

This was published 7 months ago

Rushed detention laws could fall foul of courts due to ‘human rights implications’

By Angus Thompson

New preventative detention laws rushed through parliament before Christmas to lock up high-risk detainees have been branded unacceptable by a human rights committee chaired by a Labor MP.

In its appraisal of the Albanese government’s detention laws, the joint parliamentary committee said the rules “impermissibly” limited the rights of the 149 detainees who were freed as a result of a High Court decision banning indefinite detention.

A Labor-led committee has found the government’s preventative detention laws unacceptably limit human rights.

A Labor-led committee has found the government’s preventative detention laws unacceptably limit human rights.Credit: Andrew Meares

The committee, which includes Labor, Coalition and independent MPs, also questioned whether the laws requiring the former detainees to wear ankle monitors and be subject to reporting requirements were akin to criminally punishing people outside the reach of the justice system.

The committee chair, Victorian Labor MP Josh Burns, said the legislation hastily passed by Labor and the Coalition following the November 8 ruling reflected the legitimate objective of wanting to keep the community safe.

“However, given the nature of the powers that are in the provisions, the committee obviously made clear that there are human rights implications and that these need to be considered,” Burns told The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil and Immigration Minister Andrew Giles rushed through laws in November and December after a stateless Rohingya man, dubbed NZYQ and who had been convicted of raping a 10-year-old boy, was released after the High Court ruled indefinite detention was unlawful.

That decision triggered the release of 148 other detainees, many of whom had served sentences for crimes including murder and sex offences, although some had not been convicted in Australia.

Labor MP Josh Burns said the human rights implications of the laws needed to be considered.

Labor MP Josh Burns said the human rights implications of the laws needed to be considered.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Despite the controversial powers being backed by the major parties, the committee’s report raised key human rights concerns about the laws, that went through with little parliamentary scrutiny. The government now maintains a degree of secrecy relating to actions against the former detainees.


Asylum Seeker Resource Centre principal solicitor Hannah Dickinson said the committee reinforced the serious concerns the centre had with the “rushed” bills that were a “significant infringement on the human rights of refugees and people seeking asylum”.

“The report calls out these unjustified and inhumane measures, which jeopardise a person’s right to live with safety and dignity and to access fair and just processes,” she said.

The first tranche of laws included electronic monitoring and conditions for regular reporting and work rights for the cohort, and mandatory one-year prison sentences for those who breach it.

In its February 7 report, the committee found the measure limited rights to liberty and a fair trial.


“Further, questions arise as to whether the cumulative impact of all these conditions may be construed as an imposition of a criminal penalty for the purposes of international human rights law,” the report said, adding that the government had not provided enough information to allay the committee’s concerns, including whether the legal response was proportionate to the threat.

“There may be a risk that the measures may not meet the quality of law test, as it is not clear that all the mandatory conditions satisfy the minimum requirements of legal certainty and foreseeability.

“The committee considers that orders for preventative detention and supervision orders impermissibly limit multiple human rights, and risk impermissibly limiting further human rights, as it has considered on multiple analogous occasions.”

The committee features three Coalition MPs, including deputy chair Henry Pike, who was contacted for comment. Opposition Leader Peter Dutton last year led calls for a preventative detention regime.

Comment was also sought from O’Neil, but a government response contained in the committee’s report said: “It is the [Home Affairs] Department’s view that the mandatory conditions are not so severe as to be considered ‘criminal’ in nature.”

After several former detainees were charged for reoffending, Labor passed laws allowing the government to refer those freed from immigration detention to judges to decide if they still posed a risk to the community, prompting condemnation from refugee advocates and the government’s former watchdog for national security legislation.

Earlier this week, Giles told a press conference he had several preventative detention applications before him but refused to disclose any further detail or say how many. He said community safety was at the core of the government’s response.


The government withdrew requirements for three former detainees to wear electronic bracelets after they challenged the legality of the conditions in the High Court last year. Giles denied the suggestion that lifting the conditions on the trio was an acknowledgment they were too heavy-handed.

A government spokesperson said a community protection board had been installed to provide recommendations about the management of those released following the High Court decision.

“The board is made up of our law enforcement and security officials, who will make individual assessments on appropriate measures for each person, which may include conditions such as electronic monitoring devices and curfews and stringent visa conditions,” the spokesperson said.

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