

This was published 8 months ago

The political challenges and players who shaped 2023

By Lisa Visentin

It has been a bumper political year. Here’s a look back on the issues that dominated 2023 and some of the key political players that shaped them.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese

This year Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and his government crossed the halfway point of their term, and the long honeymoon period that had cushioned their entry into office in 2022 moved firmly into the rearview mirror. With many of Labor’s big-ticket election promises already ticked off (for example, a national anti-corruption watchdog and climate target laws), the political year was dominated by the Voice to parliament referendum.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese campaigning for the Voice referendum earlier this year.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese campaigning for the Voice referendum earlier this year.Credit: Sarah Reed

The referendum’s comprehensive defeat in October damaged Albanese, who invested substantial personal political capital in backing the Voice only to struggle to mount a convincing case that it would practically improve the lives of Indigenous Australians. But after months of sending the message that First Nations Australians faced unacceptable disadvantage that demanded urgent action, the referendum aftermath exposed that the prime minister and his Indigenous Australians Minister Linda Burney had no alternative plan for reform.

The issue also re-energised the Coalition, which used the Voice defeat to burnish their political argument that the government had been distracted for most of the year by an unpopular referendum while Australians were struggling with interest rate hikes and cost of living pressures. By December, Resolve Political Monitor polling showed Labor’s primary vote was at 35 per cent, higher than it was at the election and still in front of the Coalition, but a decline from an earlier peak of 42 per cent in May.

However, on the geopolitical stage, Albanese secured a significant win in stabilising Australia’s bilateral relationship with China after a period of intensifying volatility under the former Coalition government. In November, he became the first Australian prime minister to set foot in China in seven years, meeting with President Xi Jinping in Beijing in a landmark visit. It occurred against the backdrop of China having freed Australian journalist Cheng Lei from detention a month earlier, and having gradually dropped most of its $20 billion in trade sanctions against Australian industries, with the exception of lobster exports and some beef exporters.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton

After a shaky start to 2023 and the humiliating, historic Aston byelection loss in April, the Liberal leader had a dream run in the latter half of the year. At the outset, Dutton’s decision to oppose the Voice referendum, and deny his frontbenchers a free vote on the issue, risked igniting internal instability beyond the departure of shadow attorney-general and Yes supporter Julian Leeser to the backbench. But as the months progressed, and public support for the Voice nosedived, the Liberal party room largely united behind the No position while conservative MPs used the issue to rally their base which, until that point, was still demoralised from the election loss. Months of almost daily media coverage of the Voice campaign gave Dutton a level of public exposure that opposition leaders usually struggle to achieve.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton benefited from Labor’s own goals in the second half of the year.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton benefited from Labor’s own goals in the second half of the year.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen


Dutton also reaped the political rewards of debacles of Labor’s own making in the second half of the year, including its bungled handling of Qatar Airways’ bid for extra flights and the perception it had shielded Qantas from competition at a time when Australians were being stung with expensive air travel. But it was the government’s flat-footed policy response to the High Court’s verdict in November ruling indefinite immigration detention illegal and clumsy handling of the political fallout that gifted Dutton the opportunity to play to his strengths and portray Labor as chaotic on border security, exploiting a perception that it has struggled to shake since the Rudd/Gillard years.

However, Dutton remains unpopular with many voters, with Albanese maintaining a sound lead as preferred prime minister in the latest Resolve polling, supported by 42 per cent of voters compared to 28 per cent who favoured Dutton. To date, he has no obvious plan for rebuilding the Liberal Party’s brand in teal electorates, which form a key pathway back to government. The six seats, now held by progressive independents, bucked the national trend and voted Yes in the referendum, while Dutton’s aggressive anti-Voice campaign may have only placed them further out of reach.

Foreign Minister Penny Wong

As foreign minister, Penny Wong has walked a perilous tightrope this year steering the government’s position on Israel’s war in Gaza in response to Hamas’ terror attacks on October 7.

In discussions kept secret from other senior ministers, Wong and Albanese formulated the government’s decision to vote for an immediate ceasefire at the United Nations General Assembly earlier this month, reflecting growing concern at Israel’s retaliation in Gaza as the civilian death toll soared. The resolution called for the unconditional release of all hostages, but failed to condemn Hamas for the October 7 attacks on Israeli civilians – a sticking point that had seen Australia abstain from a previous ceasefire resolution. Australia’s vote drew the ire of Israel and Australian Jewish groups, while pleasing Palestinian supporters and Labor’s left-leaning base.

