

This was published 1 year ago


Integrity is important, but can it sway the Victorian election?

Read more on integrity in government.See all 27 stories.

When does integrity matter?

The hot take from the May federal election was that integrity was important enough to swing voters, and even seats, away from the Coalition.

Premier Daniel Andrews and Opposition Leader Matthew Guy.

Premier Daniel Andrews and Opposition Leader Matthew Guy.Credit: Eddie Jim, Jason South

A few months later, The Age surveyed thousands of its readers about what mattered most to them in this state election. Integrity came out on top for all age groups.

At that time, it was known the Andrews government had been involved in three corruption commission probes.

They involved the premier’s relationship with developer John Woodman and allegedly corrupt suburban land deals, branch stacking, and dealings with the state’s firefighters’ union.

Of course, we also knew about the red shirts scandal involving 21 Labor MPs who the ombudsman found had misused almost $400,000 of taxpayer funds for campaign purposes in the 2014 election.

Labor paid the money back, but it didn’t pay a price at the polls in 2018 for the affair. Perhaps because, unlike the lobster with a mobster that has plagued Liberal leader Matthew Guy, the ALP’s scandals are too complicated to be rendered down to pithy campaign advertisements.

Since that August survey in which integrity was the highest-ranked state election issue, it has been reported that Daniel Andrews is being directly investigated by IBAC in at least one more matter – in this case, his role in awarding $3.4 million of grants to the Health Workers Union on the eve of the 2018 election.


Voters are lucky they got to hear about this fourth corruption probe at all before they go to the polls from Monday, given an injunction was obtained by the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission to prevent The Age publishing its draft findings.

IBAC Commissioner Robert Redlich has said the investigation should have been held in public but current laws restrict his power to do so.

As for that other IBAC probe in which the premier was questioned over his dealings with property developer Woodman, it won’t be published for months – if ever – following legal action brought by Woodman.

There’s no sign of the outcome of the fire services investigation either, for reasons that are unclear.

In May, voters around Australia made it clear integrity was an issue important enough to show politicians the door when they booted Morrison government. But will they apply the same standard to Daniel Andrews as they did to Scott Morrison?

Andrews is often described as Teflon, in that nothing sticks. But is this the standard we are now prepared to accept in Victoria?


It would seem that for many voters, if the polls are correct, allegations of corruption in politics only matter if it conforms to their political prejudices.

Most of the Labor people I know personally are good and decent people who believe in governing with integrity – members, staffers and MPs. The same cannot be said of their leader. This is not the ALP of Steve Bracks or John Brumby.

Privately, plenty of Labor people will share their misgivings about the way the premier and his office govern. But in public, they put on an impressive display of unity and have been prepared to look the other way. They do like being in government, after all.

With one exception.

The late Labor MP Jane Garrett refused to buckle to the premier’s demand that she sign off on a proposed enterprise agreement between the United Firefighters Union and Country Fire Authority because she believed the cost to the taxpayer would be exorbitant and it would deliver too much power to the union at the expense of volunteers firefighters.

Instead of backing his minister – as Bracks and Brumby would have done – Andrews sided with the firefighters union. It has never been entirely clear why. Garrett resigned as emergency services minister, stating that she did so “with a heavy heart”.

Shortly after, she lodged a bullying complaint against the union’s secretary, Peter Marshall, for conduct including allegedly saying he wanted to bury an axe in her head.

Would the standard of integrity be any different under the Coalition? Of course, we don’t know.


But it’s hard to imagine things would be worse.

For its part, the Victorian Coalition has learnt the lessons of the federal election and pledged to increase IBAC’s budget by $10 million a year and the ombudsman’s by $2 million.

Given the state’s integrity agencies, including IBAC and the ombudsman, have said they lack the funding necessary to monitor the government’s actions, it’s a good start.

But it is difficult to reconcile the importance of integrity as an issue in this state election with the polls that have consistently predicted Andrews’ victory.

One of the trickiest tasks for political strategists is working out what voters really think instead of relying on what they say. Unfortunately, the answer to that will only be found in the ballot box.

If nothing else, on November 26, Victorians will have their chance to show whether integrity in politics really does matter.

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