

This was published 4 years ago

'When manufacturing goes, it goes': Union warns sector under pressure

By Nick Bonyhady

The Australian Manufacturing Workers Union has called for increased government support for the sector within weeks as forward order volumes plummet and factories close.

The majority of manufacturers have kept running through the pandemic and some in the medical area have flourished, but the sector overall is contracting at its worst rate since the global financial crisis.

A Pro-Pac facility in Melbourne. Another of the company's factories in Sydney is closing.

A Pro-Pac facility in Melbourne. Another of the company's factories in Sydney is closing.

AMWU secretary Paul Bastian said the government needed to act in the next 10 weeks.

"Unless we start seeing something done, our concern is we're going to see employment further decline, you're going to see the manufacturing base erode further, and that doesn't augur well for rebuilding," Mr Bastian said. "When manufacturing goes, it goes."

National packaging company Pro-Pac announced this week it would close its plant at Chester Hill in western Sydney, which employs about 70 people, to save about $7 million annually.


The company's chief executive, Tim Welsh, said the decision was unrelated to the coronavirus but declined to comment on demand for the company's products, which include plastic film for food.

"There will be quite a few [redundancies]," Mr Welsh said. "We do have other sites and facilities in NSW and interstate so the process we're going through at the moment is first to understand what roles can be redeployed."

The union expects most of the facility's 60-odd blue-collar workers to be made redundant.


Large manufacturers including Holden have pulled out of Australia in recent years and Boeing laid off 230 workers in Melbourne earlier this month.

Australian Bureau of Statistics data released earlier this month showed a drop of about 7 per cent in people working in manufacturing during the pandemic while the Australian Industry Group's manufacturing index showed steep drops in April in both output and forward orders, "with activity levels now reminiscent of the global financial crisis plunge in 2009".

The sector employs about 900,000 people nationwide and Mr Bastian wants the government to increase purchases of domestic products and splurge on infrastructure.

Innes Willox, chief executive of the Australian Industry Group, which represents manufacturing firms, said conditions for the industry were "very tough" and predicted to get worse in September, but other sectors had it worse.

"In the near term, like other businesses, manufacturers do need some of the gaps in JobKeeper addressed, confidence restored and for the infrastructure pipeline to be filled in order for work to flow," Mr Willox said.


Both Mr Willox and Mr Bastian sit on the manufacturing working group of the National Coronavirus Co-ordination Commission, which the government has charged with mapping a course back to economic growth in the wake of the pandemic.

Industry Minister Karen Andrews said in an address to the National Press Club last week the government wanted to increase domestic manufacturing, particularly in high-tech sectors.

"I sense a groundswell of community support for Australian-made products, which is good news for local manufacturers," Ms Andrews said.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has also backed manufacturing, but said the country "will not retreat into the downward spiral of protectionism".

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