

This was published 5 years ago

What was the point of the Turnbull government?

By Peter Hartcher

At the 2016 election, the Turnbull government lost 14 seats and was reduced to a single-seat margin. Artwork: Dionne Gain

At the 2016 election, the Turnbull government lost 14 seats and was reduced to a single-seat margin. Artwork: Dionne GainCredit:

When Scott Morrison stood up in the Parliament and brandished a lump of coal at the Labor members like a carbonaceous crucifix, the outraged response was not limited to the opposition benches.

It was the subject of a spirited disagreement at the next meeting of the Turnbull government's inner sanctum, the cabinet.

Participants in the meeting, in February 2017, recalled that Christopher Pyne, the leader of the government in the House, complained about Morrison's stunt.

Then treasurer Scott Morrison brought coal to Parliament in February 2017.

Then treasurer Scott Morrison brought coal to Parliament in February 2017.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Although Pyne today denies any such thing happened, five other ministers present at the meeting recalled it clearly. Pyne rebuked Morrison by saying "that wasn't a very popular move in my electorate", or words similar. And "nobody likes coal".

But that comment provoked Barnaby Joyce. He sprang to coal's defence: "Please don't say that in Queensland," said the deputy prime minister, who represents a seat in NSW. Another Nationals member of the cabinet, Resources Minister and Joyce protege Matt Canavan, a Queenslander, backed him up.

The tension over coal was never resolved because it was part of the essential tension that always threatened to tear the Turnbull government apart – two competing factions, two clashing ideologies, never reconciled. Turnbull never managed to unify them, nor transcend their mutual mistrust.


Why did the Turnbull government ultimately fail? Because its members decided that what divided them was more important than what united them.

And that included personal ambitions. From the time of his ascension to the prime ministership in September 2015, Turnbull was preoccupied with one member of his backbench – Tony Abbott.

Two of Turnbull's most loyal ministers speaking separately described Turnbull as "obsessed" with Abbott. One of the prime minister's confidantes described Abbott as being "like a witch inside his head".


"He would talk about Abbott in the morning meeting of the leadership group all the time," said one member of that group, the handful of senior ministers that confers daily to guide a government, even though the former leader would have been irrelevant to the government's plans for the day.

Julie Bishop warned Turnbull more than once that anything he said about Abbott would be reported back to him by two other members of the leadership group, Peter Dutton and Mathias Cormann who, like Abbott, are part of the conservatives faction within the government. "That's nonsense," Turnbull would reply. "You are obsessed with them".

Bishop also warned the prime minister against a third member of the leadership group, Pyne, a key figure in the moderates faction. "In the end," Bishop would say, "Christopher will jump to save his own position." Turnbull refused to believe her: "But he's stayed at my house!"


Of course, in the end, all three of these men betrayed Turnbull. Dutton challenged him for the leadership, Cormann worked to help him, and Pyne ultimately abandoned Turnbull to help Morrison win the leadership instead.

As one of Turnbull's senior staff members put it: "A lot of people were constantly waiting for Malcolm to be weakened enough so that they could have a go."

But until that fateful, final week in August 2018, Turnbull caught no hint of disloyalty from them. More than once, the prime minister would attest to them individually that "only four people make this government work" – he'd list Morrison, Dutton, Cormann and Pyne. Turnbull repeated this judgement in the final fortnight before all of them turned against him.

Yet Abbott was the internal enemy who preoccupied Turnbull. It was only days after winning the prime ministership that Turnbull made his first bid to entice Tony Abbott out of Parliament. He canvassed with him the post of high commissioner to London.

Tony Abbott on the backbench, listening to then prime minister Malcolm Turnbull speak in February 2018.

Tony Abbott on the backbench, listening to then prime minister Malcolm Turnbull speak in February 2018.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The deposed leader said he wanted nothing for himself. He asked only for favours for his former chief of staff, Peta Credlin, and her husband, former Liberal party director Brian Loughnane. For Credlin, he asked the post of sex discrimination commissioner. For Loughnane, he sought Australia's ambassadorship to Ireland and the Vatican.

Turnbull turned him down. But the prime minister would return to the "get Abbott out" project again.


