

This was published 3 months ago

Inflation dragon rebounds to scorch those most in need

No wonder the RBA is not happy (“Reserve Bank has squeezed us like a lemon, but it’s still not happy”, June 8). The government has all the data that Ross Gittins mentions in his column but it has chosen to pursue faux inflation falls rather than directing help to those most needy, the people who will spend rather than pocket increases in disposable funds. Rather than provide universal relief for households that use electricity, the government could have extended this year’s scheme, favouring the concession group, into 2024-25, perhaps even increasing the amount above $500. Alternatively, any funds saved could have been directed to unemployment benefits. Mike Bush, Port Macquarie

Credit: Matt Davidson

Gittins reports that the Reserve Bank’s attack on inflation hasn’t slain the inflation dragon but has stopped economic growth. He notes that household spending has continued to increase, but doesn’t fully explain how households can increase spending while losing more money to interest rate rises. The explanation is simple, older households without mortgage debt are benefiting from sharemarkets travelling at record highs, record high values and rents for their investment properties and the lack of tax on superannuation. We don’t have HECS debts, we pay little or no tax and we are spending. And by spending we are keeping inflation up.

Due to the growing proportion of well-off retirees in the population, the situation will get worse for years to come. The inequity and all-round unfairness of Howard government policies are now on full display. Tax-free superannuation, tax-free dividend income due to rebating franking credits and excessive capital gains discounts, all Howard policies, are now keeping the young out of housing and contributing to inflation that the RBA alone cannot stop. We are now a country where the wealthy, tax-free oldies are the leaners not the lifters. Steven Lee, Faulconbridge

I am always impressed by Gittins’ comments, but would like to suggest an alternate solution. He suggests authorities “have only one crude way” to stop prices rising so quickly and that’s “by raising mortgage interest rates and income tax”. He adds that “when the demand for their products is much weaker, businesses won’t be game to raise their prices much”.

To me, that seems to clearly ignore the fact that in a small population like ours, capitalism inevitably takes on the form of the tail wagging the dog – in which the greed of business oligarchs makes a nonsense of Gittins’ demand-supply proposition. In the absence of government intervention, we see precisely the situation we have now, where food retailers have been raising prices randomly, despite there being no apparent increase in demand. Our government should instigate penalties for any retailer that without cause raises prices and rein in the powers of the Reserve Bank to inflict ever more unjustified hardship on the community by misplaced interest rate rises. Capitalism in its long-established form, is no longer benefitting our wider community and ought to be questioned and challenged. Ian Grant, Sanctuary Point

The Treasurer, the Reserve Bank Governor and other bastions of the economy must hate Ross Gittins. They announce economic masterplans and he shouts back, “the Emperor has no clothes!” All power to Ross. Rowan Godwin, Rozelle


The Costello response: respect or retaliation

I am appalled by the response to Peter Costello’s alleged rough treatment of a journalist (“‘It’s really important that we treat journalists with respect’ ” June 8). Anyone embarking on a career in journalism must of necessity develop a thick skin and take the knocks. As a journalist on the front line, that individual must condition himself or herself to the stress of intruding on people in sometimes the most difficult, traumatic and sensitive times of their lives. A person in the centre of the action, being subjected to such intrusion, is quite within his or her rights to tell the nosy reporter to “beat it”, or words to that effect, and if there is a bit of push and shove involved, so be it. In my 40-plus years as a reporter I was assaulted, thrown down steps, arrested, sued, attacked in parliament and the NSW Labor Council, and put in the line of fire when things became heated in Fiji. So what? It’s part of the job! A reporter is obliged at all times to be as polite as possible but to be persistent. The only real thing a reporter owes to the harassed individual is to produce a report which is fair and accurate. I was once assigned to interview world boxing champion Jeff Fenech after having written him up adversely. He said: “Hey you! Piss off!“‚ and his trainer Johnny Lewis enthusiastically agreed. I complied, but what an opportunity I missed in getting a black eye from Jeff Fenech. I would have had it photographed, the picture framed and displayed with pride. Malcolm Brown, Ermington

Peter Costello.

