

This was published 2 years ago

‘St Basil’s was horrific’: Email tells of COVID heartache at aged care home

By Clay Lucas
Read our stories below on how the disaster at St Basil’s unfolded, and the aftermath of what remains Australia’s deadliest coronavirus outbreak.See all 41 stories.

The nation’s Chief Nursing Officer Alison McMillan visited St Basil’s in Fawkner in July last year, the day after its first coronavirus death, and pronounced the aged care home “fit for purpose”.

Professor McMillan visited St Basil’s at the behest of Australia’s then-chief medical officer Brendan Murphy, when the removal of every one of the home’s 117 residents was being considered.

Used PPE and other waste piles up outside St Basil’s in Fawkner at the height of last year’s deadly outbreak.

Used PPE and other waste piles up outside St Basil’s in Fawkner at the height of last year’s deadly outbreak.Credit: Penny Stephens

She reported back that there was “no need for a significant evacuation of positive residents to hospital”. Within a month, 45 residents had died with coronavirus. They had an average age of 85.

The five-week coronial inquest into the deaths at St Basil’s Homes for the Aged began on Monday before State Coroner John Cain.


At the hearing, Peter Rozen, QC, counsel assisting Judge Cain, revealed new details of what led to more than a third of St Basil’s residents perishing with COVID-19.

In his opening statement, Mr Rozen said that when Professor McMillan visited St Basil’s on July 22, 2020, conditions for residents at the home were so grim a complete evacuation was being considered.

The night before, after discussions with Aged Care Services Minister Richard Colbeck, Professor Murphy told Professor McMillan he was “very concerned” about the situation at St Basil’s. The pair agreed Professor McMillan would attend St Basil’s the next day.

Because of what Professor McMillan reported back to Professor Murphy after her visit, “the question of transferring a significant number of COVID-19 positive residents out of St Basil’s was deferred,” Mr Rozen said.


The subsequent neglect of residents, both with COVID-19 and those who were virus-free, led to many arriving at hospital within a week of her visit, close to death, malnourished and dehydrated, the inquest heard.

Mr Rozen told the Coroners Court, that by July 24 “the true extent of the neglect became apparent to those at the highest levels of the Commonwealth and Victorian governments”.

Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer Alison McMillan in Canberra in March 2020.

Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer Alison McMillan in Canberra in March 2020.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

That neglect was laid out powerfully in one email exhibited on Monday from Kirsten Congerton, a consultant employed by the state Department of Health, who volunteered to visit St Basil’s on July 23.

The email, which Mr Rozen described as “distressing”, was sent to Nicole Cummins, a director at the health department in charge of infection control, at 4.41am on July 24, after Ms Congerton and a colleague visited St Basil’s.

“St Basil’s was horrific. I cried several times on site and I’m pretty tough,” the email said. “We had one person pass away, we expect two or three more overnight. They have written many residents off as palliative.” The place is a mess. It not is stable or improving.”

She reported that there were no stations for nurses or carers to remove their PPE, or bins to put waste into.

“We had to resort to tying bags outside residents’ rooms so the very young, inexperienced, terrified and overwhelmed agency staff could doff [remove their PPE].”

Ms Congerton said personal care assistants at the home were “in tears, registered nurses in over their heads and obviously frightened. Clients not being fed, meds missed, hygiene unattended, in their nappies for hours and hours. Bedsores … .”

“[Another employee] and I have seen a lot in our time and experience, but this is horrific for everyone involved.”

Before Professor McMillan’s visit to St Basil’s on July 22, Victoria’s Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton had stood down the home’s entire workforce because coronavirus had spread throughout the centre and virtually every worker was a close contact.


Professor Sutton, who will give evidence before Judge Cain next week, has said he gave this direction in the interests of both residents and staff.

The federally funded “surge” workforce that entered the home after Professor Sutton’s order was overseen by Mr Colbeck’s federal Department of Health.

These staff, employed by private contractor Aspen Medical, entered the home on July 22 – the same day Professor McMillan visited – and chaos unfolded.

Few of the replacement nurses and carers understood the systems established to look after residents – many of whom had complex medical and food needs. Several residents spoke only Greek at the facility, run by the Greek Orthodox Church. St Basil’s chairman Kon Kontis and the home’s nursing director, Vicky Kos, warned that standing down all staff was dangerous.

Within days of staff being furloughed, doctors who visited the home were expressing “genuine concern about residents starving to death and dying of dehydration from basic care needs not being met”, Mr Rozen told Judge Cain.

At the final meeting before the existing St Basil’s staff were “furloughed” on July 22, a doctor with the Northern Hospital team trying to assist at the aged care home, geriatrician Zi Yi Low, warned it was “a shocking idea” to remove all of the staff.

Dr Low described an earlier COVID-19 outbreak, at an Estia aged care home in Heidelberg where 10 people died. There too, staff had been stood down, with disastrous consequences.

“Medications were lost, meals were not provided, no modified diet or fluids and no analgesia,” Dr Low was recorded as saying in a police brief prepared for the Coroner.

“Dr Low prophetically emphasised that ‘if St Basil’s go down this path, this is a facility with triple the size of Estia Heidelberg – this will be disastrous’,” Mr Rozen told Judge Cain.

The St Basil’s outbreak was among a cluster of aged care disasters in Victoria’s second wave in 2020.

The St Basil’s outbreak was among a cluster of aged care disasters in Victoria’s second wave in 2020.Credit: Justin McManus

Mr Rozen observed on Monday that “a number of senior Commonwealth public servants in Canberra, none of whom had set foot in St Basil’s, were making decisions on July 21, 2020, about the residents in the teeth of very clear warnings from doctors who were caring for the same residents.”

Mr Rozen said one of the lessons that may come from the coronial inquest “must surely be for government officers to heed the warnings of the experts on the ground in such crises”.

More than 96 per cent of Victoria’s residential aged care workers employed at federally run facilities have now been immunised against coronavirus. With the vaccine mandate taking effect on Monday, only those who fully vaccinated or those who can show proof of their vaccination appointment are now able to keep working in the industry.

Fears of a potential mass exodus of workers following the mandate appear to be unfounded. Health Workers Union Victorian secretary Diana Asmar said, even if 3 or 4 per cent of the workforce left, it would have “massive” implications on existing staff.

“Since COVID-19, their workloads have increased, but staffing levels haven’t,” she said.

The St Basil’s hearing continues.

With Melissa Cunningham and Timna Jacks

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