

This was published 2 years ago

Four days, zero action - regulator slow to act after St Basil’s first COVID infection

By Clay Lucas
Read our stories below on how the disaster at St Basil’s unfolded, and the aftermath of what remains Australia’s deadliest coronavirus outbreak.See all 41 stories.

It took four days for the federal government agency meant to keep aged care residents safe to take any action after it was told by St Basil’s nursing home that a staff member had tested positive for coronavirus last July.

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, tasked with protecting residents in aged care, was told on July 10, 2020, about the first case at St Basil’s aged care home, but it took no action until July 14, when it was formally notified of the outbreak by the Victorian government.

Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner Janet Anderson fronts a Senate hearing in 2020.

Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner Janet Anderson fronts a Senate hearing in 2020.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Forty-five residents at the Fawkner aged care home died with COVID-19 after the virus tore through the facility from July 9. Many of the home’s 117 residents were highly vulnerable and unable to care for themselves.

Had action been taken earlier to test residents for coronavirus and take many of the ill to hospital immediately, it is almost certain fewer would have died.


St Basil’s remains Australia’s deadliest coronavirus outbreak. A five-week coronial inquest into 45 COVID-19 deaths has also heard another five residents died, likely of neglect, in the weeks after the outbreak began.

On Friday, the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner Janet Anderson appeared before State Coroner John Cain.

She was shown evidence that an officer from her commission spoke with St Basil’s for 30 minutes on July 10, the day after the first staff member at the aged care home tested positive for coronavirus.

During the call, the commission was informed of the positive case. No follow-up action was taken to either work with St Basil’s on their planned response, or for the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission to visit the home.


Ms Anderson defended her agency’s failure to take any action because it was not the designated “first-responder” to an outbreak at an aged care home – the Victorian government was.

Asked by counsel assisting Judge Cain, Peter Rozen, QC, whether the commission should have been quicker to act, Ms Anderson agreed her agency should have done better.

Used PPE and other waste piles up outside St Basil’s in Fawkner at the height of last year’s deadly outbreak.

Used PPE and other waste piles up outside St Basil’s in Fawkner at the height of last year’s deadly outbreak.Credit: Penny Stephens

“In hindsight, it was a missed opportunity,” she said. “We simply did not expect to stumble over information of an outbreak that was not already known.”

Ms Anderson was also asked by Mr Rozen why an officer from the aged care regulator did not attend St Basil’s during the outbreak.


“You do not need a quality assessor on site,” she responded. ”I would equate it to somebody who is in a car accident and experiences a major injury. The person you most need is a paramedic and an ambulance. You do not need a police officer asking to see your licence, questioning what speed you were travelling, and whether you rolled through a stop sign.“

Asked by Mr Rozen if she had decided to “stay out of the way” as the disaster unfolded inside St Basil’s, Ms Anderson rejected this, saying her agency had attended meetings. “We were involved every single day in multiple meetings in relation to St Basil’s.”

It was also revealed on Friday that Ms Anderson had a one-hour discussion with Kon Kontis, the chairman of St Basil’s, who warned her that the withdrawal of the home’s entire workforce, as directed by Victoria’s Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton on July 21 last year because of spreading COVID-19 infections, would end in disaster.

Mr Kontis and the director of nursing at St Basil’s, Vicky Kos, had been expected to give crucial evidence to Judge Cain next week about why so many people in their care had died with COVID-19. But it emerged this week the two managers have asked Judge Cain to excuse them from giving evidence.

Mr Kontis and Ms Kos have applied to use a section of the Coroners Act that allows them to avoid giving evidence. Ian Hill, QC, a barrister for the pair, asked they be excused on the grounds they might incriminate themselves if they testified. “Both will object to giving evidence on the grounds that to do so may tend to prove that each has committed an offence against or arising under an Australian law,” Mr Hill told Judge Cain.

The application is being opposed by families whose parents lived at St Basil’s and died with coronavirus.

John Karantzis is a partner at Carbone Lawyers, which is representing 61 family members whose loved ones perished at St Basil’s. Carbone Lawyers have been at each day of the hearings and, when the possibility of Mr Kontis and Ms Kos not appearing arose, strongly objected.

“The application for Mr Kontis and Ms Kos to be excused to give evidence is an abuse of process,” Mr Karantzis said. “It is an insult to those who died and the families of those loved ones to say that it is not in the interests of justice for these two to give evidence.”

Mr Karantzis said the families of those who had died at St Basil’s had never heard “how and why” the home believed so many residents died because of coronavirus. “They have not even received an apology from the operators of St Basil’s,” he said.

Judge Cain will decide next week whether to allow the pair not to give evidence.

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