

This was published 1 year ago

Your top budget questions answered: Our experts explain the details

By Ross Gittins and Rachel Clun

Credit: Marija Ercegovac

We spent six hours on Tuesday going through the budget papers. We also asked the Treasurer, Finance Minister and a host of other government officials questions about the decisions in the budget - from changes to Medicare, to plans for energy bill relief.

But we’re not the only people wondering about the budget, so let’s answer some of your questions and unpack what it means for you.


Michelle Hogan asks: Do you think the tripling of Medicare payments to GPs is a game-changer?

Helen Lyons-Riley asks: What is the incentive to bulk bill? Does it increase the amount doctors are paid per consultation?

We got quite a few questions on the Medicare changes, so let me tackle them all at once. The incentive to bulk bill is what it says on the packet – a payment to encourage GPs to not charge their patients a gap fee for consults. My colleague Natassia Chrysanthos has a good comprehensive overview of it here, but essentially city doctors will get a $20.65 bonus for bulk billing, and rural GPs will receive a $39.65 bonus on top of the existing rebate of about $40 for a 20-minute consult.


To Francis Handcock and Adrian McGregor’s questions about whether senior healthcare cardholders would benefit from the change, the answer is yes: these bonuses apply to consults for about 11.6 million children, concession cardholders, and pensioners.

Taking a generous view of the term game-changer, it is – providing the most vulnerable with better access to free GP care. It will have a particularly great effect in rural areas, given the size of the new incentives, meaning more people will have access to free GP consults there. And it will also slow the declining availability of bulk-billing services - effectively giving those practices a lifeline. But if you go to a private inner-city clinic, this is unlikely to change the way they operate.

On a separate health issue, Dominic Dwyer asked if there was any investment in an Australian Centre for Disease Control. I can tell you the government is spending $3.2 million in the next couple of months to start work on the initial consultation and design for establishing it.

Energy prices

Deb Campbell asks: Why the difference in NSW and Victorian energy bill relief? How does that work? Do we yet know?


Plenty of questions about this, and for good reason given the price of energy at the moment. So let me break it down for you, starting with the discount figure.

It’s different in each state and territory because the deal has required separate agreements between the federal government and the jurisdictions, and not all state governments have taken the same approach, as these tables show:

As for who gets the discounts (which will go straight onto power bills next financial year) it’s fairly broad. It will go to any concession cardholder, including pensioners, veterans and seniors, as well as people who receive the carer allowance, family tax benefit, and anyone eligible for existing state or territory electricity concession schemes.

And the discounts are for electricity – the government is relying on its gas market intervention to reduce the price of those bills for all households.

Housing affordability


Peter Fuller asks: Housing and particularly affordable housing was not addressed in a meaningful way in the budget. The problem with housing in Australia, especially in Sydney, is that our tax exemptions on the family home, unique to Australia, make housing a commodity and not a home. State and local government make housing development too expensive, slow, unreliable and difficult. I am a retired architect. Years ago we were approached by a Scandinavian hotel group about building a new hotel in Sydney. We had a client with an ideal site. When asked how long it would take to get approval, we advised that one year and possibly a little longer would be needed. The Scandinavian group replied that they could get approval in Singapore in a week. They did and built there. How can the federal government address our housing problem in a meaningful way?

I agree the budget didn’t do much to help with housing in general, and affordable housing in particular. And I agree government rules have made homes more attractive as a form of investment – not just a place of secure accommodation – which has helped make them much harder to afford. As well, local governments add to the problem by zoning restrictions that limit middle-density and high-density housing development.

But although development approvals should be processed more quickly, I don’t know they add much to the cost of homes. The federal government can’t directly influence local government zoning rules, but it could modify tax and age pension means-testing rules to reduce the demand for housing as an investment category.

The $4.2 billion surplus

John Carroll asks: What actually happens to the $4 billion? Does it pay down our debt or is it used to pay the interest on it?


The expected budget surplus of $4 billion this financial year is calculated after allowing for the annual interest payments on the government’s huge public debt. It will be used to buy back $4 billion-worth of Australian government bonds, meaning it will reduce next year’s interest bill to a small extent. More importantly, it will mean we’ve gone through a year of not adding to the debt and the interest bill.

