

This was published 10 years ago

No victory but a job well done: Abbott

By Phillip Coorey and Tarin Kowt

Tony Abbott came to Afghanistan on Monday to signal the end of the 12-year mission there and declare Australia's longest war had failed to secure victory.

But he said it was a job well done and that it was time for the troops to come home.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten meet with Afghan leaders after attending the Recognition Ceremony in Tarin Kowt.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten meet with Afghan leaders after attending the Recognition Ceremony in Tarin Kowt.Credit: Andrew Meares

Accompanied by Labor leader Bill Shorten, in what is the only bipartisan visit since Australia sent first sent troops 12 years ago, the Prime Minister did not believe victory could be claimed but that a positive difference was made.

"Australia's longest war is ending, not with victory, not with defeat, but with, we hope, an Afghanistan that is better for our presence here," he told assembled troops at the Tarin Kowt base.

Tony Abbott and Bill Shorten laying wreaths during the Recognition Ceremony in Tarin Kowt.

Tony Abbott and Bill Shorten laying wreaths during the Recognition Ceremony in Tarin Kowt.Credit: Andrew Meares

"Our armed forces and our officials have done their duty. That duty never ends, although our duty here has."

The Abbott government is also likely to adopt a hard line towards aid for Afghanistan after the last Australians leave next month.

While the previous Labor government declared Australia would maintain a strong aid presence beyond the withdrawal, Fairfax Media understands the Abbott government is not so keen.

There will be some assistance but a portion of the more than $4billion in cuts to the aid budget the Coalition promised before the election would be at the expense of Afghanistan. It is in recognition that with the Western forces gone, the country will resort to its centuries-old practice of being controlled by warlords.

Tony Abbott and Bill Shorten on the flight.

Tony Abbott and Bill Shorten on the flight.Credit: Andrew Meares

One condition the government is keen to place on the spending of aid money is that the government has at least some say in its disbursement. In post-occupation Afghanistan, where the Taliban are expected to assume a dominant role, that is not considered a reality.

Mr Abbott visited Afghanistan three times as opposition leader, the most of any in that position. This visit, conducted with the now customary surprise and secrecy, will be his last and the last of any Australian prime minister, ending a tradition that began in 2005.

Abbott meets with troops.

Abbott meets with troops.Credit: Andrew Meares

Australia's commitment to Afghanistan has lasted four prime ministers and six opposition leaders, and has come at a price: 40 men killed, more than 200 wounded, and close to $8 billion spent.

More than 26 thousand service personnel have rotated through the country.

Mr Abbott told the troops the withdrawal would be "bitter sweet".

"Sweet because hundreds of soldiers will be home for Christmas, bitter because not all Australian families have had their sons, and fathers and partners return".

One claim of success from the visiting delegation was that the Australians had overseen the construction of more than 200 schools in Oruzgan, of which 26 were for girls, but questions remained as to how many were still functioning.

Afghan Interior Minister Mohammed Omer Daudzai told the ceremony the Australians "have been the best" of all who had served in the country.

"What ever they have been doing here ... they have always put the Afghan people first."

Oruzgan governor Amir Mohammad Akhundzada said security had improved a lot but ''some threats still exist''.

Australia still has about 1000 personnel at Tarin Kowt, the base in the Oruzgan province. All are due to be home by Christmas. Beyond that, an undefined number of Special Forces will remain. They will relocate to Kandahar and Kabul and act as "trainers".

On Monday's visit, Mr Abbott and Mr Shorten laid wreaths during a ceremony to mark the imminent withdrawal and the lead role Australia has had since 2010 in looking after Oruzgan province.

Present at the ceremony were representatives from the nations that had variously served alongside Australian troops – the Netherlands, New Zealand, the United States, Slovenia, France and Singapore.

Mr Shorten also addressed the troops.

"The troops have taken the vow of absence and risk and of distance from families," he said.

"There are no words to thank you for the sacrifice and the ordinariness of the life we take for granted.

"It will be a great homecoming for a tremendous job."

The ceremony was held around the Camp Holland memorial wall, which features the names of the 40 Australians who died, along with another 74 US, Dutch and French troops who died in Oruzgan.

Controversially, the withdrawal plans included painting over the names of the fallen soldiers and the three large concrete panels on which they are inscribed will be broken up and buried.

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