

This was published 6 months ago


Unstoppable electoral waves are approaching, but who will be washed away?

Dave Sharma – who lost a byelection to an independent in 2018, beat that same independent in 2019, then lost to a different independent in 2022 – recently entered the Senate. Last week he delivered his first speech as a senator. Much of what he had to say was interesting but unsurprising. Some of it, though, was both interesting and surprising. Two subjects stood out.

The first was housing. In emotive words, Sharma said that younger Australians “have done all that we have asked of them … yet they find, no matter how much they earn or how hard they save, homeownership is beyond their grasp”. Sharma warned that this would have consequences for us all, by undermining social mobility and entrenching inequality. “This is a breach of our social compact and, if left unaddressed, we are storing up massive problems for the future.”

Illustration by Jim Pavlidis

Illustration by Jim PavlidisCredit:

What Sharma had to say about there being too little competition in Australia was more interesting still. “Aggressive pricing practices” had been a “major contributor to recent inflation”. “Corporate gross operating profits” had surged, while “the share of national income going to labour has shrunk”. This is a fairly stark repudiation of the standard line from big business: that profits are not a problem and not a major driver of inflation. This language, though, was perhaps a little technocratic, so Sharma made his point crystal clear: “What we have witnessed is a rapid redistribution of national income. Big businesses have gained; workers and small businesses have lost.”

It is fascinating to hear an ambitious Liberal senator who not long ago represented one of the wealthiest electorates in the country make these points. And now remember that Sharma knows a thing or two about unstoppable electoral waves. When he lost his first attempt at winning Wentworth, it was pretty clear that moderate Liberal voters were reacting against the party’s rolling of Malcolm Turnbull. His victory in the seat came when voters decided they liked Scott Morrison more than Bill Shorten – his subsequent defeat when much of the country, and especially seats like his, decided they couldn’t stomach Morrison any more.

Some Liberal MPs, like Keith Wolahan, have been pushing for more action on housing for some time. Sharma’s language and his arguments seemed to go a step further still. This points to how much and how rapidly the politics of inequality in this country are shifting. But it may point, too, to parts of the Liberal Party becoming increasingly aware of how sharply urgent the task of responding to those changing politics is becoming. The recognition that there is another unstoppable electoral wave approaching, perhaps?

Liberal senator Dave Sharma’s maiden speech to the upper house spelt out what he sees as an inequality problem. “We have witnessed ... a rapid redistribution of national income.”

Liberal senator Dave Sharma’s maiden speech to the upper house spelt out what he sees as an inequality problem. “We have witnessed ... a rapid redistribution of national income.”Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

This urgency seems of a piece with a surprising aspect of politics right now: just how much is happening. I don’t mean getting done, exactly – much of it is still in the realm of reports landing, recommendations considered. But there are a lot of those reports. In recent weeks, we’ve seen major reports land on universities, aged care, and religious discrimination. And we are beginning to see the next stages, too. Community consultation finished, a debate over fuel efficiency standards for cars is unfolding. Since the government received its report on schools funding in December, new funding agreements have been reached with Western Australia and the Northern Territory. (Incidentally, it’s worth wondering whether the government’s reluctance to act unilaterally on religious discrimination has at least something to do with refraining from taking on too many fights at once, given schools funding is far from resolved.)

Amid these quite serious debates we could be having, it was at least curious to see how much energy was expended last week, both in parts of the media and by the Coalition, on what was clearly a contrived attempt to drive the news cycle with a media stunt. Suddenly, everyone was talking about the apparently serious implications of a US presidential candidate (Donald Trump) – not known for accuracy, discretion or truthfulness – offering a few choice words about somebody he didn’t really seem to know that much about (Kevin Rudd).

Obviously, as a country, we remain a long way from recovering our ability to approach politics seriously. As a few more sensible souls pointed out, if Trump is elected in November, Rudd’s job security will be ridiculously low on the list of things to worry about. If Trump is elected, the threat posed by his darkening rhetoric and disdain for democracy is significant. Then there are questions of our relationship with the United States. But beyond this, there will be specific impacts. Think of just how much of our climate agenda is affected by and guided by the US. Climate change minister Chris Bowen has rhetorically tied our fuel efficiency ambitions to America’s – what happens to those under Trump? For better or worse, how will our ability to attract investment in climate technologies shift if Trump abandons Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act?


A Trump victory may also supercharge the spread of horrible politics throughout the world – especially on migration. Which brings us back to housing. Amid everything else, we learnt last week that employment is unexpectedly strong – which may see interest rates remain higher for longer, exacerbating already intense emotions around housing. At the same time, we saw new migration numbers, which remain high. The two topics, migration and housing, are increasingly being coupled in media reports and political debate.

That may be another unstoppable political wave. Labor will want to avoid a divisive immigration debate, just as the Liberal Party wants to avoid being left behind in the inequality discussion. For different reasons, then, both the Labor Party and the Liberal Party have growing incentives to take much larger steps on housing than anything we have seen so far. The difficulty for both is that our political class seems less than capable of engaging in the nuanced way a serious discussion would demand. Increasingly, too, Labor has an additional difficulty: how many serious policy debates can it handle at one time?

Sean Kelly is author of The Game: A Portrait of Scott Morrison, a regular columnist and a former adviser to Julia Gillard and Kevin Rudd.

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