

This was published 2 years ago


Torpedoed from within: why this character assassination of Morrison is so powerful

It is hard to find a conservative warrior as committed as Concetta Fierravanti-Wells to the causes that have motivated members of the Liberal Party in more than seven decades of argument with Labor over social values, economics and foreign policy.

Fierravanti-Wells has been a policy hawk on China, an advocate for a hard line on budget repair and a ferocious opponent of marriage equality out of her long concern about matters of personal faith and traditional values.

Illustration: Andrew Dyson

Illustration: Andrew DysonCredit: The Age

When the Parliament legislated same-sex marriage five years ago, she and others launched a campaign for religious discrimination laws to defend what they saw as the right to speak up for personal beliefs even when it offended others.

All this has made the Liberal senator from NSW a lifelong enemy of the Australian Labor Party and the last person voters might expect to turn on a Liberal prime minister with a wallop that could take him down at the coming election.

Scott Morrison is the sort of leader conservatives are supposed to back. But that is exactly why the senator’s smackdown is so powerful. He says he is a conservative. She says he is a fake.


“He has used his so-called faith as a marketing advantage,” she told the Senate. “In my public life I have met ruthless people. Morrison tops the list. Morrison is not fit to be Prime Minister.”

Nothing hurts in politics quite like being branded a phoney. Voters are not surprised when their leaders dance around awkward questions but they prefer them to be conviction politicians. Now they are being told, by a Liberal who has seen the Prime Minister up close, that Morrison is a bully and a phoney.

Three forces are driving this attack and it has an unstoppable momentum. The first is no surprise to Liberals who know the poisonous history here, but the other two motivations should not be ignored.


The first is simple and essential to Morrison’s defence: that Fierravanti-Wells lost a preselection for the Senate last Saturday and is out for revenge. Morrison deployed this argument on Wednesday when his media blitz to sell the budget was knocked off course by her claims. “I understand she’s disappointed,” he said. Liberals know she turned against Malcolm Turnbull after he did not promote her to federal cabinet in 2017 and they see the same pattern now.

One of Morrison’s supporters, NSW Liberal Senator Hollie Hughes, backed him by saying he was a good friend and leader. Hughes added that Morrison had asked her to step aside from a preselection in 2016 to make sure Fierravanti-Wells could keep her place – or, in other words, he was now being stabbed in the back by someone he had saved.

Prime Minsiter Scott Morrison in question time on Thursday.

Prime Minsiter Scott Morrison in question time on Thursday.Credit: James Brickwood

This is not how others remember things. In his memoir, Turnbull says Morrison urged him to drop Fierravanti-Wells but he resisted the advice. Turnbull is no friend to her these days – he describes her as a case study in “treachery, ingratitude and bitterness” – but his memoir makes the Morrison camp look like they are twisting the truth. Surprise.

The second force runs deeper even if it seems mundane. Raised in the NSW industrial city of Wollongong to an Italian migrant family, Fierravanti-Wells does not belong to the comfortable world of Liberal Party clubs and elite city schools. She is an outsider who has put years into the party and seen others lifted ahead of her. To be blunt: the ones without the migrant backgrounds moved up. When she goes on the attack she does not hold back.

The third factor at work is an old wound that seems deadlier the longer it festers. Fierravanti-Wells supported a conservative ally, Michael Towke, as the candidate for the federal seat of Cook in 2007 and helped him win a ballot among party members. His rival? Scott Morrison, among others. The outcome? Towke 82, Morrison 8.


That set off one of the dirtiest campaigns in living Liberal memory. Morrison and his supporters fought to overturn the ballot by alleging Towke had paid membership fees when recruiting mates to the party, breaking party rules. Under parliamentary privilege, Fierravanti-Wells says Morrison suggested the electorate would not want a candidate who was Lebanese. Morrison denies the claim.

(Towke, who works in business these days, does not return calls about this. He grew up as a Maronite Catholic and went to Marcellin College in Randwick. He has two degrees from the University of Sydney, in arts and engineering, and served in the army reserve.)

Liberal headquarters backed Morrison, overturned the ballot and handed the safe seat to the future prime minister but the anger about what happened has followed him throughout his career. It helps explain why Fierravanti-Wells wanted Peter Dutton to gain the Liberal leadership in August 2018 and why Morrison would not have her in his ministry after he won.

The party’s current internal dispute over choosing federal election candidates, pitting Morrison against the conservatives in the High Court over whether branch members get a vote, only adds to the bitterness over the past.


Fierravanti-Wells makes one of the most explosive claims possible in the current political environment – that Morrison is a bully – and will not stop. Even worse for the Prime Minister is that other women agree with her, including Jacqui Lambie and Pauline Hanson in recent days. That could look like a problem with women.

Morrison rejects these slurs on his character. Ministers such as Josh Frydenberg, Simon Birmingham and Jane Hume have insisted he is a good leader. Yet the claims cannot be pushed back into a toxic bottle once they have been aired. They are out now and every mention of them, even when someone is trying to defend Morrison, only spreads them further.

The claims will be heard even if Morrison and his supporters convince voters that Fierravanti-Wells is motivated by a grudge. In fact, most Australians know how to separate someone’s history from their opinions and make a character assessment for themselves, and they have a chorus of voices suggesting to them that Morrison is a bully.

Morrison thought he had Anthony Albanese on the run over his refusal to hold a review into the treatment of Kimberley Kitching, a real issue that will not go away. Now the Labor leader is handed a political gift from one of the toughest conservatives in the business.

“Morrison is not fit to be Prime Minister.” The Labor attack ads won’t be hard to make; they can leave it to the intern.

Jacqueline Maley cuts through the noise of the federal election campaign with news, views and expert analysis. Sign up to our Australia Votes 2022 newsletter here.

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