Peter Costello.Credit: The Australian/Liam Mendes

Costello is supposed to be setting a responsible example as head of an independent media organisation, not covertly attempting to undermine and trivialise the role of journalists trying to do their job. Jenifer Nicholls, Armadale (Vic)

Hear, hear to your correspondent on the behaviour of reporters (Letters, June 8). It seems that courtesy and ethics needs to be included in journalism courses. It is one thing to try to get a scoop but another to not understand that “no comment” means no. That’s where one has to hand it to premiers during the pandemic. Day after day they endured reporters’ repeated questions while receiving the same answers. One wonders who teaches these people. Les Sisley, Kelso

Can’t help thinking back to the end of the Howard era when many commentators thought Peter Costello was too mild-mannered to become John Howard’s successor. Brian Collins, Cronulla

Yes, it’s true that journalists (and everyone else) should be treated with respect as asserted by Treasurer Jim Chalmers. But anyone in the street is equally entitled to be free from harassment by journalists. Brian Roach, Westleigh


Costello’s alleged shirtfront of the journo at Canberra airport must be sending a shiver down the spine of Vladimir Putin. While the late rugby league doyen Rex Mossop wouldn’t approve of this Aussie Rules tactic, he’d heartily approve of the “retaliate first” manoeuvre. Yianis Ponos, Dulwich Hill

Detainee debate loses direction

Amid all the hype and fury associated with direction 99, and now 110, we appear to have lost sight of how the debate has conflated the plight of refugees and long-term residents (“Queries over new direction on immigration”, June 8).

Refugees, regardless of their motivation, arrive in Australia with varying degrees of degraded mental health. They need treatment for this condition but we lock them up as if they are criminals. We know some are criminals, but that does not change the treatment required.

Long-term residents born overseas who have been convicted of criminal behaviour reflect the experience of growing up in Australia. Their countries of birth bear no responsibility for the person they have become. Deporting them may be politically expedient but it is illogical, immoral and lazy. Victor Boase, Narraweena

Lesson not learnt

The sheer horror that is war seems to be always with us (“Never forget”, June 8). Almost 80 years after World War II ended, we are still struggling today against forces that invade and kill. Here in Australia our family, like so many others at the time, suffered loss or injury, but for countries such as France the price was terrible. Not just the military but so many civilians lost their lives in the desperate fight for freedom. Some years ago we drove through the north of France where at times the only indication of a former village was a simple sign giving its name; no houses, no sign of life left after the bombs had eradicated all living creatures. Is it any better today in Ukraine or Gaza? Nola Tucker, Kiama


I wonder how many younger Australians understand the meaning and significance of D-Day. Even pivotal Pacific battles such as the Coral Sea have been overshadowed by the attention paid to Gallipoli. More important than the many individual battles are the lessons of courage and sacrifice shown in the defence of freedom, the oppressed and the captive. We owe it to past and future generations to never forget. Philip Cooney, Wentworth Falls

Scrap merchant

Peter Hartcher acknowledges Anthony Albanese’s “scrapping” credentials, and his low profile strategy (“Right on cue, the scrapper PM”, June 8). The latter element is one which represents timeless values. The Chinese Taoist philosopher Lao Tzu (sixth century BC) advised: “A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.” Derrick Mason, Boorowa

Jim Pavlidis

Jim PavlidisCredit:

“Tearing into the Greens” is as much about Albanese attempting to ward off the Greens who have been after his seat for years as it is an assault on the morals and ethics of the Greens.

What rusted-on ALP supporters have found missing is the PM’s “mongrel” combativeness to make changes and introduce remedies that are consistent with his much vaunted “hard left” credentials. Not only has he blithely endorsed the AUKUS arrangements and Coalition defence agenda, he has also allowed the stage 3 tax cuts to proceed, albeit modified to the benefit of the lower paid.

It seems that Albanese’s “inner scrapper” has been very effective in internecine ALP politics, if not for the broader benefit of ALP supporters. Ross Butler, Rodd Point


Good luck to the Greens. Never have been much. Predicting nothing will change. But I should let them know that head thumping is not a good look for anyone, let alone a political party. Ted Bush, North Epping

Peter Dutton demanding that Albanese refuse to accept Greens preferences at the next election? Perhaps the Liberal-National parties could show us how it’s done, and refuse to accept One Nation’s preferences at the next election.
Brendan Jones, Annandale

Double dealing

It was unnecessary to say that “usual accounting practices would be to record the proceeds of a sale only once” (“Budget to cop $1b blow after mistake”, June 8). Anything else would be a misrepresentation.

The mistake occurred in 2018-19, so both Labor and the Coalition have been involved in publishing the double credit. One hopes that the acuity of the discoverer of the mistake has been fully recognised, even though it was found during a property audit ordered by Premier Chris Minns.

