

This was published 7 months ago


While Australia threw a party, China threw a punch

Australia threw a party for ASEAN this week; China threw it a punch. While Anthony Albanese was charming the region’s leaders in Melbourne, Xi Jinping was trying to grab maritime territories from the Philippines. On the same day that Australia supplied koalas for the leaders to cuddle, an aggressive panda bared its claws to block the Philippines from sailing in its own coastal waters.

Surely it was a perfect opportunity for the assembled prime ministers and presidents – and one sultan – to take a stand? To issue a strong collective condemnation of Xi’s use of force against one of ASEAN’s members?

Animation: John Shakespeare.

Animation: John Shakespeare. Credit:

Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong had warned of just such aggression a day earlier when she told the opening session of the ASEAN-Australia special summit: “We see claims and actions that are inconsistent with international law, particularly the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, the legal order for the seas and oceans.”

No prizes for guessing who. Continued Wong: “We face destabilising, provocative and coercive actions, including unsafe conduct at sea and in the air and militarisation of disputed features.”

All of us, she said, needed to “insist differences are managed through dialogue, not force”.

So did the gathered leaders insist? Not a bit. They couldn’t bring themselves to say a harsh word, even in support of one of the group’s five founding nations.

“It’s clearly frustrating,” says the head of the ANU’s National Security College, Rory Medcalf. “We see this week this really brutal harassment of the Philippines by China, yet we still have ASEAN unwilling to name the problem.”

So what’s the point of ASEAN? What’s the point of the whole exercise? It’s true that ASEAN is useless in a crisis. It always has been. It’s not an alliance, more a playgroup – it only comes together for good vibes and fun times. They are very keen for karaoke but not so much for crisis management.


Whether it’s the Asian financial crisis, the military coup in Myanmar or the Rohingya refugee disaster, ASEAN has a firm stance of studied paralysis. And now that China is taking some of their territories, one by one, the group is sticking to its finely honed stance. Why? Apart from its traditional uselessness, there is the “China veto” over ASEAN.


Because ASEAN works on consensus, it only takes one member to block any statement or action. And China has two – Cambodia and Laos are vassals of China. They wield the “China veto” that guarantees ASEAN never will speak or act against the interests of the Chinese Communist Party. And other ASEAN members, like Malaysia, hope Beijing will shower it with bountiful investment.

So Beijing can pretty much do as it pleases, as it did this week at the Second Thomas Shoal, with no risk of ASEAN intervention.

Xi continues to use “grey zone” tactics, a level of bullying and interference just below kinetic warfare. He used them in taking other islets and reefs in the South China Sea over the past decade. Once his forces grab them, they build military installations on them. Then move on to the next.

And next is the Second Thomas Shoal, a small reef in the Spratly Islands group. It’s about 200 kilometres from the Philippines’ coast, well within the country’s exclusive economic zone. It’s 1100 kilometres from China’s coast.


To establish a territorial marker, the Philippines grounded a decrepit navy ship, the Sierra Madre, on the shoal in 1999. Manila keeps a handful of troops on the ship and periodically resupplies them with food, water and fuel. And these resuppply trips are China’s target.

This week Manila sent two small wooden boats, escorted by two larger coast guard vessels, to resupply its troops on the Sierra Madre. Beijing sent five coast guard vessels and 18 ships from Beijing’s “maritime militia” – supposed fishing vessels that do remarkably little fishing – to surround the Filipinos. Standing a little further out to sea were two Chinese warships and a military helicopter, according to the Philippines Coast Guard spokesperson Commodore Jay Tarriela.

The Chinese coast guard vessels blocked the resupply mission, leading to a collision between a Chinese ship and a Filipino one. In another tactic, two of the Chinese coast guard ships raked a wooden Filipino boat with water cannon fire, force enough to shatter the boats’ windows and slightly injure four crew.

