

This was published 3 years ago

Banksia Hill ‘more violent than adult prisons’ as guard assaults spike

By Hamish Hastie and Peter de Kruijff

Union bosses are sounding the alarm over chronic understaffing and the potential for a riot at Banksia Hill Detention Centre after two serious assaults in the past month left four guards hospitalised.

According to the Community and Public Sector Union, the youth detention centre has been operating with 25 fewer people than recommended under safe operating standards. It also revealed there were 22 assaults at Banksia Hill in May, earning it the unwanted title of one of the most violent correctional facilities in Western Australia.

The Banksia Hill Detention Centre in Western Australia.

The Banksia Hill Detention Centre in Western Australia.Credit: CPSU

Department of Justice stats put this number at 19 assaults, with 17 of those resulting in no injury or requirement of medical treatment. The department’s figures suggest April was also a violent month with 20 assaults in total including two serious assaults and four that required medical treatment.

The union’s warning came the same day the state government tabled a report in Parliament from the Inspector of Custodial Services, which found that progress he recorded during his Banksia Hill inspection last September was now being eroded.

A St John WA spokeswoman confirmed there had been call-outs to two assaults in the past month.

The first occurred on May 22 where a guard in his 40s was treated for facial injuries and taken to Fiona Stanley Hospital with spinal precautions. A second guard also received facial injuries.

The second assault took place on June 7, where a guard in his 40s received facial injuries – including a broken tooth – and leg injuries.

“...the centre needs rapid intervention for de-escalation before another riot, like in 2017”

CPSU assistant secretary Melanie Bray.

Another guard in his 30s received head trauma and injuries to an arm and leg. Both guards were taken to Fiona Stanley Hospital for treatment.


The Department of Justice confirmed a 17-year-old detainee was allegedly involved in the May 22 incident, and two detainees, aged 15 and 17, were involved in the June 7 incident. Both incidents had been referred to WA Police.

The understaffing claims are yet another headache for the state government, which is already dealing with staffing and resourcing issues in the WA health system.

Community and Public Sector Union assistant secretary Melanie Bray said since the rise in assaults in May guards have called crisis meetings with the Department of Justice, saying more resources were needed or the centre risked a riot.

“Safe operational standards are 65 staff on-site, during the periods in question the centre was operating at around 40 on a day shift,” she said.

“Chronic understaffing means more lockdowns, which makes detainees agitated and disruptive.

“These incidences cap off a tumultuous few weeks, which has led to crisis meetings with the department’s senior management advising the centre needs rapid intervention for de-escalation before another riot, like in 2017.”

Ms Bray said the meeting resulted in interim measures being implemented to safeguard staff and detainees while more sustainable solutions were being developed.

“We need a permanent staffing ratio with a ‘no officer left alone’ policy and better resourcing for detainees so they can have more time out of their cells engaged in productive programs,” she said.

A Department of Justice spokeswoman said the injured guards were being supported with follow up care. She conceded an increase in incidents at Banksia Hill but said initiatives were being implemented in response.

“A small number of detainees are responsible for a majority of the incidents ... unpredictable, random assaults,” she said.

“The Department is actively recruiting to fill youth custodial officer vacancies as part of its commitment to maintaining sufficient numbers.

“More generally, the department maintains that despite the challenges of these complex custodial environments, all our staff are entitled to a safe working environment.”

Banksia Hill has been the site of two major riots in the past eight years; the first in 2013 and the second in May 2017.

An Inspector of Custodial Services report into the centre following the 2017 riot found warning signs had been visible for months.

“Throughout 2016 and early-2017, Banksia Hill was particularly volatile,” the report said. “Critical incidents occurred with growing frequency, including assaults on staff, rooftop incidents, and extensive damage to the centre.”

The new inspection report, tabled on Tuesday, found the centre had experienced its most settled period in ‘many years’ and staff morale had improved since 2017 thanks, in part, to a strong and stable management team.

However, inspector Eamon Ryan said it was disappointing to see since his inspection in September several issues had arisen.


“Since the start of 2021, there has been increasing staff shortages, more critical incidents
involving a number of different young people, and activities such as education being
modified that have caused us some concern,” he said.

Mr Ryan will visit a series of structured visits to assess the new issues and understand what contributing causes may be.

Commissioner for Corrective Service Mike
Reynolds said the period of strong and settled leadership had allowed staff and service providers to focus on young people’s needs and help put
them on pathways to better outcomes upon release.

According to the report, there were about 77 detainees in the centre in September last year when the inspection took place but that number has jumped to about 110.

Three-quarters of the centre’s population is Aboriginal.

In 2018 a groundbreaking study by the Telethon Kids Institute found an unprecedented prevalence of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and severe neurodevelopmental impairment in the detainee population, most of which was undiagnosed.

Of the 99 detainees assessed, 36 had FASD..

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