the count.


“Thank you for raising these concerns with me; they are very serious and we will investigate them accordingly,” she told Thomson.


Labor declared Michel the victor over Kailis on Thursday with preferences securing a third term for the Pilbara MP.

Michel said he did not mean to do anything inappropriate by purchasing the staff lunches.

“While attending the counting centre, I informed staff I was leaving to find lunch for myself, and the staff asked whether I could bring them back a feed,” he said.

“I agreed, because it was the polite thing to do given the hard work those staff undertake.

“I apologise if that was in any way inappropriate.”

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