This was published 6 years ago
Sigh. Now the voters of Australia are forced to add moral disgust to our political burden
Jacqueline Maley
Columnist and senior journalistThe Country Women’s Association, better known for bake sales, crochet and quiet charity than loud displays of feminism, is as fed up as the rest of us. This week its president Tanya Cameron said most of her organisation’s members were “very disappointed” with our politicians.
“As president of a long-standing organisation that has maintained its credibility because of its conservative approach, and ethical and moral standards, we are quite appalled at some of the behaviour within politics,” she said.
“The misogynistic attitude needs to stop and it needs to stop very quickly, it needs to be changed...a lot of our members are questioning how they will go to the polls.”
If there is a better explanation of why the government should be very afraid of credible centre-right independents taking rural seats, I am yet to see it.
When you’ve lost the CWA, you’ve lost the country, and this must especially be true for a conservative government, full of politicians whose Facebook pages are replete with posed pictures at lamington drives and school fetes, and all the other CWA events that provide the perfect backdrop for their self-promotion.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison says he hates the “Canberra bubble” and has no interest in it. You don’t get further beyond it than the women of the CWA, who run the show, both literally and figuratively, in small towns across Australia, without ever making a big fuss about it.
CWA member organising an event: When you’ve lost the CWA, you’ve lost the country, Credit: Simon Schluter
Cameron’s comments were reported on Thursday afternoon - at the butt-end of a week of news about the extra-curricular-and-marital affairs of Victorian Nationals MP Andrew Broad, who has the unique distinction of being involved in a sex scandal without managing to actually get laid.
Broad’s later comments attributing his poor judgement on the pressures of a travelling for work, and the addition of a new (foster) child to his family, outraged many.
Not everyone responds to pressure at home by attempting to procure sex in Asia.
Which brings us to the next (and we hope, final) bad news story for the year - reports that a federal MP’s frequent trips to brothel districts in South East Asia have been the subject of inquiries from the Australian Federal Police, amid fears he could pose a blackmail risk. George Christensen outed himself as the MP yesterday. He said the allegedly scandalous trips were in fact visits to his fiancee and her family in the Philippines, and accused political rivals of engaging in a smear campaign against him.
All of it is enough to make you yearn for the innocent days of, say, November, when we had collectively worked through the Barnaby Joyce scandal and believed we were back on the safe ground of being annoyed with our elected representatives for merely political reasons.
Now the voters of Australia must add moral disgust to our considerable burden.
But moral disgust needn’t be confined to sexual matters. On Friday my colleague Michael Koziol reported more detail about the Liberal party attempts to protect the federal member for Hughes, Craig Kelly, from anything resembling democratic consequences.
Kelly is widely regarded as one of the premier muppets in Morrison’s show, a climate-change denier who led the anti-democratic insurgency within his party room against the National Energy Guarantee. He was a primary agitator against Malcolm Turnbull, believes fossil fuel is the future and, as previously noted in this column, has written approvingly of the Azerbaijani electoral system.
After the Barnaby Joyce and Vikki Campion scandal we thought we could go back to normal.Credit: James Brickwood, Supplied
When Kelly’s pre-selection looked to be in doubt, through competition from a moderate rival, he tantrumed and threatened to cross the floor and sit as an independent. This tactic gained more leverage when Morrison became Prime Minister and the government lost the seat of Wentworth and the MP Julia Banks, who now sits on the crossbench.
Of course, if Morrison’s government had listened to Banks’ complaints about bullying and intimidation, or acted to redress them, she might not have defected in the first place.
But they didn’t, and she did, rendering the government even more fragile, and Kelly’s threats even more potent.
As Koziol reported, so keen were the Liberals to hold onto Kelly that they offered his moderate pre-selection rival, Sutherland Shire councillor Kent Johns, a $350,000 Liberal party job to drop out of the preselection race.
The approach was made by Morrison’s key confidant and “fixer” Scott Briggs. It was just one of the attempts made to interfere in the democratic process and pressure Johns to quit. Eventually the Prime Minister forced through a special ballot endorsing all sitting NSW MPs to run at the 2019 election, which made Kelly untouchable.
And for what?
So the government can hang onto power for another few months at most.
To do what?
Entirely unclear, because it no longer seems to have an agenda beyond hanging onto power.
The Turnbull/Morrison government has done some good things and has many good people in it. But it has no unifying principles and it seems to have lost sight of any purpose beyond self-interest.
With all the risks inherent in quoting Kevin Rudd, for increasing numbers of voters, action on climate change has become a moral issue, because of the intergenerational harm it will do.
This government wilfully ignores that risk and has no plan to cut our carbon emissions, which are the highest they’ve been in seven years. No credible expert believes we will meet our Paris commitments.
No wonder the NSW Liberals are doing everything they can to distance themselves from their federal counter-parts, on energy policy, on climate change and on education.
The protection racket looks likely to fail its essential test - self-protection from angry voters.
Twitter: @JacquelineMaley