Foreign Minister Penny Wong with Australian journalist Cheng Lei at Melbourne Airport in October after she was released from three years in detention in China.

Foreign Minister Penny Wong with Australian journalist Cheng Lei at Melbourne Airport in October after she was released from three years in detention in China. Credit: DFAT

Wong has also been instrumental in thawing the relationship with China, and can claim credit for the diplomatic breakthrough that freed Australian journalist Cheng Lei from a Beijing jail cell after being detained for three years by Chinese authorities.

But she has faced criticism from the Coalition, some human rights groups and commentators that Australia’s pursuit of relationship stabilisation with China has come at the expense of a more forceful denunciation of China’s human rights violations, including through sanctions and travel bans, and its aggressive tactics in arenas such as the South China Sea. Wong has maintained that by improving diplomatic relations she has been able to raise these issues directly in high-level discussions with her Chinese counterparts, while also pressing the case for imprisoned Australian writer Yang Hengjun to be freed.

Northern Territory Coalition Senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price

A first-term Coalition senator from the Northern Territory, Price catapulted to the centre of the national debate as a prominent Indigenous leader of the No campaign, drawing on her experience growing up in Aboriginal communities to argue the Voice was an elite project that would entrench existing failed power structures. She was a key influence in the National Party’s early decision to oppose the Voice, placing full bipartisanship beyond reach, and in April was promoted by Dutton to the opposition frontbench in the Indigenous Affairs portfolio to spearhead the Coalition’s No case.

Northern Territory Coalition senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price played a key role in the No campaign against the Voice.

Northern Territory Coalition senator Jacinta Nampijinpa Price played a key role in the No campaign against the Voice.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The Yes campaign failed to counter her popularity with conservative voters while her relentless message that the Voice was divisive resonated with wavering voters seeking reassurance that it was ok to vote No. The referendum results ultimately showed that First Nations Australians in remote NT communities, her constituents, overwhelmingly voted Yes.

A compelling public speaker, who burnished her profile as a regular commenter on the Sky News culture war circuit before entering politics, her boosters have billed her as a future Nationals leader or even prime minister (a path that would first require her to secure a seat in the House of Representatives). But she can be polarising and has embraced incendiary claims, such as when she said there was no ongoing trauma among Aboriginal people stemming from colonisation – a view condemned by many Indigenous groups and one which troubled some of her Coalition colleagues.

Since the referendum, she has kept a lower profile. But she has signalled her intention to turn her focus to trans rights issues, taking on activists in the realm of women’s sports. This could see her re-emerge as a key player next year when Labor unveils its plans to legislate religious discrimination laws next year and beef up protections for LGBTQ students and teachers at faith schools.

Independent Victorian senator Lidia Thorpe

In the opening week of the parliament, Thorpe split from the Greens after months of friction over the party’s support for the Voice referendum. As an independent Indigenous crossbencher, she restyled herself as a leader of a black sovereignty movement and became a leading advocate of the “progressive No” campaign, which argued the Voice would be too powerless to deliver real change and that a treaty between First Nations Australians and governments should take priority.

In June, she accused Liberal senator David Van of cornering her in 2021 in a stairwell in Parliament House – a claim he strenuously denied. It set in train a series of events that resulted in Opposition Leader Peter Dutton removing Van from the Liberal party room, forcing him to the crossbench and reigniting a discussion about the culture and safety of Parliament House for women.

Victorian independent senator Lidia Thorpe lead a “progressive No” vote campaign in the Voice referendum.

Victorian independent senator Lidia Thorpe lead a “progressive No” vote campaign in the Voice referendum.Credit: Joe Armao

It emerged that there were two further sexual harassment allegations against Van by former Liberal female MPs, including former senator Amanda Stoker who claimed he had inappropriately touched her by “squeezing my bottom twice” in an incident in Parliament House three years ago. He denied all allegations against him.

Thorpe’s confrontational style has kept her a fixture in the headlines. In February, she temporarily halted Sydney’s Mardi Gras parade when she lay on the ground in front of a float until she was removed by police. In late March, Thorpe was tackled by an Australian Federal Police officer while trying to confront attendees of an anti-trans rally outside Parliament House in Canberra. A month later, she was banned for life from a Melbourne strip club after she was filmed in a profanity-laden fracas with a group of men outside the venue in the early hours of a Sunday morning.