It’s reassuring to read that the Treasurer is confident no other similar mistakes exist. The NSW government cannot afford to have mistakes of this consequence appearing in its budget papers. James Moore, Kogarah

Clutter sparks joy


I find myself in wild agreement with Malcolm Knox on the whole Marie Kondo phenomenon that has shamed many of us for loving “stuff” (“If it sparks no joy, bin it? First, Marie Kondo”, June 9 ). I have tried many times to sort and stack and fold and bin with Kondo’s same fierce pluck, only to find myself fishing out odd-fitting band T-shirts from 30 years ago and many pairs of “lucky” socks of unknown provenance. After many failed attempts, I have chosen to embrace a new motto: “say yes to the mess!” and do a little tidy up every now and then. Lynette Houssarini, Sydney

I was delighted to read Knox’s demolition of the queen of anti-clutter. In my one-bedroom unit I have hundreds of books, some 200 years old, a German helmet, an 18th century Irish candlestick, a knickknack stand with ceramics displayed, carved statuettes from Zimbabwe and a carved pig and lime pot from Papua. Then there are the albums containing hundreds of photos. I like to be surrounded with clutter that reminds me of my life story, especially since my beloved wife died recently. White unadorned walls and total neatness lack personality. Go intelligent clutter! Andrew Macintosh, Cromer



It is only June but I have to nominate Knox ’s article for Herald column of the year. I have never before been reduced to laughing out loud in agreement with the author from start to finish of a Herald column. “As for books, Marie says you must keep no more than 30.” Like the Knox house, ours has several thousand books. The real question is how many different translations of Proust should your bookshelves hold? Joseph Fernandez, Mosman

Test of time

On a recent UK and Europe trip we witnessed the crowds of all ages visiting Liverpool’s Beatles hot spots and revelling in the music, and also Swifties travelling to Paris in their droves for concerts (“Settle down, Swifties – the Beatles are still the biggest thing to hit Australia”, June 8). I doubt that the champagne-swilling young women on Eurostar’s Chunnel will be visiting Tay Tay’s musical “shrines” in 50 years time. There has never been a musical act with the influence of the Fab Four. Aidan Cuddington, Umina Beach

Not so peachy

Let’s put the blame where it belongs in relation to SPC – with consumers (Letters, June 8). Woolworths’ customers buy the cheapest product on the shelf. Australians may bemoan the loss of Australian products, but they also need to put their money where their mouth is. Daphne Ferguson, Baulkham Hills

Breast practice

Your correspondent may be relieved to be past the age where she expects to receive reminder letters from BreastScreen, but does she realise that the mandated upper age limit for routine breast screening is a cost-saving measure (Letters, June 8)? It is not well advertised that women can continue to have BreastScreen mammograms for free every two years beyond 75 years. The risk of developing breast cancer increases with age. I have every intention of continuing to have regular mammograms, should I be lucky enough to reach that age. Alison Harris, Daruka

Eye of the beholder

Interesting to read John McDonald’s piece about this year’s Archibald Prize winner, Laura Jones, and her subject, Tim Winton (“Archibald winner’s style puts focus on its subject’s undeniable intensity”, June 8). I wish McDonald could have been a bit more frank in his assessment. Barbara McKellar, Dulwich Hill

I agree with McDonald, with the exception of his comment about the beleaguered Art Gallery of NSW needing money. What about us “struggling artists”, who can ill afford the entry fees? My fees were $100 to enter the Archibald and Sulman. I didn’t even bother with the Wynn – that’s a foregone conclusion. Graham Watson, Woollahra

Laura Jones with her portrait of Tim Winton.

Laura Jones with her portrait of Tim Winton.Credit: Janie Barrett

Art is subjective. Many Archibald winners I have not particularly liked or not at all. This year my eyes are transfixed by the Winton portrait. There, on his face, is his soul. I doubt a photograph could achieve what this artist has. Suella Knight, North Ryde

No wonder Laura Jones won the Archibald. Her prizewinning portrait was the spitting image of Winton. But then again, blink – and it’s Peter Sterling the Eels renowned halfback. Two for the price of one? Peter Bower, Naremburn

As the packing room made its choice this year, the post-gym-class coffee drinkers discussed recent winners of the Archibald Prize. General consensus was in keeping with McDonald’s view. It’s “lost its way and operates on a different agenda”. However, McDonald will be pleased to know some of us will still visit the AGNSW. Lyn Langtry, East Ryde

In Winton’s children’s book Bugalugs Bum Thief, the villagers’ bums are stolen. In Laura Jones’ Winton portrait it’s not so much that he has had his bum stolen, but more that his bum has migrated around to his belly. Time for a chat with Gina, Tim? Trevor Somerville, Illawong

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