


What's next for the Tamil family fighting to stay in Australia?

A Tamil family fighting to stay in Australia has had another reprieve. What has the law said about their claims? And what's next?


Tamil parents Priya and Nadesalingam and their Australian-born daughters have become a focus for long-argued debates about Australia's approach to asylum seekers, opening up fresh divisions along some unlikely lines.

The parents, who have now spent 18 months in detention with their girls, claim to be refugees but have failed to convince Australia they are owed protection.

"I would like the family to accept that they are not refugees, they’re not owed protection by our country," Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton has said.

But their last-ditch bid to stay has inspired former deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce, 2GB radio host Alan Jones, Labor and the Greens to call for their return back to the central Queensland town of Biloela.

What did they flee, and why did Australia reject their protection claims? What avenues are left for them to stay in Australia now?

Supporters of the family outside the Federal Court in Melbourne on September 4.

Supporters of the family outside the Federal Court in Melbourne on September 4.Credit: Getty Images


Who are they?

Parents Nadesalingam and Priya had not yet met when they each fled to Australia by boat in 2012 and 2013, respectively. Both were detained on Christmas Island for months before being released on bridging visas, which allow a person to stay in the community while making another visa application.

They met and married in 2014 and settled in Biloela where Nadesalingam, known as Nades, worked at the meatworks and volunteered at the Vinnies op shop. Priya stayed home to care for Kopika, who was born in 2015, and Tharunicaa, who was born in 2017, and volunteered to cook curries for staff at the town's hospital and hosted locals for Christmas meals.

Barnaby Joyce called on his colleagues to intervene on that basis, describing them as "a family that’s not making the traffic more difficult in Sydney or Melbourne or Brisbane, that are working in a regional area doing jobs that other people may not be willing to do, that are well supported by their local community".

Priya and Nadesalingam and their Australian-born daughters Kopika and Tharunicaa.

Priya and Nadesalingam and their Australian-born daughters Kopika and Tharunicaa.Credit: Twitter/HometoBilo

Why did the family seek asylum?

The couple said past links to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) had continued to endanger them in the years after peace was officially declared between the Tamil Tigers and Sri Lankan government forces in 2009.


On this basis, Nadesalingam made a refugee claim, which was rejected.

In making her claim, Priya told Australian authorities that she first left Sri Lanka on a valid passport to live in India in 2001, after seeing her fiance and other men burned alive by Sri Lankan authorities. Her family had been harassed and her mother had been sexually assaulted by the army, she said.

She said Nadesalingam had held "leadership positions of the LTTE", which would impact on her if she returned to Sri Lanka.

How did the family seek asylum?

Priya arrived just before laws on mandatory offshore processing were introduced. An unauthorised maritime arrival, she could still apply for a "safe-haven enterprise" visa, which lets people who have arrived illegally, and who are deemed in need of protection, stay in Australia and work and study for five years. It was what is called a "fast-track" application, a particular process open to unauthorised maritime arrivals who came between August 2012 and January 2014.

Among the requirements for a safe-haven enterprise visa, an asylum seeker needs to have lived in a designated regional area for three-and-half years with either no reliance on social security, full-time work, or a combination of work and study.

As part of this fast-track process, in February 2017, Priya had an interview with a delegate for then-immigration minister Peter Dutton. She had help from an interpreter, by phone because she was eight months pregnant with Tharunicaa and unable to travel to Brisbane.

Biloela residents Anne Smith (left) and Mary Austin (right) are supporters of the family.

Biloela residents Anne Smith (left) and Mary Austin (right) are supporters of the family.Credit: AAP/Darren England

Why weren't the claims successful?

The minister's delegate refused Priya's application in May 2017. They accepted that she was "adversely affected by the civil war", that she "sustained shrapnel wounds and her parents were seriously mistreated by authorities" and that her brother had been forced to assist the LTTE and had fled to India. But the delegate rejected the assertion that Sri Lankan authorities would target Priya now. They also rejected that she could be targeted because of her husband, whose own protection claim had been rejected.

The Immigration Assessment Authority (IAA) automatically reviews rejected fast-track applications. It says that "generally, it conducts reviews 'on the papers'. This means that, with limited exceptions, it can only consider material that was before the Department when it made its decision" and it will ask for more information only in "exceptional circumstances".

Priya submitted that her phone interview on February 2017 was compromised because she had been in hospital the night before and had a migraine the next day; she had some issues with the interpreter; and an audio recording of the interview briefly cut out when her migration agent's connection dropped out from Sydney. In other words, she had not been able to tell her story properly.