It’s a case study of “salami-slicing” incrementalism. In 2021, China had an average of one ship positioned to harass each resupply mission. In 2022, it was 4.4 and last year reached an average of 13.9, according to the Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Washington.

“If the current trends continue,” says Hung Tran of the Atlantic Council, “future run-ins could lead to fatalities on either side, possibly elevating the dispute to a level where the US may feel the pressure to come to the Philippines’ defence.”

Dr Kao Kim Hourn, Secretary-General of ASEAN, meets a koala at Government House.

Dr Kao Kim Hourn, Secretary-General of ASEAN, meets a koala at Government House.Credit:

The US has a mutual assistance treaty with the Philippines; the Philippines allows the US access to nine of its military bases. But so far, American support for Manila is limited to the diplomatic.

Beyond the obvious of its continuous campaign of conquest, Beijing stands to gain a bonus in taking the reef – the more littoral military bases it can install around the South China Sea, the better to mount any future move on Taiwan or any other target.

Philippines President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos stood fast in Melbourne to repeat his pledge that “we will never surrender a single inch” of territory, but the other leaders gave him no overt support.


So why bother with ASEAN if the action is elsewhere? Rory Medcalf says: “Australia is playing a multi-level game in the Indo-Pacific, though you’re not going to hear the PM shouting it from the podium.

“You need a diversified web of friendships, and ASEAN is a vital building block for a durable multipolar order.”

And some big and important things are best done with the region as a group. For example, the Albanese government’s new economic strategy for the ASEAN region, written by former Macquarie Bank chair Nicholas Moore, sets out a plan for intensified economic relationship.

Indonesia alone, the region’s giant, is projected to become the world’s fourth-biggest economy in the next 20 years but economic ties with Australia are woefully weak. The region’s digital economy is set to grow fivefold, says the Moore strategy.


The government now has adopted 23 of the strategy’s 75 recommendations, and Moore is pretty happy: “It’s a great response, it’s very positive.” Among the recommendations, Albanese this week announced a $2 billion credit facility to invest in the region’s renewable energy transition.

It’s timely. As China’s economy stalls and political risks mount, investors are ready to look beyond China. The Melbourne ASEAN summit drew together the heads of 50 of the region’s biggest businesses and 50 of Australia’s.

“The big picture,” says Moore, “is that most people are on board for what we see in South East Asia – the export-led growth, the urbanisation and the building of skills and education that we saw in North East Asia”. In other words, the same sort of takeoff that lifted Japan, South Korea and China already is under way in ASEAN.

On another level, Australia has put great energy into strengthening its bilateral relations in the region, notably with Vietnam and the Philippines. Similarly, the most willing of ASEAN’s members – Indonesia, Vietnam and the Philippines – are tightening military ties with each other to defy China.

Another level, of course, is Australia’s intensifying of relations with bigger Indo-Pacific powers – Japan, India and the US. Diplomacy is about building networks of influence, and that’s Australia’s mission.

Importantly, the opposition supported the government’s ASEAN venture. Shadow foreign minister Simon Birmingham conducted his own meetings on the sidelines: “The summit met expectations and it was important that it be done again. We have moved on from a brief period of some AUKUS angst and the bilateral relationships are in good shape.”

It was striking that only Paul Keating sought to disrupt the national effort and, once more, mock the foreign affairs minister. “It doesn’t take much to encourage Penny Wong, sporting her ‘deeply concerned’ frown, to rattle the China can,” Keating said.

Birmingham says of Keating: “It’s interesting how willingly destructive he’s decided to become. It’s actually irresponsible for him to come out in the middle of an ASEAN summit the way he did.“

Medcalf says “the tragedy of the Keating intervention is that he’s undermining his own legacy project”. Keating liked to say that Australia needed to find its security not from Asia but in Asia. Observes Medcalf: “Australia is now seeking its security not just in Asia but with Asia.” And with other allies wherever it can find, or acquire, them.

Peter Hartcher is political editor.

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