

This was published 3 years ago

Puns, pumpkins and the 'cocked snook' we didn't hear about in estimates

By Felicity Caldwell and Lydia Lynch

There were no rude cufflinks this year and Queensland's estimates hearings will never be the same without former Labor MP Jo-Ann Miller lobbing friendly fire at her own colleagues.

But along with grillings over private email use and lobbyists and revelations youth bail houses would be scrapped, there were lighter moments in between the opposition's attempts to scrutinise the government's spending in the 2020 budget.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk brought a pumpkin to estimates.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk brought a pumpkin to estimates. Credit: Sam Mooy/ Getty Images

Cocking a snook

New Labor MP Robert Skelton was asked to apologise after an "unparliamentary gesture" during estimates.

The member for Nicklin put his thumb on his nose, held his palm open and perpendicular to the face and wiggled his fingers.

The derisive action is officially known as "cocking a snook" and LNP member for Burnett Stephen Bennett suggested Mr Skelton "grows up".

The pumpkin

Spruiking a trade deal with Japan, the Premier brought a north Queensland pumpkin along to the first session.


"There are no better pumpkins than Queensland pumpkins and they do not need to be as big as Lawrence Springborg’s pumpkins," the Premier told the hearings.

A freight of Queensland's Orange Glow pumpkins arrived in Japan on November 23, Ms Palaszczuk said, following a shipment of kabocha squash (Japanese pumpkin) to Queensland earlier this year.

"Today we have made both an Orange Glow pumpkin scone using Lady Flo’s recipe and a kabocha squash scone made with [celebrity chef] Curtis Stone’s recipe.

"The committee can decide which one they prefer. This will be a real test."

Dumbing down laws

One Nation MP Stephen Andrew asked the government what it was doing to make legislation "easy to understand and easy to use" because "we are finding it very difficult, to keep up as crossbenchers, in some of the legislative areas."

He's not called Mr Speaker for nothing: $600k phone bill

A bungled rollout of a new telephone system has cost taxpayers more than half a million dollars.

Speaker Curtis Pitt said the old phone systems were meant to be replaced in electorate offices across the state before the October election, after a short pilot program in two offices.

However, in just seven days staff realise the phones were no good. Some calls did not connect, others dropped out and some would ring even though no one was at the other end of the line.

The system was recalled and left the Parliamentary Services between $500,000 to $600,000 out of pocket.

Estimates hearings get a bit ruff

Warrego MP Ann Leahy wanted to know about the complexity of local government conflict-of-interest laws but MPs could not stop lapping up puns.

"Say, for instance, a council decision is required on a dog park, if the CEO has a dog, the mayor has a dog and the councillors have dogs, no one can make a decision on that," she said.

"Is this a bit of a dog's breakfast?"


Asked to rephrase the question, Ms Leahy could not help herself: "In a situation like this where none of the people can make a decision, is this a reasoned approach to these laws or is it again the tail wagging the dog?"

Member for Bundaberg Tom Smith suggested Ms Leahy may be "barking up the wrong tree" before chair Chris Whiting ordered: "dog puns stop right now".

Mr Miles had the last word: "It is all a bit ruff!"

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