Greens MP Max Chandler-Mather

Few people got under the prime minister’s skin in 2023 quite like first-term Greens MP Max Chandler-Mather. The 31-year-old Griffith MP entered parliament having snatched his Brisbane seat from Labor frontbencher Terri Butler at the federal election – a victory that caught Labor MPs by surprise and set the scene for an intensifying battle between the two parties for the inner-city progressive vote.

Chandler-Mather has been a thorn in Albanese’s side throughout the year on the issue of housing affordability and skyrocketing rents, cementing the Greens’ expansion from environmental issues to economic ones as it positions itself as the party of renters in the run-up to the next election. He led the Greens’ campaign for a national rent freeze - a policy rejected by several state premiers and criticised by some economists as one that would discourage investment in housing supply - while the party withheld support for the government’s $10 billion Housing Australia Future Fund legislation causing it to languish in the Senate for months.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Greens housing spokesman Max Chandler-Mather clash after question time in parliament.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Greens housing spokesman Max Chandler-Mather clash after question time in parliament.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The Greens eventually supported the laws after securing some significant concessions, including $1 billion more in funding for public housing, but not before rounds of public sparring with the prime minister and Labor MPs.

Albanese has derided Chandler-Mather as a student politician and, in one heated exchange at the end of question time, dismissed him as a “joke”. Separately, the disdain within Labor ranks for the Greens MP became so pronounced that two other MPs - Independent Helen Haines and the Liberal National Party’s Michelle Landry - complained to the Speaker about the allegedly personal abuse directed at him from government benches during parliament.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers

In May, Chalmers secured a position in the exclusive club of treasurers to deliver a budget surplus, declaring the nation’s books were back in black after 15 years. But while the budget included cost of living measures, such as boosting welfare payments and cheaper medicines, the treasurer has been under sustained pressure from nervous Labor backbenchers to provide more relief in next year’s budget as many households continue to struggle with soaring power bills and grocery bills and high-interest rates.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers delivered the first budget surplus in 15 years, putting him into an exclusive class of federal treasurers.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers delivered the first budget surplus in 15 years, putting him into an exclusive class of federal treasurers. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

By June, as the Reserve Bank continued its aggressive tightening cycle in a bid to tame inflation, Chalmers was distancing himself from governor Philip Lowe as he announced the 12th interest rate rise in just over a year. In July, Chalmers confirmed that Lowe’s position would not be extended for another three years– as the terms of his two predecessors had been, with the treasurer appointing deputy governor Michele Bullock to the top job.

This year, Chalmers also set in train his plan to undertake the largest overhaul of the Reserve Bank in a generation, releasing the recommendations of an independent review of the central bank he commissioned in 2022. Bullock will lead the reform, with the most significant change being the creation of a separate monetary policy committee to set interest rates while rate decisions will only be made eight times a year, not 11.

Looking ahead, Chalmers is also on track for a second successive budget surplus this financial year. In 2024, he will again be tested on the challenge of easing financial pressures on Australians without fuelling inflation and while coming under intense political pressure from Labor’s base to scrap or overhaul the Stage 3 tax cuts which come into effect in July.

Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil and Immigration Minister Andrew Giles

Labor capped off the year with a messy finish after the High Court ruled in November that indefinite immigration detention was illegal, overturning 20 years of precedent.

The decision caught the Albanese government by surprise and sent O’Neil and Giles, her junior minister, scrambling to implement a legislative response after more than 140 detainees were released into the community – some of them having been convicted of violent crimes and child sex offences. The failure to have legislation ready to go in anticipation of the decision gifted the opposition a political win. Labor was forced to capitulate to Coalition demands to toughen rushed laws that imposed strict visa conditions on the released detainees, which included electronic monitoring ankle bracelets and curfews accompanied by mandatory minimum jail sentences for breaches.

Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil and Immigration Minister Andrew Giles.

Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil and Immigration Minister Andrew Giles.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Further laws were rushed through the parliament in the final sitting week of the year to set up a preventative detention regime – an idea first proposed by the Coalition weeks earlier - that allowed for the former detainees to be re-detained if they were considered by a judge to be an unacceptable risk to the community.

The protracted response and clumsy political messaging – most notably attempts by O’Neil and other Labor MPs to paint Dutton as soft on paedophiles – overshadowed the reforms O’Neil had secured in other areas of her portfolio. These included announcing a new $600 million cybersecurity strategy and the most significant overhaul of Australia’s migration system in a generation.

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