

This was published 5 years ago


Wentworth byelection turns more on karma than Sharma

As the Wentworth race drew to a close, Liberals openly conceded their man, Dave Sharma might not be able to hold off the hard charging Kerryn Phelps.

This was part damage control in the event of losing the Liberal jewel, part fearmongering designed to frighten grumpy Liberal voters back to the fold, and part lame excuse, in that it hinted that the popular independent might always have been unbeatable.

Don’t buy it. The Liberals’ problems in this campaign have emanated entirely from Canberra and the damage has been cumulative – in short, Scott Morrison’s one-seat majority turns far more on karma than Sharma.

Caused by a shambolic leadership coup in which the favoured candidate of neither faction got up, the resulting byelection defence has been characterised by a veritable cascade of top-down crises.

These have included bungled dog whistling on religious freedom versus gay anti-discrimination, voting for a racist slogan with Pauline Hanson, announcing risky foreign policy to curry favour with Jewish voters in Wentworth, and more. Even the Nationals have joined in with some freshly minted mayhem.

The amateurism has been staggering. It has not only vandalised Sharma’s campaign, it has shredded Morrison’s claims to prefer evidence-based policy, and by extension, the Coalition’s fitness to govern beyond 2019.

It has also had the effect of elevating a mere independent in Phelps from unlikely outsider to serious contender.

Remember, just six weeks ago she was an electoral neophyte given little chance of success. Her early campaign moves cemented this view.


Now facing their own mortality, Liberals warn their supporters not to lodge a protest vote as it will lead to instability. Voters must surely regard such a statement as laughable. It amounts to the political class saying to voters, ‘we decide who wields power and for how long. You stay out of it’. This is no less than an inversion of

So let’s flip this around. Assume Sharma prevails, which on paper at least, remains the most likely outcome. Doubtless he is a good candidate and unlike his putative colleagues, he at least played no role in the wilful destruction of the Turnbull government.


But what message would voters be sending? That it’s OK to knife a sitting PM and never explain why? That their local MP, Malcolm Turnbull, who uniquely enjoyed their direct mandate, couldn’t cut the mustard? That the issues prominent in Wentworth including same-sex marriage, the unconscionable treatment of asylum seekers, and global warming, can all be parked while ersatz problems like religious freedom and the location of Israel’s capital occupy centre stage?

A final point. Should the Coalition lose Wentworth, the pressure for a general election this year would be extreme. Remember, these are habitual Liberal supporters, fully aware that they are voting to either retain or withdraw the government’s 76 th seat.

The moral case that the Turnbull government’s wafer-thin mandate had been withdrawn would be hard to refute.

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