

This was published 2 years ago

Promoting gender equity key to accessing family violence leave, business says

By Katina Curtis

Confidentiality and a work environment that champions gender equity are essential to making employees who experience family violence feel they can ask for leave, according to businesses that offer domestic violence leave.

Westpac offers 20 days of paid leave plus counselling and financial support. The bank’s human resources executive Christine Parker said it was clearly understood domestic and family violence was a highly sensitive matter and people sought help in different ways.

The new federal government will soon legislate ten days of family violence leave.

The new federal government will soon legislate ten days of family violence leave.Credit: The Age

“We’ve seen firsthand the difference it can make in the lives of our employees when they need it most, often when someone has decided to leave an abusive relationship,” she said.

Software developer SixPivot, which has about 40 staff, offers unlimited leave along with practical support such as two weeks of emergency accommodation, redirecting emails or replacing mobile phones and giving the person a new number.

Chief executive Faith Rees said it had opened up broader conversations.

“People have been more inclined to come and say, ‘I’ve experienced this’ or ‘a family member is’, and so providing support services around who you can go and talk to and what’s available, they’re using those resources,” she said.

Employees taking the leave either tell her or apply through an online system. Rees says it operates on a trust basis and no victims are asked for evidence of their need.

SixPivot also offers similar leave to perpetrators, although they must provide proof of seeking help to change their behaviour.

“Because we’re small, I pretty much employed everyone … and that’s why it’s me, but I think also in large organisations, having a very senior person responsible for this shows that you really are committed to it and that it is taken seriously within the organisation,” Rees said.


Head of Women’s Legal Services Australia, Serina McDuff, said employers had to consider their broader role in promoting gender equality.

“If there is disrespect towards women, unequal pay between men and women, sexual harassment or unequal leadership opportunities in the workplace, then whether women in these workplaces will feel comfortable and able to take up the paid domestic violence leave will be a real issue,” she said.

Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke has made it his top priority to add paid domestic violence leave to the national employment standards. The legislation would give some 8.5 million workers access to the leave.

The Fair Work Commission in May made a preliminary decision that would have given access to the leave to 2.7 million workers on industry awards, but Burke has asked it to halt that work since the government will create a broader entitlement.

Women’s advocates warn women who start new jobs because they have had to move to flee a violent relationship, or who work part-time, could be disadvantaged if the government’s new paid domestic and family violence leave follows the model set out by the Fair Work Commission.

Under that model, the leave would accrue like annual or sick leave, meaning if someone had only been with an employer for six months they might only have five days of leave. It would be on a pro-rata basis for part-time workers.


Renee Hamilton, chief executive of the National Women’s Safety Alliance, which advises the government, says the Fair Work model is “only partway there” and it was vital that the leave be available when people needed it.

“This is a massive change. We need to get the settings right and we need it to apply to all women regardless of the situation, regardless of how long they have been at their workplace,” she said.

McDuff said women experiencing family violence already had a more disrupted work history, lower incomes and were more likely to be employed on a casual or part-time basis.

“Without this paid leave, women experiencing violence and abuse are just far more likely to fall behind in their careers or enter insecure work,” she said.

Burke is aware of the issues relating to leave accrual and how it would work for part-time employees.

“This is an urgent reform and I want to deliver it soon. But I’m also determined to get it right,” he said.

“I am working through the detail carefully and taking advice from the department.”

Support is available from the National Sexual Assault, Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service at 1800RESPECT (1800 737 732).

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