

This was published 3 years ago


More strategy, less politics on China

There have been years of breathless headlines about China – first hopeful, then panicked. But all the blazing heat has produced only the dimmest light. Too much of the discussion on China is frenzied, afraid and lacking context.

It’s strange to me to watch all this as an Australian born in Asia, and as someone schooled in Labor’s tradition of engagement with Asia. Asia is in Labor’s DNA – in my case, literally.

International editor Peter Hartcher and Senator Penny Wong at the launch of Hartcher’s book, Red Zone: China’s Challenge and Australia’s Future, at the Museum of Australian Democracy (Old Parliament House) on Wednesday.

International editor Peter Hartcher and Senator Penny Wong at the launch of Hartcher’s book, Red Zone: China’s Challenge and Australia’s Future, at the Museum of Australian Democracy (Old Parliament House) on Wednesday. Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The fact is, the China the world is experiencing under Xi Jinping is demonstrably different from that which we have all seen in our lifetimes. In pressing its interests, China is more assertive. All great powers will come to assert their interests. But assertion has often transmuted into aggression:

  • The militarisation of disputed features of the South China Sea, flouting international law and the “cabbage leaf” and “swarming” actions there that sought to intimidate Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam – all part of Beijing’s grey zone tactics.
  • The imposition of national security laws undermining the One Country, Two Systems arrangement for Hong Kong, to which Beijing had committed itself by treaty.
  • Economic coercion – a tactic before Xi’s leadership but escalating since – against France, Japan, Norway, the Philippines, the UK, Taiwan, Mongolia, South Korea, Palau, Canada and, of course, Australia.

China under Xi has explicitly warned about the threats posed by liberal, democratic values to China’s stability. It will go to great lengths to remove what it perceives to be threats. That’s demonstrated in what we’ve seen in Hong Kong, Tibet and Xinjiang.

China has clearly been working in the UN and elsewhere to weaken the liberal character of international human rights, prioritising economic development over civil and political rights, and putting the primacy of the state over the rights of the individual.


So liberal democracies like ours have our work cut out. It’s clear there will be enduring differences Australia has to manage. It is simply not in Australia’s interests, for example, to abandon our positions on the application of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea in the South China Sea, or Huawei in the NBN or 5G network, or on foreign interference, or on Hong Kong, or on the universality of human rights.

Labor will continue to do everything we can to maintain bipartisanship on these issues. But these structural differences between our interests and China’s do not mean there’s nothing we can do.


We need to move beyond what Asia analyst Richard Maude calls the “two fatalisms” that so often characterise the China debate. First, the idea that China’s rise is inevitable and immune to accountability, and we need to just get used to it. Second, that conflict is inevitable and we need to just get used to that.


Three weeks ago, on April 27, when Australians picked up the paper or turned on the radio, they heard the public servant responsible for our domestic security, Mike Pezzullo, beating the “drums of war” and claiming Australia must be prepared “to send off, yet again, our warriors to fight”. Pezzullo’s headline came days after Defence Minister Peter Dutton talked up the likelihood of war over Taiwan. Then Coalition MP George Christensen piled on, posting on Facebook that “war is coming”.

It would take childlike naivety to think these interventions were a coincidence, or to think the Morrison government wasn’t deliberately encouraging anxiety about conflict. But it would represent a monumental and catastrophic failure of leadership to see that anxiety realised. And not least for the 24 million people who live in Taiwan, and who deserve more than being discussed as a chess piece.

It’s Beijing that benefits from other countries thinking war is inevitable. As Natasha Kassam and Mark Harrison have warned, it allows the threat of war itself to be used as a political tactic.


The people most responsible for keeping Australians safe were instead talking tough for political purposes – and providing Beijing with the leverage that comes with a sense of inevitability about crisis, conflict and war.

It is worth remembering that the Biden-Harris Administration is very deliberately sticking to its policy of “strategic ambiguity” as the best way to maintain the status quo, while consolidating its diplomacy across the region to promote peace and security. On what basis is the Australian government sprinting ahead of that longstanding US position?

The first job of national leaders is the safety of citizens. Leaders do not make us safe by beating the drums of war with China. Especially when they have presided over eight long years of disastrous failures to deliver the enhanced military, security and diplomatic capability that our strategic circumstances really do require. Large procurements – including Future Submarines, the largest in Australian history – are at least a decade behind schedule and well over budget.

Australians don’t want their leaders to bow to coercion. But neither do they expect their leaders to recklessly beat the drums of war. We need more strategy, less politics. Talk less, do more.

Managing Australia’s interests in our most complex strategic environment since World War II requires more than rhetoric. It demands a clear, confident and consistent assertion of who we are and our place in the region and the world.

It was a prime minister in Australia’s Liberal government who thought President Xi would turn China into a democracy. It was this government that wanted an extradition deal with China – because it completely failed to understand the Chinese legal system. And now it is this government that beats drums of war. Naive one day, belligerent the next.

There are two priorities. First, we need to manage our bilateral relationship with China in regional terms, and to be a more engaged regional partner.

We need to contribute to what I have called a “settling point” between the United States and China. The stakes are too high for the great powers not to determine ways to reduce the risk of miscalculation.

We want the great powers to avoid provocation, use high-level diplomacy to make clear their red lines on core national security interests; to compete as a matter of course in trade, investment, technology, foreign policy and human rights; and find space to co-operate where there is mutual benefit – especially on climate change and the pandemic.


A Labor government would apply Australian diplomacy and statecraft to the outcome the nation, region and world need: a settling point on agreeable terms between our principal ally and our largest trading partner. We should also add more value to the alliance by being a partner of choice to other countries in the region.

In part that means discouraging a dynamic of loyalty tests. As former Labor foreign affairs minister Gareth Evans has said: “No state can afford to have its economy held ransom to a Washington loyalty test and none can afford to have its security held ransom to a Beijing loyalty test.”

We need to find and be consistent about points of potential co-operation with China. That includes climate change – one of the biggest issues for our region.

Whether it’s cuts to development assistance or to our diplomatic capability, Australian soft power has been diminished precisely at the time we need it maximised.


The second priority is better equipping our community, our Parliament and our democracy to deal with these challenges. With rising authoritarianism around the world, more than ever we need to invest in the health of our democracy and live up to our values at home. We know that political parties can be vectors for foreign interference, which is why Labor banned accepting foreign donations two years before the government finally banned them by law.

We also won’t be properly equipped until the government delivers a real cyber-security policy – one that treats our democratic institutions as critical infrastructure and protects against cyber-enabled foreign interference.

But we also need more than laws . One suggestion put to me is to better fund Chinese language broadcasting on SBS and the ABC, so there is a greater plurality of Chinese media voices in this country. We need greater China literacy and Asia capability in Australia to inform and integrate our policy settings. And Chinese-Australians who have experienced rising racism and suspicion need greater leadership and protection.

We don’t have to submit to the two fatalisms – and it’s not in our interests to do so.

Senator Penny Wong is the opposition foreign affairs spokeswoman. This is an edited text of her speech on Wednesday at the launch of Red Zone by the Herald’s international editor, Peter Hartcher.

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