

This was published 6 years ago

Politics Live: Barnaby Joyce goes on leave amid fallout over paid TV interview

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Wrapping up

Time to wind up for the day.

It's been a wild ride: Barnaby Joyce, China influence debates, Michaelia Cash, the redress scheme, family court changes and an intelligence review. 

We'll be back in the morning for the final sitting day of this week.

Until then, you can find me on Facebook here and Twitter here. And thanks to Alex Ellinghausen and Dominic Lorrimer for the photos today. You can find them on Twitter here and here.

And, as always, your hot tips and feedback are welcome at

Michaelia Cash today.

Michaelia Cash today.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Turnbull welcomes the Church's decision

The government has welcomed the Church's confirmation it will sign up to the national redress scheme.

"Almost 2,500 survivors gave evidence to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse about sexual abuse in an institution managed by the Catholic Church. According to the Royal Commission’s final report, 61.8 per cent of all survivors of sexual abuse in a religious institution were from a Catholic-managed institution," Malcolm Turnbull and Social Services Minister Dan Tehan said in a statement.

"Today’s announcement that the Catholic Church will support the National Redress Scheme is a significant development.

"The Catholic Church will be the first non-government institution to opt in to the National Redress Scheme."

Every state and territory except Western Australia has now signed up to the scheme. Turnbull and Tehan say they are continuing to work with WA and other non-government instutitions to get them signed up.

Catholic Church joins redress scheme

The Catholic Church in Australia has confirmed it will join the national redress scheme for survivors of child sexual abuse.

“Since as early as 2013, the Catholic Church has called for a national redress scheme for
survivors of child sexual abuse,” Australian Catholic Bishops Conference president Archbishop Mark Coleridge said in a statement.

“We support the Royal Commission’s recommendation for a national redress scheme,
administered by the Commonwealth, and we are keen to participate in it.

“Survivors deserve justice and healing and many have bravely come forward to tell their


QT in pictures

Peter Dutton.

Peter Dutton.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

Turnbull, Bishop and Morrison arrive at Question Time.

Turnbull, Bishop and Morrison arrive at Question Time.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Julie Bishop talks to crossbencher Cathy McGowan.

Julie Bishop talks to crossbencher Cathy McGowan.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The Labor frontbench in conversation.

The Labor frontbench in conversation.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen


Turnbull.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Barnaby Joyce's empty seat, (centre).

Barnaby Joyce's empty seat, (centre).Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

End of QT

Question from Liberal MP Ted O'Brien to Urban Infrastructure Minister Paul Fletcher.

O'Brien asks about infrastrtucture investment. 

Fletcher says the government is delivering on its infrastructure commitments and rattles off a list of projects.

And, with that, Question Time is over.


Question from Chris Bowen to Malcolm Turnbull.

Bowen asks why the government is not supporting Labor's income tax plan, which gives greater cuts to low and middle-income earners.

With a little tease about Bob Carr, goven the revelations of the last few days, Morrison says Bowen has previously opposed taxes going up. But, he says, Labor is now increasing the tax burden on Australians. 

"If you are down there in Braddon or Longman or anywhere else, know this: under Labor you will pay more, you will pay more in tax, you will be paying more in electricity bills, you'll be paying more on your private health insurance and under the Coalition you'll paying less," he says.


Q21 - Dixer

Question from Liberal MP Tony Pasin to Human Services Minister Michael Keenan

Pasin asks about changes to childcare subsidies.

Keenan says middle-income families will be the greatest beneficiaries of the government's policies. 1 million families overall will be better off, he says.



Question from Bill Shorten to Malcolm Turnbull.

Shorten asks the PM to match Labor's $4.5 million funding commitment to Tasmanian healthcare services so people can get adequate care without going to the Australian mainland.

Turnbull says the government is providing record funding to Tasmanian hospitals "contrary to the lies that are being spread by the Labor Party". 

He says this is possible because they have the economy and budget under control.

Q19 - Dixer

Question from Liberal MP Jason Falinski to Small Business Minister Craig Laundy.

Falinski asks about policies to secure the rule of law on Australian construction sites.

Laundy says the Australian Building and Construction Commission is doing that job. 

He then launches into a monologue about the CFMMEU's John Setka and Bill Shorten.



Question from Bill Shorten to Malcolm Turnbull.

Shorten asks for a specific commitment for chemotherapy treatment services at Caboolture Hospital (which sits in the Longman electorate – facing a byelection next month). 

Turnbull says the government is providing record hospitals funding and Labor is spreading lies in Longman about that.

"Those lies that are being told in Longman speak very profoundly about the character of the Labor Party and its untrustworthy leader," he says.


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