

This was published 4 years ago


No easy answers on how to best protect our privacy

By Barbara McDonald

I suppose that if you ask the same question often enough, you might finally get the answer you wanted in the first place.

The Attorney-General has announced a review into Australian privacy law, looking into questions including whether we should enact a statutory civil action for serious invasions of privacy. Yet if Christian Porter looks on his bookshelf at Parliament House, he may well find a report that has already answered those very questions.

Christian Porter has launched a review into privacy laws in Australia

Christian Porter has launched a review into privacy laws in AustraliaCredit: Alex Ellinghausen

Examples of deliberate, often nasty, intrusions and collection of private information include snooping into someone else’s tax or bank records, webcams set up to film a flatmate in the shower, surveillance cameras that record a neighbour’s activities or children in their backyard, “revenge porn” uploaded onto Facebook, and stalking apps and control of communications that are often a precursor to domestic violence. Intrusions by media and law enforcement bodies, the latter sometimes on the media, raise key public interest issues. New technologies like drones and data mining raise others. Then there is the whole gamut of examples of negligent release of people’s personal information. How to deal with all of this?

Between August 2013 and June 2014, I headed a team at the Australian Law Reform Commission, for the Inquiry into Serious Invasions of Privacy in the Digital Era, commissioned by then attorney-general Mark Dreyfus. Our remit was to design the detail of a statutory civil action for serious invasions of privacy, and to make other recommendations about how the law could prevent or redress serious invasions of privacy. Quite a task.

We carried out dozens of interviews with stakeholders and held roundtables with legal experts, including the judges who would have to apply the proposed laws, and the media industry, who would be bound by them.

Naomi Campbell successfully claimed an invasion of her privacy when she was photographed leaving a Narcotics Anonymous meeting.

Naomi Campbell successfully claimed an invasion of her privacy when she was photographed leaving a Narcotics Anonymous meeting.Credit: AP

We read hundreds of formal submissions, all of which would have taken days to write, and incorporated them into our written papers. We had an advisory panel with representatives from privacy groups on one side and media groups on the other, and lawyers and academics in between, who commented on each draft paper before release.

In London, (where I travelled at my own expense, lest someone suspect a perk) we spoke to academics, judges and lawyers grappling with the ballooning law of privacy that had developed after the House of Lords held in 2004 that the supermodel Naomi Campbell had an action for invasion of privacy, after a tabloid newspaper stalked her and photographed her leaving a Narcotics Anonymous meeting.

The ALRC was at that time a superbly run, independent body with staff experienced in listening to often-opposing stakeholders and coming up with a model for law reform which balanced competing interests. We worked long nights and weekends to complete our final 352-page report, containing our recommendations.


Our inquiry faced unyielding opposition from some parts of the media and certain think tanks. Frustratingly, this was sometimes ill-informed, with the commentator not having bothered to read or understand our proposals, and immediately assuming we were “anti-media”.

They seized on the fact that we did not propose a defence of public interest, while ignoring the fact that we had proposed something much more useful for the media: a hurdle to actionability where the conduct or disclosure in question was in the public interest. These critics pointed to a lack of legislative protection of public interest in Australia - at the very same time that we were proposing legislative protection of public interest.

As well as designing the civil action, we recommended several other measures by which the law could be improved. We proposed a right for people to request that an entity governed by the federal Privacy Act delete personal information it no longer needed. We believed this was a significant gap in the Privacy Act. This idea is again on the table.

Of course, our final report did not give everyone what they wanted. How could it? Proper law reform does not give in to vested interests or the loudest voice. It balances interests. It should also provide certainty, not provoke decades of litigation to work out what it means.

Bound copies of the final report were sent as required to every member of the Federal Parliament and then attorney-general George Brandis tabled it in Parliament in September 2014. Without comment.

Perhaps it would save us all a lot of work and the taxpayers some expense if this time, the government told us the answers it wants.

Barbara McDonald is a professor of law at the University of Sydney.

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