But the IAA affirmed the delegate's decision. It noted that Priya had been able to leave Sri Lanka lawfully in 2001 and did not believe she would face prosecution as a failed asylum seeker if she were to return.

Priya's claims about Nadesalingam being harassed because of his role in the Tamil Tigers – and this affecting her – failed, in part, because he had travelled from Sri Lanka to Qatar and Kuwait in 2004, 2008 and 2010 for work and passed through the airport in the capital, Colombo, without incident.


Nadesalingam claimed he received death threats from Sri Lankan police each time he returned from working abroad – but the IAA did not accept that authorities made inquiries about his whereabouts, and it did not make a finding on claims that harassment of Nadesalingam intensified in 2011 and that he was then prohibited from legally leaving the country.

The IAA said years had passed since the civil war and "the risk profile of persons of adverse interest had changed". The Sri Lankan government was now going after a different category of person, the IAA said, looking to a UK tribunal in 2013 that had described these people as "those with a significant role in post-conflict Tamil separatism, journalists/human rights activists, people who gave evidence to the Reconciliation Commission implicating the Sri Lankan security forces and those whose name appears on a 'stop' list of those against whom there is an extant court order or arrest warrant".

"I am not satisfied that Applicant 1 [Priya] falls within one of these categories of persons," said the IAA, as cited in Federal Court documents.

Half of failed cases reviewed by the IAA between July 2015 and June 2017 were regarding Sri Lankans, according to IAA figures. Some 89 per cent of decisions were upheld while 11 per cent were remitted for the department to reconsider. In other words, one in 10 reviews about Sri Lankans led to a rethink.

Priya's further appeals in the Federal Circuit Court and the Federal Court, which included reviewing the IAA's deliberations, also failed.

In May, her last avenue of appeal was exhausted after the full bench of the High Court declined to hear her appeal. There is no automatic right of appeal to the High Court.

The family in Darwin after a last-minute reprieve from deportation.

The family in Darwin after a last-minute reprieve from deportation. Credit: Getty Images


Are Tamils at risk in Sri Lanka?

The United Nations and human rights groups have continued to document "white van abductions" and the torture of Tamils in the years since the civil war ended.

In its most recent report, in January, Amnesty International researchers found authorities were still using the Prevention of Terrorism Act to detain Tamils suspected of having past links to the LTTE.

The act "permitted extended administrative detention and shifted the burden of proof to a detainee alleging torture or other ill treatment", Amnesty International Australia campaigner Tim O'Connor said.

"Sri Lanka had not passed legislation criminalising enforced disappearance in domestic law, and law enforcement officials continued to subject members of the Tamil minority, particularly former members of the LTTE, to ethnic profiling, surveillance and harassment," Mr O'Connor said.

Land occupied by the Sri Lankan military – up to tens of thousands of acres in the country's north and east – still had not been returned to their owners. President Maithripala Sirisena finally called on authorities to return the land in October 2018, but Amnesty International said the request hadn't been fully complied with.

A Let Them Stay! rally in Sydney on September 1.

A Let Them Stay! rally in Sydney on September 1.Credit: AAP

How did the family end up on Christmas Island?

At the end of August, the family was bundled on to a charter flight in Melbourne to be deported but after take-off, a court injunction blocked their deportation in order for Tharunicaa's claim to be heard. The plane was forced to land in Darwin and the family was then flown to Christmas Island where they remain.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison said the government would not intervene to let the family return to Biloela, despite saying he understood the concept of compassion.

"But I also know, from bitter experience, that if you make the wrong calls on these issues then you invite tragedy and you invite chaos," he said.

What's next?

Despite being born in Australia, the daughters are considered unauthorised maritime arrivals because their parents are and the goverment says, on this basis, Tharunicaa has no right to make a claim for any visa. After all, she is, at law, an unauthorised maritime arrival and, as the law now stands, such arrivals cannot make visa claims. The Immigration Minister David Coleman has declined to use his discretionary powers to allow Tharunicaa to apply for a protection visa.

But Tharunicaa has applied for a SHEV visa and her case in the Federal Court is the only thing keeping the whole family from being forced back to Sri Lanka.

(Four-year-old Kopika was processed with her mother. Nadesalingam could not be attached to Priya's bid for protection because he had already lost his own claim. All of his appeal options had been extinguished by the time Priya's bridging visa ran out in 2018.)

On September 19, Justice Bromberg agreed Tharunicaa had a legal case to apply for her visa that needed to be tested at a full hearing. That could take months and include witnesses.  The family now cannot be deported until her full case is heard. The next court date has not been set.

While the court injunction applies only to Tharunicaa, her lawyers have been assured the family will not be separated.

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