In the financial year that ends next month, 2022-23, expected government spending of $631 billion is expected to be exceeded by government taxes and other collections of $635 billion, leaving a budget surplus of $4 billion. This would amount to 0.6 per cent of total government spending, or just 0.2 per of the whole economy’s spending, gross domestic product, of $2.6 trillion.


The economics students at Macarthur Girls High School would like to know whether the projections on increases to the unemployment rate is concerning to the economy, and whether it has been adequately addressed within this budget?


All expected increases in unemployment are concerning because they mean people losing their jobs, but the related slowdown in economic growth is the Reserve Bank’s conscious choice: the means by which it hopes to slow growth in aggregate demand and thereby reduce upward pressure on the rate of inflation. Yes, it’s a very crude instrument. But if the unemployment rate increases by no more than 1 percentage point to just 4.5 per cent, as the government predicts, this will the mildest downturn we’ve experienced in 50 years, leaving us not very far from full employment.

Climate change

Keith Heale asks: The biggest problem facing every country is still climate change. How does this budget position Australia to achieve Labor’s goal of cutting emissions by 43 per cent by 2030?

Great question. In its first budget, the government splashed major cash to clean up the electricity network.

This time around, it has deployed more modest but targeted programs to cut pollution from Australia’s 215 heaviest industrial polluters, through caps on those polluters under the safeguard mechanism to help achieve about a third of the emissions reductions needed to meet that 2030 goal.


To meet their emissions targets, industry can either buy carbon offsets, or they can invest in cleaner technology – for example a facility that relies on gas for heating could switch to electrical processes powered by renewable energy.

The budget splashed cash from its $1.9 billion Powering the Regions fund to support cleaner industries, including $400 million to invest in low-emissions industrial processes, another $400 million to help reduce emissions in the steel, cement, lime, aluminium and alumina industries, and $600 million for exporting facilities captured by the safeguard mechanism rules to cut their emissions.

The government also committed $2 billion to develop the nascent hydrogen industry in Australia, which could help the industry shift from gas to the zero emissions fuel (worth noting, it will take years for this technology to be commercialised).

A wealth tax?

Bob Crozier asks: Why doesn’t the government introduce a wealth tax? Some say it would not work, but it works in Norway where they have just increased the rate. Would a wealth tax help to bring down inflation? How much could be raised if wealth over $10 million was taxed at 3 per cent per year?

Australians have a historically-based aversion to death duties, but I’d be happy to see an annual tax imposed on wealth – probably only on quite high levels. Economists don’t think it would raise much money, but it should reduce “intergenerational inequity”, where more wealth is inherited rather than earned. But I doubt it would do much tor reduce inflation in the near term.


B White asks: Why are there no cuts to private school funding and commensurate increases where it is needed and should go – to public schools?

Because, unlike other rich countries, Australia has a long history of extensive religious involvement in providing school education, and the churches and their parents have fought hard to keep their generous taxpayer funding and stop it being shared more fairly with less well-endowed public schools, as the Gonski report recommended.


Sandra Dibbs asks: Are they going to raise the amount pensioners can earn without losing their pension card?

So one of the outcomes of last year’s jobs summit was a temporary increase to the amount pensioners could earn, from $7800 to $11,800, before their income is reduced, announced in the October budget. In this budget, the government has extended that temporary increase by a year, to the end of the 2023-24 financial year.

A slightly separate issue, but the income threshold for the Commonwealth Seniors Health Card has also been lifted - to $90,000 for singles, and $144,000 combined for couples.

Did age pensioners get a pay rise? No, no special increase. But, naturally, pensions will continue to be increased twice a year in line with the consumer price index (or with wages, if their increase is greater). And those pensioners who rent will get a small increase in the rate of Commonwealth rent assistance.

And finally ...

Robert Moore asks: What would you have done differently and why?

I would have increased the tax on offshore gas producers and people with millions in superannuation by much more than the government did, so I could afford a much bigger increase in our starvation-wage unemployment benefits. And I would have announced my intention to modify the stage-three tax cuts, so low and middle income-earners got bigger tax cuts and high income-earners got much smaller ones, with the overall cost of the tax cuts significantly reduced.

Ross Gittins unpacks the economy in an exclusive subscriber-only newsletter every Tuesday evening. Sign up to receive it here.

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