Abbott didn't want employment or distraction. He didn't want a new phase in life. He wanted to finish the old phase. He had "unfinished business" as conservative Liberal senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells described it.

Abbott, who had quit the prime minister's office promising publicly that he'd conduct "no wrecking, no undermining, no sniping", was to become an unending frustration for Turnbull.

With a worried eye on Abbott, skirting around the neuralgic areas of climate change and same-sex marriage where he was bound to Abbott government policy, Turnbull tried to find some unifying ground for his government.

First he tried tax reform. In his first flush of optimism, he enthused that "everything" was on the table. Including changes to the GST. And, in an interview with the Herald and The Age a month after he took office, he was asked which tax concessions he was prepared to review. Negative gearing? Capital gains tax? Superannuation?

"Everything, every single element, is on the table. And I know that always means that someone can then run a scare campaign, but I'm sorry, we've got to stop [this].

"This is part of the political tradition I'm determined to end. We have got to be able to consider policy options in an unfettered way. We've got to have the maturity to have a debate that is not throwing things off the table," Turnbull said.


"Because what happens is politicians who get intimidated by their opponents or by the media or whatever, they say, 'Oh that's off the table, that's off the table, that's off the table' and suddenly there's nothing left on the table."

Yet he fell into precisely this syndrome. Not only did he end up taking just about everything off the table, he ended up being the chief scaremonger.

Then prime minister Malcolm Turnbull in the PM's suite at Parliament House in September 2016.

Then prime minister Malcolm Turnbull in the PM's suite at Parliament House in September 2016.Credit: Andrew Meares

Turnbull blamed Morrison for the collapse of tax reform. According to Turnbull, the treasurer was guilty of "front-running" the debate, publicly raising specific tax reform options before the government was ready to deal with them. "I wish ScoMo would just shut up," the prime minister complained widely to staff and ministers at the time.

In particular, Morrison was trying to push for a higher GST to pay for cuts to other taxes, much as John Howard and Peter Costello had done in 2000. But Turnbull was furious that Morrison was doing it ahead of any decision by the government. "He used to justify it," Turnbull has said to confidantes since. "He thought he was a brilliant media manager."

Today, Morrison hits back at Turnbull's complaints: "At all times," a Morrison spokesman says, "the then treasurer was seeking to keep the government’s options open on all proposals that were already in the public domain because of the white paper process. The then PM [Turnbull] had taken the position not to rule anything in or out. The then teasurer acted in accordance with that decision."

In other words, Morrison was merely acting within the parameters laid out by his leader. Implication: Turnbull was a panic merchant who didn't have the fortitude to allow a real debate on tax.


Morrison was keen to launch an ambitious tax reform plan. It was Turnbull who terminated it. He considered that anything involving changes to the GST would be politically fatal.

Some of his backbenchers, terrified that they would lose their seats in any election where they were planning to increase the GST, agreed. Turnbull told colleagues that it was one of a very few things he could do if he wanted to make sure he lost the next election. In the event, the government settled on company tax cuts and tinkered with personal tax rates.

Then treasurer Scott Morrison is congratulated by Malcolm Turnbull after delivering the budget speech in 2018.

Then treasurer Scott Morrison is congratulated by Malcolm Turnbull after delivering the budget speech in 2018.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Years earlier, in 2005, as a pushy newcomer, Turnbull caused ructions in the Howard government by demanding tax reform. The treasurer at the time, Peter Costello, was infuriated. He and Howard had successfully reformed the tax system – including the introduction of the GST in 2000 – and managed to stay in power.

Then Turnbull arrived in Parliament four years later and produced a mass of more than 200 tax reform proposals that he'd had modelled at personal expense. Costello was incredulous at his impudence.

"He didn't actually have a plan," Costello said in 2005. "He had 280, so, you know, I am sure if you didn't like one, there were 279 that you could look at. Everybody has got a view. Everybody knows how to run the Australian tax system. Everybody knows how to run the country."

The new member for Wentworth, Malcolm Turnbull, makes his maiden speech  in 2004.

The new member for Wentworth, Malcolm Turnbull, makes his maiden speech in 2004.Credit: Andrew Taylor

Yet when Turnbull did run the country, his enthusiasm quickly died. And he became the one vetoing ambitious reform. As one of his allies argued, "we either have a clean argument about tax and say that Labor has a big, bad taxes and wants to come after your house, or we agree with Labor. Morrison wanted a bit of both. He got rolled. It was Malcolm's decision."

