

This was published 6 months ago

WA’s 90,000 gun owners will soon have to answer this suite of questions. Here’s what you need to know

By Hamish Hastie

Police want Western Australia’s 90,000 firearms owners to self-report whether they use illegal drugs, how often they drink, or whether they have diabetes or arthritis in a self-health assessment to keep their licences.

The health questionnaire, similar to those FIFO workers complete, was devised by WA Police and tabled in parliament on Wednesday as part of the firearms bill currently being debated.

WA gun licence holders will have to complete a health assessment.

WA gun licence holders will have to complete a health assessment.Credit: iStock

What do police want to know about you?

The questionnaire includes health questions about whether the applicant has a heart condition, physical injury, nervous system disorders like seizures, diabetes, vision or hearing issues, mental health or psychiatric disorders and sleep disorders like sleep apnoea.

In addition to questions about illicit drug use, the questionnaire also includes screening for alcohol dependence and asks the applicant how often they drink during the week.


What are the laws?

The firearms bill will see some of the most sweeping changes to gun laws in Australia since the Howard-era national reforms.

Gun limits will be linked to licence types tailored to the different needs of owners.


Farmers and gun club members will be restricted to 10 firearms, while recreational shooters will only be able to own five.

State, national or international-level competition shooters may be able to apply to own more than 10 guns.

The state will also introduce a new digital licence scheme with an online portal and upgraded IT system, which the government said would give police real-time access to licence holder details.

Gun safety groups have lauded the reforms while gun and farming groups oppose them and the Nationals have indicated they will not support them.

A key pillar of the reforms when they were first announced by the WA government in 2022 was Australia-first mandatory mental health checks.

In February 2023, Police Minister Paul Papalia said mental health issues were a factor in about 50 per cent of the 20 firearms deaths in 2022.

“Introducing compulsory mental health screening for firearm owners increases the chance of identifying someone who should not be granted access to a firearm for safety reasons,” he said.


The mental health check has been altered to broader mandatory health checks that may contain a mental health component.

Prospective and current gun owners will have to fill out the self-assessment and give it to their GP who will send their own assessment to police.

Papalia told parliament last week the health assessment would factor into WA Police’s ultimate decision on whether a person is fit and proper to own a gun.

He said the health assessment was similar to those used by transport regulators when assessing dangerous goods transport licences.

“The medical evidence the medical practitioner provides is anticipated to address the following matters to determine whether a person meets the firearm authority health standards ... substance misuse and intoxication, chronic illnesses and conditions, age related changes, multiple medical conditions, and medications and other treatments.”

Who will these new health checks impact?

Police estimate there are about 90,000 gun licence holders in WA, all of whom will have to complete this test after the laws take effect.

To stop a tidal wave of gun licence-holders from clogging up GP surgeries across the state the government has opted for a staged approach over five years to collect the health assessments.

This means the new IT licence system will randomly pick about 1500 licence holders each month and require them to complete the health check.

Licence holders will also have to complete a health assessment every five years onwards.

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