Instead of championing tax reform, Turnbull went to the 2016 election demonising it. His attacks on Labor tax reform were a staple of the election campaign. He and Morrison had considered curbing negative gearing, for instance, to control the rampant price of real estate in Sydney and Melbourne and to save the budget billions. But when Labor proposed doing so, it was an "extraordinary restriction on economic freedom", Turnbull said.

Tax was off the table. Turnbull turned to innovation, one of the last surviving Turnbull ideas left on the table. By default, it ended up as his key election theme when he went to the people in 2016. And the people didn't like it.

For what Turnbull described as an exciting time, many voters found frightening. "The pace of change, which is being amplified by the internet, is extraordinary,” the prime minister said. Australia needed to become “agile" and embrace disruption, not run from it. It was Turnbull's plan for the "innovation nation".


For some voters, especially in Queensland and the regions, it sounded like a threat to their jobs.

West Australian Liberal Andrew Hastie complained afterwards that his seat, Canning, "isn't going to be the next Silicon Valley." Its economy is dominated by mining, farming and horse breeding. "A lot of what we were campaigning on nationally just wasn't resonating with everyday Australians."

Said a party official: "Turnbull started running the 2016 campaign himself ... there was no science to it, it was just Malcolm doing his thing."

"Part of the problem with the campaign was its genesis," said another official. "Turnbull didn't want to run on Tony's record – stopping the boats, scrapping the carbon tax, signing free trade agreements. He'd only been PM for six months and all he'd done was innovation and submarines in South Australia."

And while the decision to build the subs in South Australia helped the vote in that state, it was hardly the basis for a national campaign.

And by the time the election arrived, the country had figured out the Faustian pact at the heart of the Turnbull government. To keep faith with the Coalition's conservatives, he had broken faith with much that the Australian people expected from him.

As the truth dawned, Turnbull's popularity collapsed. In the six months between taking the leadership and facing the people, he lost the approval of 3.25 million voters, according to the Ipsos polling.

Instead of the sweeping victory with 57 per cent of the two-party vote that the polls suggested he would have won when first elected leader, Turnbull ultimately led his bleeding government back to office with a bare 50.4 per cent of the vote.

The government lost 14 seats and was reduced to single-seat margin. The man Turnbull commissioned to devise the innovation agenda, eminent Australian Bill Ferris, the father of Australia's venture capital industry, later observed, "prime minister Turnbull retreated visibly from the innovation imperative" after the near-loss.

Innovation went from peak vogue to dirty word. The government later cut research and development funding by $2.4 billion over four years. A few useful initiatives survive, such as the $500 million Biomedical Translation Fund but, overall, as Ferris concludes, "the falling numbers for research and science and innovation in the country is a sorry tale".

The many faces of Malcolm Turnbull as prime minister.

The many faces of Malcolm Turnbull as prime minister. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Like all the other major initiatives Turnbull had once embraced, this one was left marooned. Ambitious tax reform was abandoned. Innovation cancelled. Climate change and same-sex marriage policy remained Abbott's. Turnbull's original claim to public fame, an Australian republic? Turnbull sidelined it as an encumbrance.

What was the point of Malcolm Turnbull? His government was not without achievements. But major reforms proved elusive. The point had become mere survival.

The Howard government lost exactly the same number of seats at the 1998 election – 14.

"On the Saturday when we were devastated at the 1998 election, we could say we lost 14 colleagues because we were fighting the fight for tax reform – we helped set Australia up for growth for the next decade," says a conservative Liberal MP. "What was the high principle we lost 14 colleagues for in 2016?"

Howard recently said: "What's the point of having a majority if you don't do something with it? One thing I've known about politics for a long time, is that when you inherit a lot of political capital, you can be certain of one thing, it will deplete.

"Now, you either deplete it through doing something effective, or you just watch it deplete. Because it will deplete. It's a law of nature."

Turnbull's enormous political capital was depleted pointlessly. The firebrand had become a fizzer.

Read part four of the Endgame series here.

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